It’s time to take charge
Take charge of your breast health and avoid the only solutions conventional
medicine has to offer. . .radiation, surgery, chemo and pharmaceutical drugs
–which further compromises your precious immune system – which is the
ONLY SYSTEM that will ultimately protect and heal you!
The SAFEST Breast Screening Method
With Thermography you can Know Your Breast Health TODAY
without pain, radiation or physical discomfort!
Thermography is safe, reliable, proven and can see the earliest immune system’s
thermal activity YEARS before it develops into disease or cancer, AND, at least
8-10 years before a mammogram can see a tumor. That’s prevention!
Big Island “Save Your Breast Friends” Special
We’re bringing our friends at Discovery Screening all the way from the Mainland to
bring you the highest quality and advancements available in Thermal Imaging today!
They have generously reduced their Mainland rates to make this Life-saving
technology more affordable to you, our valued patient community!
$50 off - Thermal Breast Screening ($250 Mainland rate) = ONLY $200*
$100 off - Women’s Health Screen ($500 Mainland rate) = ONLY $400*
$150 off – Full Body Screen ($750 Mainland rate) = ONLY $600*
*cash/check, paid-in-full. Ask about rate specials for Credit Card/Payment plans.
Life-Saving Thermography
First, your Thermal Images are analyzed by the most brilliant, sought after
Board Certified Thermologist MD’s and Naturopath’s in the industry. Then, when
you see the immune system indicators illuminated by your Thermal Images, you
can gain a better understanding of the preventive strategy or treatment plan your
Natural Health Practitioner can design for you.
Thermal Imaging Day in HILO,
at the Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center:
Thursday, December 5th –only one week away!
Call 760-436-8811 …to schedule your Thermal Imaging
Address: 239 Haili St, Hilo, HI 96720
Get directions
Simple solutions, life-saving results
Discovery Screening thanks you for joining them in their mission to
“Save Breasts and Save Lives” with Thermal Imaging. . .especially YOURS!
For more information about Discovery Screening and Thermography,
Call 760-436-8811 as soon as possible
to reserve your appointment!