Holiday Cocktail Party
By Renee Cavin
Mark your calendars for our upcoming Holiday Cocktail Party! Mosey on over to The Lot on Friday, December 13th, at 7 p.m. for the food and fun. Drink tickets are available for current LHNA members (don't worry, we'll have Paypal available at the party if you aren't a member or you can sign up at home - just bring your receipt), and we'll have plenty of appetizers for everyone. The Santa Fe Trail connects to The Lot... Bundle up and walk on over!
In the season of giving, please bring an unwrapped new toy for our yearly toy drive. We hope to see you there.
Block Talk
By Katherene Hough
With family flooding into town for the Holidays, there's plenty to do with around Dallas, from checking out the Bush Center, to the Chinese Lantern Festival at Fair Park, the trains at NorthPark Center, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' at the Dallas Children's Theater and Santa at Ebby Halliday.
6th - 11th Annual Light Up Lakewood @ Lakewood Shopping Center, 6-9 p.m.
7th - LHNA Alley Clean-Up
7th - Santa Claus at Ebby Halliday Lakewood Office, 12 p.m. - 3 p.m.
8th - Metro PCS Dallas Marathon
13th - Lakewood Hills Holiday Cocktail Party @ The Lot, 7 p.m.
15th - Lakewood Hills Cookie Swap @ Cassity's Home 6854 Coronado Ave, 5 p.m. RSVP required
25th - Christmas
Join Lakewood Hills Today!
Not a member? Don't worry, it's never too late. Follow the link below to make a secure payment through PayPal on our website. Don't forget to fill out the Membership survey, so we can make the neighborhood a better place for you!
Holiday Cookie Swap
By Cindy Cassity
It's that time of year when the best cookies are made... what fun to make more to share and to trade! We will gather at Cindy Cassity's house, 6854 Coronado Ave at 5 p.m. on Sunday, December 15. Please RSVP to Cindy.
What to bring:
Four dozen of your favorite cookies/treats/bars
Copies of the recipe
Empty container to bring goodies home
Your favorite wine/beer/drink of choice
This is not just for the ladies -- men are welcome too!
Pooper Scooper Alert
By Nina Koch
The not so pleasant conversation of picking up your dog’s poop needs to be discussed yet again. I have a dog, a 60-lb lap dog, so I know the hassle sometimes when you’re standing in the rain, urging your dog to stop circling and just find a spot to go. What I can’t imagine EVER is to leave my dog’s steamy pile of poo for someone else to pick up, step in or slip in. But it seems that several dog owners in Lakewood Hills haven’t gotten the memo – that you must pick up after your dog.
News Around Our Neighborhood
Courtesy of the Lakewood/East Dallas Advocate, these news briefs are excerpted from stories originally published on lakewood.advocatemag.com.
Changes are happening in our neck of the woods: BonChon Restaurant and Bar on Greenville Ave to open December 7, Snuffer's on Greenville will change names and Kingston and other councilmembers to continue the Uber debate at a town hall meeting.
We're looking for new block captains! Your job as a block captain is very minimal, pass out fliers about four times a year and welcome new neighbors to the neighborhood.
Block Captains Needed:
6900 Gaston Ave
7300 La Vista
If you're interested, please let Tom Cavin (president@cstreets.org), our neighborhood president know.
Crime Watch: 11 Tips to Keeping Safe
This Holiday Season
By Pryce Tucker
During the last several weeks of the year, many of us will take needed vacation days and spend more time with friends and family. But that doesn’t mean we should let down our guard. While we may be taking it easy, the bad guys aren’t. So just in time for the holidays, here are 11 tips—some obvious, others not so much—for keeping safe.