We are a diverse community growing in the presence of the living Jesus, proclaiming the gospel and seeking to connect with the wider community and each other, through faith, worship and service.

News from the Anglican Parish of Huntley

Parish Office: (613)839-3195 *
REMEMBER... our new website has lots of up to date info:

Happy Anniversary...

Congratulations to everyone who has made the 175th Anniversary celebrations a great success. The Committee, lead by Sue Cox and Suzanne Thompson, have worked tirelessly over this past year to ensure that we have remembered, honoured and celebrated our wonderful community. Yesterdays liturgical celebration was a fantastic way to make the year of celebrations complete!

Archdeacon David Selzer left us with a reminder that we are 175 years YOUNG and that we are now embarking on the next 175 years of ministry in this community. I hope you join in my excitement for the beginning of the next 175 years!!

Thank you to the many members of our community who joined us today at the Diefenbunker. The Second Annual Remembrance Service was a wonderful (and jam packed) event. What a great way for us to remember with our community.

Coming Up in November...

November 11th ~ 7pm @ The Parish Hall ~ Hunger Games Study

November 13th ~ 7pm @ The Parish Hall ~ Parish Council

November 14th ~ 5:30 - 7:30pm @ The Parish Hall ~ Annual Spagetti Supper

November 17th ~ ShoeBox Ministry completed and delivery of boxes happens today!

November 17th ~ 7pm @ The Diefenbunker ~ Hunger Games Eucharist (Pre-Registration required)

November 18th ~ 7pm @ The Parish Hall ~ Ovarian Cancer Information Session. Info: 613-488-3993

November 21st ~ 6:30 @ Movie Theatre ~ Senior Youth Trip to Catching Fire

November 30th ~ Family Advent Wreath Making Workshop ~ Noon - 2:30pm @ The Parish Hall

Remember that our Angel Tree gift program starts in mid-November. Please choose a girl or boy angel from one of the trees in the three churches and provide an unwrapped toy for a child in need. For more information please contact the office at 613-839-3195

AMAZING Workshop available to all Parishioners

Insight for Difficult Conversations
November 21-23, 2013
*Only a few places left!!*
I attended this workshop and found it great. I would imagine it to be a fantastic addition to anyones resume, workplace relationships and family relationships as well.

  • This two and a half day workshop is about
  • gaining insight into the nature of conflict and how it arises
  • learning introductory theory around responding to conflict
  • becoming more aware of your own communication style and its impact on others
  • gaining an ability to search for more satisfying and positive ways of interacting that show understanding and compassion
  • Using a combination of theory and practice, experienced workshop leaders Cheryl Picard and Marnie Jull will help you build new skills for engaging in difficult conversations and for promoting new and constructive ways to transform conflict.
    *WHEN and WHERE:*
    Thursday, November 21: 7:00–9:00 p.m. at Church of the Ascension, 253 Echo Drive
    Friday, November 22: 9:00–4:00 p.m. at Church of the Ascension, 253 Echo Drive
    Saturday, November 23: 9:00–3:00 p.m. at St. Alban’s, 454 King Edward Avenue
    Registration $50 – but partial or full bursaries are available
    Lunch, refreshments and learning materials provided
    Open to both laity and clergy.
    Class size is limited to 18
    For more information, contact:
    A project supported by the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa stewardship
    Initiative ~ Growing in Faith Together (G.I.F.T.)

St. James Server Training...

Several youth have expressed interest in training to become a server. This training will take place on Sunday, December 1st after coffee hour and will last one hour. If you can make it to this training please email me directly at

ShoeBox Ministry ~

We have been asked to ensure that we have the Shoebox's to Operation Christmas Child on Friday, November 22nd. The Sunday School will be working on filling the boxes during Sunday School this Sunday (November 17th). If you can provide any materials for the box creation please drop it off to the Parish Hall anytime this week.

The Parish Sunday school will be sponsoring Operation Christmas Child this year. 

SHOEBOX is a ministry geared to provide small gifts for children from aged 2 – 14. Boxes will be made available for you to take home starting this Sunday at St. James and St. John's and at Christ Church on Sunday, November 10th. Members of the Sunday School will be packing additional boxes on November 17th and 24th for delivery on the afternoon of November 24th.

There are three ways to participate:
1. Take a box home and fill it up with your family members and returning it to the Parish Office before Thursday, November 21st.
2. Provide materials and gifts for the children to fill up the boxes in the Sunday School (items to be delivered on or before Thursday, November 14th to the Parish Office)
3. Provide additional funds for the costs of the boxes (each box requires a 7.00 delivery fee). Please contact Cathy for more information.

