Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you!  I will praise you as long as I live...  You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy.  ~ Psalm 63:3-5
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You are invited!
While the reception is by separate invitation only, Jason and I would absolutely love if any of you wanted to attend our wedding ceremony!
WHEN: November 22, 2013.  5pm.
WHERE: At Evangelical Presbyterian Church on Possum Park Road, in Newark, DE.
We look forward to celebrating with you!
All the students and mentors at the NEXT STEPS retreat.

What are your next steps?
"Nancy" and I sat at a table under a tree, in the woods of Virginia a couple of weeks ago.  We shared how, in spite of the brokenness in our lives, God is still calling us to serve Him - here and abroad.  He is the ultimate wounded Healer and redeems our pain to bring Him glory in the end.
Global Next Steps is a weekend retreat sponsored by Liberty University. Mission minded students interact with mission agency representatives in a one-on-one mentoring type relationship.
Nancy and I discussed all the topics covered by the speakers, including:
1) Are you really having an open mind and open heart about this?
2) Is Jesus the main thing in your life?  What are the idols in your life?  They won't go away when you go to another country.
3) The mandate - It's not just about going, but about making disciples.  If you aren't doing that now, what makes you think you can do it overseas?
4) Finances - what is your plan to pay off your student loans?
5) Local Church - are you involved now?
6) Purity - relationships, parents, friends, pornography, same-sex attraction - how to deal with those issues now.
Pray for Nancy, as she walks through the NEXT STEPS in her journey in serving the Lord with her life.

My first EVER football game was a recent victorious Florida Gator game with our friends Ryan and Dana!
What are MY next steps?
PERSONALLY: 30 days from now, I will change my name!  So, there are about a thousand next steps between here and there!  Thankfully, I have amazing parents, and extended family who are helping make decorations, organize sound, play music, find favors, and overall reassuring me about everything!

By God's grace, Jason and I found a place to live south of Orlando, just a few miles away from the elementary school where Jason works and not too far from Wycliffe's headquarters.

The past month we have been moving and sorting, unpacking and decorating in the midst of wedding planning and pre-marital counseling!
PROFESSIONALLY: I am working with colleagues in S. Asia to plan a Discovery trip there next year (check it out: Discovery Trips - it's called: "South Asia Tapestry:).

This is actually a BIG prayer request right now.  Please pray for the right connections with partners in S. Asia to help host and collaborate with the Discovery participants.  There are a lot of loose ends that need to come together for this trip to happen.  Thank you for praying with me.

Also -- here is a blog post I was asked to write for WYCLIFFE USA's blog.  I
 wrote it to students at Liberty University, or any student curious about how to make the most of their time in college while seeking God's will for their lives.
Copyright © 2013 Elizabeth Wilson

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