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welcome to the DokuWiki Newsletter. In this issue we present:

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DokuWiki Newsletter team

Recent Development Activity

Beside the recent bug hunting weekend there has been a lot of maintenance on the DokuWiki code during last months. For example Adrian Lang has refactored the actionlink code. Doing that he also made actionlink and actionbutton more similar in functionality, removed 'do=show' from the buttons to get clean URLs (show and back buttons). New aliases 'subscription' and 'revision' where also introduced and some minor CSS class changes.

Bug Hunting Weekend

On the weekend of June the 24th/25th we had another bug hunting weekend. Bug hunting weekends are events were DokuWiki developers meet in the IRC chat room and work through the open issues in the bug tracker.

It is often easier to work on a bug when multiple people can test it and give immediate feedback and propose ideas how to fix it than doing it alone. It is also a lot more fun. This weekend we could close exactly 100 open issues.

But a bug hunting weekend is not for developers only, one of the first obstacles to fix a bug is to reproduce it. Do to this often a certain web server, operating system or PHP version is needed. It tremendously helps when someone is in the chat channel who has that kind of system and can quickly test things.

The next bug hunt will probably be in October, check the
wiki page for dates. Would be great to have you with us.

DokuWiki School Work

Czech Technical University teaches programming and contributes to the open source community at the same time. In the "Open Source Programming" course, there is a compulsory part - work on an open source project of your choice. Being a happy DokuWiki user, Student Marek Sacha
wrote to the mailing list. Directed to the bug tracker he choose to rewrite the access-keys mechanism.

The AccessKey property support in various browsers was a mess. Browsers use different modifier keys, had problems with the text selection and produced other unpredictable behaviour. The sensible resolution would be to reimplement access key functionality in JavaScript using key events instead.

Marek's solution is clean, compact and well documented. After correcting a bug the code now is a part of the DokuWiki core. A big thanks to both Marek and Czech Technical University for contributing to open source and DokuWiki in particular.

Featured Template: Vector

Wikipedia recently changed its skin. The old Monobook skin got replaced by a new one called Vector. Many people like to have their DokuWiki have the familiar Wikipedia look and feel. So far they relied on the Monobook template for DokuWiki. Luckily they now can follow Wikipedia's switch, because Monobook maintainer Andreas Haerter released the Vector template for DokuWiki.

vector template

The Vector template not only brings the new Wikipedia look to DokuWiki but is also highly flexible, featuring options to add new tabs, sidebar boxes, and footer buttons. Built in support for discussion pages without the need for a separate plugin and automatic action buttons for a number of popular export plugins.

DokuWiki Hackfest

This summer another DokuWiki hackfest is planned. The last happened about two years ago and was a lot of fun for all attendees. The idea of a hackfest is to bring developers together in real life and code new features collaboratively.

This year's hackfest will be colocated at the
FrOSCamp Zurich at September, 17th/18th 2010. The camp provides some space with a table, some power sockets and a network connection for us.

If you are a DokuWiki core, plugin or template developer or are just interested in meeting the people behind DokuWiki you are invited to join us. Please "register" at our 
wiki page so we have an idea who will be there.

Give us a like: Like DokuWiki Newsletter - Summer 2010 on Facebook

DokuWiki's 6th Birthday
The DokuWiki project tuned 6 years old on June the 24th.

  "Happy Birthday to you...."

Syntax Tips
Sometimes problems have simple answers. When you need to display a <code> tag inside a code block, encode it using the <file> tag. The <code> and <file> tags has the same functionality.

Follower Counts
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Facebook: 264 fans
Twitter: 110 followers 54 subscribers
LinkedIn: 40 members
Xing: 78 members

Popularity Data
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