We are a diverse community growing in the presence of the living Jesus, proclaiming the gospel and seeking to connect with the wider community and each other, through faith, worship and service.

News from the Anglican Parish of Huntley

Parish Office: (613)839-3195 *
REMEMBER... our new website has lots of up to date info:

Pumpkin Carving This Sunday...

Please join us for the Second Annual Family Fun Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza
Sunday, October 27th from 3pm - 5pm
Anglican Parish of Huntley Hall (3774 Carp Road)

Snacks will be served
Pumpkins and decorating materials will be provided 
A Free Will offering is being collected to cover costs but the offering should not be a barrier to anyone participating so please help with costs only if you can.

Invite your friends, invite your neighbours... ALL ARE WELCOME!
If you would like to help out in any way please contact Family Ministries Coordinator Julia Montgomery at

Synod Update...

Thank you to Jo Anne Denis and Lee Cox who joined me at Synod this past weekend. We heard about various activities going on in the Diocese and voted to support our church in its ongoing interfaith activities and to support our church voice as it makes a stance against the proposed Charter of Values. You will hear from Jo, Lee, and I in the coming weeks. In the meantime I encourage you to take a look at the Ottawa Citizen article about Dr. Turnball who spoke to us on the Friday night of Synod. As the Chief of Staff of the Ottawa Hospital his life of discipleship is one that should inspire us all:

Hunger Games Reminder...

For those who are already part of the Hunger Games Study group and for those who would like to join us this evening please remember that we are watching the final part of the movie tonight (October 21st) and starting to have some conversations about the connections we have noticed in our viewing. We start at 7pm.

Hunger Games Eucharist Update...We have youth groups coming from across the city for the Hunger Games Eucharist. The event is sure to have the 100 attendees that we can fit in the Diefenbunker Vault. I am happy to announce the senior youth from the Christ Church Cathedral Girls Choir will be participating in the service. Their voices are sure to shine through this unique venue. The Presider has also been confirmed; Dean Shane Parker will be joining us to preside over the Eucharist. If you are wanting to attend please register online at our website at

Looking for Council Members...

We have some members of our Council who will be looking to relinquish their roles in 2014 as they have served well and are discerning new ways to share their gifts. If you are interested in discerning an increased leadership role in the Parish and be willing to consider a task in the area of finance and//or governance please talk to me (or another member of Council) directly to begin a conversation about the call to Parish Council. These positions are open to people new to the parish and those who are not so new!

All Souls Vigil at St. Johns

On the eve of our Our Souls celebrations at each of the three churches St. John's will be hosting a special candlelight evening for all neighbours and friends who would like to pray and honour those who have passed from this life. The service will be one of quiet reflection and solemnity that will provide opportunity for grieving and remembering. Please join us at 6:30pm on Saturday, November 2nd at St. Johns (1470 Donald B. Munro)

St. James Server Training...

Several youth have expressed interest in training to become a server. This training will take place on Sunday, December 1st after coffee hour and will last one hour. If you can make it to this training please email me directly at

St. James Cemetery Info Session....THIS Saturday at 10am

As many of you know our rates for our cemetery are increasing at the end of this year. This increase is a significant increase and many people are interested in arranging plots before the end of the year. Charlene Johnston, head of the Cemetery Committee, is planning a Fall Info Walk in the Cemetery on October, 26th at 10am to take a tour of the cemetery and explain some of the aspects of purchasing plots. I am also going to be available to answer questions about funeral planning and the aspects of a church service and/or burial. This will be a great opportunity to ask questions and consider purchasing a family plot for the future. 

If you would like more information please contact Charlene at 613-470-0142 

I realize that funeral planning is a sensitive subject for some people but I encourage you to consider taking the time to plan for this aspect of your life and have open conversations with your family about your wishes. If you would like to speak with me directly about this please don't hesitate to call the office at 6`3-839-3195 or send me an email.
Readings & Services This Week
Our Sunday service schedule is found on the parish website and at the entrance area of each church. Upcoming weekly schedules can also be heard on the Parish Office Voicemail (613-839-3195) at any time. 

Sunday, October 27th
9:00am ~ Christ Church ~ Holy Eucharist with Rev. Monique
9:30am ~ St. James ~ Holy Eucharist with Rev. Rick
11:00am ~ St. John's ~ Holy Eucharist with Rev. Monique

Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22, Psalm 65, 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18, Luke 18:9-14

Things to REMEMBER throughout the week...
Carp Connect is a meeting of interested Carp residents and organizations. We will host its monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 22nd in the Christ Church Memorial Extension. If you would like to join in you are most welcome. We start at 7pm and it is an informal sharing of what is going on in Carp and how we can help each other in the ways in which we all work to ensure that Carp is a great and liveable place to be! For more information please contact me at

The Weekday Eucharist takes place at 10am in St. James each Wednesday.

Centering Prayer has resumed on Wednesdays at 1pm at the Parish Hall. For more information please contact Carol Bruce at 613-839-3499

The Second Sunday of the month is Food Bank Sunday. Please bring non-perishables to the church for the Food Bank!

Our weekly Sunday Schedule for September through December can be found on the website by clicking HERE

175th Anniversary Activities...

Sun. Nov. 10, 2013.  10:00 AM   Christ Church 175th Anniversary Service.    Presider: Executive Archdeacon David Selzer
Reception.  Historical displays in the Church.

A Legacy Project Fund has been set up to accept donations in honour of the 175th Anniversary of Christ Church, Parish of Huntley. The Legacy Project Committee is in the process of renovating and updating the 35 year old Memorial Extension including changes to the flooring, walls, some furniture, etc. to improve the lower and upper levels as meeting rooms for congregation and community use. Tax receipts will be issued for donations. Please make cheques payable to “Christ Church” on the title line with “Legacy Fund 175 Anniversary” on the memo line. For cash donations please place in envelopes with “Legacy Fund 175 th Anniversary” written on the outside along with the donor’s name.   All donations will be gratefully accepted.

For the Historical Displays please consider sharing your photos, letters, certificates, artifacts concerning the Parish of Huntley and Christ Church from the 1800’s, 1900’s, and up to 2013. Items will be scanned or copied and returned to you as soon as possible.  Please contact Sue Cox 836-2375 or  Thank you.

Crosstalk Article: A wonderful article was published in the past issue of Crosstalk (the newspaper for the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa). To access it please click HERE

Volunteers Needed....

St. James is looking for volunteers to clean the church bi-weekly. Anyone interested in helping, please contact Kathy Craig at 613-839-1066

Sunday School Leaders:
We have an exciting new program for Sunday School. If you would like to volunteer please contact Cathy at the office; 613-839-3195. Youth who are trying to build their volunteer hours are welcome to be an assistant and help with leadership.

Pastoral Care:
We are in need of two additional Pastoral Care Visitors. If you are able to visit one or two house bound parishioners once a month please contact me at

Closing Note...Lead by Nora Joyner and her friends, fourteen of us walked at Light the Night this past Saturday Night. Though Nora and her friends walked a bit faster than us there were some of us who came in dead last... because we were so busy chatting and sharing stories and enjoying the time together (well that is how we rationalized it when Nora called us and asked if we were ever going to cross the finish line!) It was such a fun night and we participated in an event that raised over 240,000.00 for Cancer Research!

An annual tradition for sure!

