

Issue #175 // November 16, 2013 // View in your browser


An excel-like app in less than 30 lines of JavaScript, no library used
//jsfiddle comments

//onlycoin comments

The second operating system hiding in every mobile phone
//osnews comments

How long do disk drives last?
//backblaze comments

Never Heard of It
//alistapart comments

Snapchat Spurned $3 Billion Acquisition Offer from Facebook
//wsj comments

The craziest OkCupid date ever
//salon comments

The coach who never punts
//grantland comments

#Show HN

Amazon WorkSpaces //amazon comments

Heirloom Chemistry Set //kickstarter comments

Gitter. Chat for GitHub. //gitter comments

A search engine that lets you 'add' words as vectors //insightdatascience comments

We built our startup in 100 days //giveit100 comments

Voting Relationships in the US Senate //davidchouinard comments

Moon by Ai Weiwei & Olafur Eliasson //moonmoonmoonmoon comments

Open source email helpdesk //github comments


Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL //amazon comments

Four years of Go //golang comments

Subscribe to GitHub's Explore Email //github comments

My tmux setup //unwiredcouch comments

Flaskr - Intro to Flask, Test Drive Development, and jQuery //github comments

Node.js Stream Playground //ejohn comments

Named Pipes in Bash //hollenback comments


Why Japanese Web Design Is So… Different //randomwire comments

Tetris and The Power Of CSS //heydonworks comments

Android Bootstrap //github comments

Twitter Bootstrap without all the debt //coderwall comments

Frosted glass effect with CSS and SVG //codepen comments


Google wins book-scanning case: judge finds “fair use,” cites many benefits //gigaom comments

Facebook Publications //facebook comments

Steal this book //pitt comments


End of Inception(movie) decoded conclusively after 3 years //sourcefed comments

Aaron Swartz Documentary - The Internet's Own Boy //aaronswartzthedocumentary comments

Audio recording of Einstein reading of "The Common Language of Science" [1941] //openculture comments


Microsoft does away with stack ranking //zdnet comments

Stop Freelancing //robertnealan comments

10 questions to ask your potential employer //stefankendall comments


Google BBS Terminal //masswerk comments

$25 Google Glass hack lets you play Mario with your eyes //engadget comments