BSU Insider, 2013-14 Issue #5 » December 2013
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BSU News
BSU News

Nice Ride program will bring 100 bikes to campus this spring

Bemidji State University will be offering an estimated 100 bicycles for rent as a key hub in Bemidji’s Nice Ride bicycle rental program. Nice Ride is expected to launch a city-wide program featuring nearly 200 rental bikes beginning this spring.

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photo credit: Natalie Gillie 

Imagine Tomorrow campaign seeking campus volunteers

The BSU Foundation is seeking faculty and staff who are interested in joining a campus committee for the "Imagine Tomorrow" campaign. For more information about how to get involved, contact Lisa Hofstad, director of annual giving programs with the BSU Foundation.

Campus News

Madrigal Dinners begin Friday

Tickets for Bemidji State's 45th Annual Madrigal Dinners are now on sale at the Bangsberg Fine Arts Complex Madrigal Dinners ticket office.

Performances of this Yuletide tradition of northern Minnesota will be held Friday through Sunday, Dec. 6-8, and Friday and Saturday, Dec. 13-14, in the Beaux Arts Ballroom in Bemidji State’s upper Hobson Memorial Union.

This year’s Madrigal Dinners production features a new, completely renovated set.

The Madrigal Dinners box office, located in Bangsberg 223, is open from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tickets also are available online. to be completed in 2014

In the next few weeks, work will begin on a new website for Bemidji State. BSU is close to naming a vendor who will partner with the university to provide support for a complete overhaul of that will continue through the fall semester of 2014. However, new elements for the site will begin to roll out as early as this coming spring semester.

Please watch for future announcements of opportunities to become involved in listening and feedback sessions as planning gets underway for this new website. 
BSU online programs recognized for affordability

Bemidji State's online programs have been ranked among Minnesota’s most affordable in a survey by

The organization focused specifically on distance learning options from public and private non-profit institutions with full accreditation. It ranked 27 schools in Minnesota based on tuition levels, and Bemidji State ranked sixth.
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MnSCU board adopts 'Charting the Future' strategies 

The Board of Trustees of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities voted Nov. 20 to adopt a set of recommendations that call for the 31 colleges and universities to significantly increase collaboration to improve access, increase affordability and better serve students.

The six recommendations to increase access, affordability, excellence, and service by forging deeper collaboration and maximizing the collective strengths of MnSCU’s 31 colleges and universities are:

  1. Dramatically increase the success of all learners, especially those in diverse populations.
  2. Develop collaborative academic planning that advances affordability, transferability, and access.
  3. Certify student competencies and accelerate degree completion through credit for prior learning and competency-based credit and degrees.
  4. Expand the use of technology to deliver high quality online courses as well as technology enhanced instruction, student services, and individualized learning and advising.
  5. Deliver comprehensive workplace solutions to build employee skills and solve real-world problems for communities and businesses across the state.
  6. Redesign financial and administrative models to reward collaboration, drive efficiencies, and strengthen access to an extraordinary education for all Minnesotans.  
Additional information on 'Charting the Future'
• The complete "Charting the Future for a Prosperous Minnesota" report is available on the system office's website.
• MnSCU press release on Board of Trustees vote to adopt "Charting the Future"
BSU reinforces stance against e-cigarette use on campus

In the spring of 2011, Bemidji State University placed itself ahead of what has become a broad debate on electronic nicotine delivery systems by banning on-campus use of e-cigarette devices as part of its tobacco-free policy.

That forward-looking move was part of the university’s student-driven effort to join hundreds of colleges and universities across the country by going completely tobacco-free.

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Bemidji State University magazine available

In the October issue of BSU Insider, BSU President Dr. Richard A. Hanson announced that Imagine Tomorrow, the university's first-ever comprehensive campaign, has raised $25.4 million toward its $35 million goal.

A special edition of Bemidji State University magazine provides an in-depth look at the Imagine Tomorrow campaign. The fall/winter issue features individuals who gained much more than a degree at BSU and are now giving back, financially and through volunteer leadership, and students who have benefitted from the scholarships they received.

[read Bemidji State University magazine]

News briefs
• New hires at Bemidji State University
• Faculty & staff achievements for November, 2013
• Weather-related and emergency closure information
• Presentation from Nov. 14, 2013 BSU Budget Forum (PDF)

Student News

Vincent Staples-Graves has been named Bemidji State's recipient of the Mark Welter World Citizen Award by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system.

Graves, a junior from Bemidji majoring in social studies education and Indian studies, was one of 20 students across the MnSCU system to receive the $500 awards.
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Photo Galleries

Click photos for complete galleries from each event
• Percussion Ensemble concert on Nov. 26
• An evening of board games in Oak Hall

Beaver Athletics Update

Morgan Lee reaches 1,000 career points

Morgan Lee, a senior guard from Hayward, Wis., became the 16th player in Bemidji State women's basketball history to score 1,000 career points with a 29-point effort in BSU's 85-61 victory over Western State (Colo.), Nov. 16 at the BSU Gym.

[read more]
• Beavers land 22 on Fall Academic All-NSIC team
• All-NSIC honorees: football; soccer
• Soccer honored for academic success
• Football announces 2013 team awards
• Fall signing classes: men's golfmen's hockey; women's hockey
Follow BSU Athletics on social media
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