To find out more about this ministry please see their website by clicking HERE

Here is what can go in the box: 
Fill your shoebox with a well-balanced variety of items from the following categories:
School Supplies - Items such as pencils, pens, pencil crayons, note pads, and picture books
Toys & Other Gifts - Items such as stuffed animals, small musical instruments, hair clips, toy jewelry, t-shirts, socks, and candy (loose, individually wrapped hard candy in a sealable bag)
Hygiene Items  - Please place soap in a sealable bag

Toothpaste (due to customs regulations)
Food and any chewy, crumbly, or soft candy: Including gum (due to customs regulations)
Used items (due to customs regulations)
Playing cards (other card games such as UNO are allowed)
Liquids or items that could leak, melt, freeze, or break - Shampoo, creams, lip balm, bath gels, mirrors, or glass, etc. (these can damage other items in the shoe box).
Items that can scare or harm a child - War-related toys, knives, and toy guns, etc.

Please contact Cathy Yocom for more information on this ministry: 613-839-3195

Readings & Services This Month
Our Sunday service schedule is found on the parish website and at the entrance area of each church. Upcoming weekly schedules can also be heard on the Parish Office Voicemail (613-839-3195) at any time. 

Sunday, November 17th
9am ~ Christ Church ~ Holy Eucharist with Rev. Rick
9:30 ~ St. James ~ Holy Eucharist with Rev. Monique
11am ~ St. Johns ~ Holy Eucharist with Rev. Rick
Isaiah 65:17-25; Isaiah 12, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13; Luke 21:5-19 

Sunday, November 24th ~ Reign of Christ
9am ~ Christ Church ~ Holy Eucharist with Rev. Monique
9:30 ~ St. James ~ Holy Eucharist with Rev. Rick
11am ~ St. Johns ~ Holy Eucharist with Rev. Monique
Jeremiah 23:1-6; Canticle 19a; Colossians 1:11-20; Luke 23:33-43

Things to remember during each week...

The Weekday Eucharist takes place at 10am in St. James each Wednesday.

Centering Prayer has resumed on Wednesdays at 1pm at the Parish Hall. For more information please contact Carol Bruce at 613-839-3499

The Second Sunday of the month is Food Bank Sunday. Please bring non-perishables to the church for the Food Bank on Sunday, November 10th

Our weekly Sunday Schedule for September through December can be found on the website by clicking HERE (

Flu Shot Clinics close to Carp....

Ottawa Public Health Influenza Immunization Clinics
Wednesday Nov 13
Holy Trinity Catholic High School
180 Katimavik Rd.,
9:00 am to 2:00pm
Monday Nov 25
Kanata Recreation Centre
100 Walter Baker Place,
3:30 pm – 7:30 pm

For more information please go to or contact your doctors office.

Welcome Maggie!

Ted & Jill Barnicoat welcomed granddaughter Margaret Gwen last week. Parents (Caroline and Shane) are doing well!

Volunteers Needed....

Treasurer Needed at St. James...
After many years of dedicated service Gary Robillard is stepping down as treasurer in 2014. If you have accounting skills and can attend approximately 9 meetings per year we would welcome your thoughts on taking on the treasurer responsibilities at St. James beginning in March 2014. Gary is happy to provide support and assistance to the person who takes on this role.

St. James is looking for volunteers to clean the church bi-weekly. Anyone interested in helping, please contact Kathy Craig at 613-839-1066

Sunday School Leaders:
We have an exciting new program for Sunday School. If you would like to volunteer please contact Cathy at the office; 613-839-3195. Youth who are trying to build their volunteer hours are welcome to be an assistant and help with leadership.

Pastoral Care:
We are in need of two additional Pastoral Care Visitors. If you are able to visit one or two house bound parishioners once a month please contact me at

Closing Note...With December around the corner I would like to announce two important December activities (there will be more!).

Ministry Conversations ~ Each church will have a post-service conversation about ministry priorities for 2014. The conversations will include new ministry, financial focuses for 2014 and service schedules and times. Please plan on participating:

December 1st @ St. James
December 8th @ Christ Church
December 15th @ St. Johns

Tales & Tunes Evening on December 13th @ St. James ~ I am pleased to announce that our new open space in St. James has caught the eye of some musicians! The NorthWinds Brass and the Ottawa StoryTellers will present a special seasonal evening of music and story telling. The performance will be on December 13th at 7:30pm at St. James and the church will receive 50% of the ticket receipts. Please consider joining us for this great night! (Tickets at the door are 20.00 for adults, 15.00 for Seniors and Students, and 10.00 for kids under 13)

More December activities to come!

