Closing Note...With December around the corner I would like to announce two important December activities (there will be more!).
Ministry Conversations ~ Each church will have a post-service conversation about ministry priorities for 2014. The conversations will include new ministry, financial focuses for 2014 and service schedules and times. Please plan on participating:
December 1st @ St. James
December 8th @ Christ Church
December 15th @ St. Johns
Tales & Tunes Evening on December 13th @ St. James ~ I am pleased to announce that our new open space in St. James has caught the eye of some musicians! The NorthWinds Brass and the Ottawa StoryTellers will present a special seasonal evening of music and story telling. The performance will be on December 13th at 7:30pm at St. James and the church will receive 50% of the ticket receipts. Please consider joining us for this great night! (Tickets at the door are 20.00 for adults, 15.00 for Seniors and Students, and 10.00 for kids under 13)
More December activities to come!