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Releasing Shame - Embracing Pleasure now in a PDF!

You can get all of the goodness I pack into my Releasing Shame - Embracing Pleasure Class in a PDF!  Same great class (with all the videos, activities and recordings of the class) and you can do it at your own pace in the comfort of your home.  Now is a great time to shed your shame and cultivate some pleasure!  This is a wonderful form of self-care and also a fantastic way to end 2013 and get ready to start 2014 from a place of pleasure!

Last Class of 2013!

I am beyond excited to announce a new class - Woman is a River: Transform Your Sexual Mythology!

I am teaming up with a dear friend to offer 3 transformative weeks overflowing with goodness! 

This online class starts November 25th.  You can read more about the content here.

You won't want to miss this one!

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Self-Care During the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
Or is it?
As the days get “shorter” and our to do lists get longer, it can feel impossible to take time for yourself!  (Aren’t you too exhausted to take time for yourself anyway?)
If you’ve read my recent blog post about self-care you know that it isn’t something extraSelf-care is not a reward!  It’s not optional.  Self-care is the foundation.
So if you don’t have your foundation during this busy (and sometimes stressful and sometimes sad) time of year, what will happen?
Will you get sick?
Will you fall apart?
Will you become resentful?

If you take care of yourself, you will have the energy you need for this busy time of year.
Sometimes people worry that if they give to themselves first, they won’t have energy for others…the opposite is true.  If you are already depleted, you don’t have energy for others.  If you try to give when you are depleted, you aren’t giving with an open heart.
Self-care isn’t selfish.  It is necessary.
If you give and give and give to others, how do you recharge?  It’s OK to receive.  It’s important to give to yourself.
You don’t need to earn your self-care.  It is not a reward.  It’s a foundation. 
Start with self-care and then build everything on top of that.
Even if you understand the importance of self-care or value the concept…how do you make sure you care for yourself during this busy time?
Schedule it – Put it on the calendar.  Make it a priority like you do with important appointments.  This is an appointment with yourself.
Do it with others, get an accountability partner – If you love to give to others and have a hard time putting the attention back on yourself, it might help to involve another person.  Make a date with a friend.  Hang out with a group.
Find it in small doses – 15 minutes can go a long way (and it’s easier to find 15 minutes).  Read, write, sit in silence, take a walk, watch something, laugh, breathe, meditate, masturbate, watch a bird or squirrel or the clouds roll by, play a game, call a friend, nap, take a bath, paint your nails, eat a cupcake, sit in your car in the driveway…
Pay for it – This might feel tricky during this time of year, but sometimes when we pay for things we are more likely to give them time and energy.  It’s easier to “justify” getting out of the house when you have a class to attend.  You might be less likely to skip an appointment with a trainer (skipping the gym on the other hand…).  You may value the self-care more (and value yourself) if it comes with a price.
Do something you love – Let your self-care feed you.  Let it be fun.  Let it inspire you.  Let it be pleasurable.  If you look forward to your self-care, it’s easier to make it a priority.
You don’t need permission for self-care.  Remind yourself that if you don’t take the time and energy now, you may get sick or injured (and that will take a lot more time, energy and money).  As you think about gifts this holiday season, give yourself the gift of self-care!
Looking for a specific way you can care for yourself?  Sign up for Woman is a River: Transforming Your Sexual MythologyThis is a great way to focus on yourself.  It gives you accountability, but you can also move at your own pace.  You will have access to all of the information after the holidays too so if things do get busy you can refocus in the new year.  The class offers videos, audio, journal prompts and a private facebook group so you can connect with other woman during this process (or just quietly participate).  As the days get darker it’s a great time to go deeper.  As life gets busier, this is a wonderful way to make sure YOU are a priority in your own life.  

Pixie and I hosted a Spreecast so you can get a taste of the class and what our energies will bring.  Please view it here (even if you decide not to take the class this is a great FREE resource about sexuality, boundaries, vulnerability and spirituality).  I had so much fun during this conversation and I'm tickled we are doing this together!

Wishing you a season of self-care, self-love and joy!

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Are you looking for more ways you can improve your relationship?  You can find more ideas on my blog or watch my videos and KOIN Studio 6 segments.  Learn about my counseling practice and decide if counseling is right for you here.

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