Sarah Jamieson Yoga - December 2013 Newsletter
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Move well.    Breathe well.    Be well.

"The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth." - Albert Einstein

Warm holiday wishes.

This newsletter is coming later in the month because the first half of December was a very full time for me. One exciting and yoga-related part of that fullness was the opportunity to take a course in Pain Care Yoga with Neil Pearson. Neil is a physiotherapist and yoga therapist, the Founding Chair of the Canadian Physiotherapy Pain Science Division, a board member with Pain BC, and a Clinical Assistant Professor at University of British Columbia. Needless to say, he is a big deal in the world of helping people find relief from persistent pain, and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to study with him. Neil is also supporting the work I am doing through Pain BC to educate physicians and health care practitioners on the value of using yoga techniques to address persistent pain. 

I am going to be teaching a lot in the New Year, and you can read all about what I am doing below. I've also come across a great deal of fascinating stuff in the past month (and a half), so there are a lot of articles, posts, and ideas to explore! I hope you enjoy reading though.

I wish you a wonderful holiday season full of love, laughter, and yoga and a peaceful New Year. 


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Upcoming Courses and Classes
Yoga for Pain Relief: A 7-Week Course in Therapeutic Yoga & Pain Education

Thursday mornings, 10:00-11:30am
January 16th – February 27th
$150 for 7 sessions
East Side Yoga Studio, 1707 Grant Street, Vancouver, BC

I'm excited to say that this course is filling up quickly, so if you are interested, please register soon. You can read more about what this course involves on my website. 

To register online please visit the event page on East Side's website or contact the studio director Julie Peters by email to arrange registration in person or by phone.
Hatha Yoga: Off the Hands!

Wednesday evenings, 7:15-8:30pm
January 8th – March 12th
Kitsilano Community Centre, 2690 Larch Street

A downward-dog free zone! Yoga classes designed for people who can’t attend classes because of pain in their hands, wrists, elbows, or shoulders. All the goodness of yoga without any poses that ask you to bear weight on your hands. Read more on my website

Register online at, in person or by phone 604-257-6976. 
Movement Education Courses for Pain Patients

Multiple days and times - Ongoing
Physician's Referral Required
Visit for more information
If you have any questions about the courses I am teaching, please email me.
Writing from My Blog

We are all growing old, so we might as well support each other in doing it well! This blog post offers some of my thoughts on how we can approach aging well: 
Taking Care

Take care by taking steps to "green" your holidays this year.

Did you know that if every American family wrapped just three presents in reused materials this holiday season, it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields? Say "NO" to traditional wrapping paper this year with these 10 ideas for green gift wrapping. In my household, we like to use The Georgia Straight newspaper and maps from old issues of National Geographic

Some other ways you can make your holidays easier on the Earth include:
  • Switch to LED lights
  • Buy local foods and make less
  • Give experiences rather than things
  • Skip plastic decorations
  • Use real plates, not paper or plastic
Recommended Read
About 6 months ago, I started doing isolated practices of shavasana (relaxation pose) for 10 minutes a day, and I have been shocked to realize how much more alert and awake I feel after that brief time-out. Dr. Sara C. Mednick's book Take a Nap! Change your life. offers a look at the scientific evidence supporting the value of daytime rest. If you struggle to make time for sleep, this book might convince you that it is worth the effort. 
Thoughts on Food
As the practice of yoga deepens, it seems to inevitably have an impact on what we choose to put in our bodies. This article 8 Foods Even The Experts Won't Eat puts forth some foods that you might want to reconsider. 
What Is It Worth To You?
This article is a great one to read before you set any New Year's Resolutions for 2014. Actually, I think it is a great article to read at any point. The author suggests that our desires in life our relatively similar, but what differs most significantly is what each of us is willing to go through to get those things. He suggests that, instead of asking ourselves what we want, we would benefit more from asking ourselves: What am I willing to struggle for? 
Uni-Tasking May Be More Efficient than Multitasking
How hard is it for you to do one thing at a time? The practice of yoga asks us to cultivate presence with what is in front of us, and it seems that scientific research is slowly coming to the same conclusion.

This article on the Myth of Multitasking claims that there is no such thing as multitasking and that "serial tasking" or "task-shifting" takes up to 40 percent more time than single tasking. 
Do Trees Talk?
University of British Columbia professor Suzanne Simard believes that trees in a forest are able to communicate with each other. Curious? Watch this 5 minute video in which explains how trees are connected by fungi. 

My friend and fellow yoga teacher Julie Peters recently wrote a piece on her belief that our culture is devoid of rituals to help us process some of life's more challenging experiences. She makes some really great points and focuses on the experience of romantic love coming to an end. 
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