flickerflame eNewsletter | October/November 2013
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G'day Australia

After a hectic final few weeks in New York and what seemed like an eternity flying across America and the Pacific Ocean, we eventually made it to Sunny Australia. We had a blast enjoying the best Queensland has to offer with Sarah's sister, Johannah, who flew over with us to help with the big trip and fulfill a life-long dream of visiting the land Down Under. For the next several months we will be based in Australia while we make final preparations for our move to Iraq and wait patiently for Baby Buxton #3 to be born. We're really excited to be here for this short season and look forward to renewing old friendships as well as forging new ones. To all our Aussie friends, we'd love to catch up with you, so please shoot us an email at If you're new to the flickerflame eNewsletter, why not watch our new video introducing ourselves and our call to Northern Iraq.


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Inside this Edition

G'day Australia
Watch New Video
Long Island Churches
Charlie Turns One
Time with Aussie Family
It's A Girl
i61Team Travels to Iraq
Violent Blasts Rock Erbil
Center Making Progress
Upcoming Travels
What is flickerflame?

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Support from Long Island Churches

Before we left New York, Sarah & I had the incredible privilege of visiting a few Long Island Churches to share the vision for what God has called us to in Iraq. It was great to share in Sunday services, with Missions Boards, Young Adult meetings & various missions events. We're so grateful for the incredible support we received across Long Island. Special thanks goes out to Ps Dennis, Ps Tod, Ps Rich & Ps Stephen - thanks for your prayers & support.

Charlie Turns One in Cowboy Style

Last month our little cowboy celebrated his first birthday. We had such a fun time with friends and family, thanking God for such a charming, clever & cool little guy. It was also a sad, but special time saying goodbye to our wonderful New York friends and family. Boy, we miss you guys so much already!

A Special Time with Mum (aka. Ma) & Family

As I write this eNewsletter we are spending the week up the Sunshine Coast visiting my amazing Mum. She is currently recovering from strong chemo treatment, having beaten Breast Cancer for the second time! Anyone who knows her, would tell of her incredible courage, beautiful spirit and Christ-like heart. We are so blessed to be spending some precious time with Mum and soon with Dad too, who is currently away in Israel. Elliana and Charlie are having the time of their lives hanging it with their Aussie cousins, uncles & aunts - Charlie for the first time. Click on the button below to watch a slideshow of some images with family, including a few from Johannah's visit a couple weeks ago.
Click to Watch Slideshow Now

The News is Out of the Box... 

We are very excited to announce that the newest addition to the Buxton family is going to be a girl. Elliana & Charlie are so excited and already practicing their elder sibling duties. Sarah's due date is approx. March 20, and we're looking forward to having our first baby in Australia. Please pray for Sarah & baby, for a healthy pregnancy and a natural & safe birth.

i61Team Traveling to Iraq in November

From November 14-24, an i61Team from Times Square Church will be traveling to Iraq to serve at the Community Center and help set up our new home in Soran. The team will also be hauling along several duffel bags of clothes and personal needs that we packed before we left NY. We are so grateful for the support of our home church and can't wait to hear the praise reports from this trip. You can follow their blog by visiting the i61teams website at or by clicking on the button below.
Visit the Iraq i61Team Blog

Suicide Blasts Rock Kurdistan

It was another of those 'bad months' in Iraq, only this time the bombs hit a lot closer to home. Blasts rocked the city of Mosul (province of Nineveh) and the usually calm and benign Kurdistan capital, Erbil - which is only 2 & 1/2 hours drive from Soran, where we will be living. Click on the image below to read a more inside view of what is going on. Please pray that violence like this and in the surrounding region stops. Please pray for the workers who live in Erbil & for the safety of teams that will be traveling to Iraq.

Making Progress at the Community Center

There is some ground-breaking, cement pouring progress taking place at the Community Center these days. Thanks to a grant from the US organization, and some additional local investment, World Orphans has been able to begin work on the new & improved soccer field, including artificial turf and lights for night play. This is just one exciting project you can invest in through the World Orphans Community Center. We are hoping to build a kids playground, undertake some landscaping and complete the upstairs community hall/gymnasium. To learn more about supporting projects like this soccer field, email me at

Aussie Travels & Speaking Opportunities

While we are here for a few months, we definitely want to make the most of our time in Australia. We would love nothing more than the opportunity to share at your church, school, small group or organization. We have a passion for engaging folks in missions, especially when it comes to bringing the gospel to parts of the World that need it the most. God has given us a vision for the Kurdish people and a heart for the Middle East. Please contact me if there is any way that we can serve and fan the flame of missions in your life and community. Shoot us an email, we'd love to come visit -

ADELAIDE TRIP - We will be in the Adelaide area from Nov 29 - Dec 5. We will be primarily visiting family, but are open to opportunities to share.

What is flickerflame?

So by now you've figured out that the Buxton family is moving to Iraq to serve with World Orphans. You also realize that they have a new website < > where you can learn more about what they will be doing, where they will be going and how you can support them and journey with them in this new work. BUT, you find yourself asking... "What exactly is flickerflame?"
In the book of Isaiah, the prophet declared, "He will not break even a crushed reed. He will not put out even the weakest flame. He will bring true justice. He will not grow weak or give up until He has brought justice to the world. And people in faraway places will hope to receive His teachings." (Isaiah 42:3-4)

This Scripture passage really sums it up for us. God's heart to bring true justice to the weak, the forgotten and the oppressed has become the motivating passion that is behind our move to Iraq. We want to share in God's heart, and we believe that this is His message to the Kurdish people who by their own admission regard themselves as the "orphans of the universe" and those who "have no friends but the mountains". We have experienced the Good News of the Gospel and know that it has the power to heal and save. After all, the Apostle James simply describes pure and faultless religion as taking care of orphans and widows (James 1:27).

But it's not just about us and our journey. We believe that there are thousands of Christians out there that have a heart for serving where the Gospel is needed the most. You might call it an at-risk people group in your community, or maybe you know it as the 10/40 window. Whether the need is in your neighborhood or overseas, our desire is to see God's people engage in reaching out to those in greatest need. And so for now, may simply document our journey, but our hope and prayer is that it becomes a journey embraced by so many more. I would love nothing more than to see become a home and ministry tool that educates, equips and engages believers to seek out the weakest flame - a flicker, and with God's grace and power, fan that flicker into a flame.  

One of the greatest ways that you and I can fan the flame is through prayer. Sarah & I know that we would not be able to go to Iraq without the prayers and encouragement of so many family members and friends. We also know that so many others out there in the trenches need our prayers too. And so, we hope to connect people together with the same heart to pray and learn more about what is happening around the world. If you want to be part of this movement then shoot me an email. We really don't know exactly how God intends to use, or us for that matter. We also realize that we are not starting anything new, but what we do know is that together with God we can accomplish so much more - we can do the impossible!

Tim & Sarah Buxton

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