Baby Edam Balls by Mill Dance HOLLAND
Product Details: #013025 | 6/2 lb

Always the Belle of the Ball

Named for the famous port town in northwestern Holland, Edam is the second most popular Dutch-originated cheese after Gouda.  From the 1400s to the 1800s, when three and four masted wooden ships ruled the seven seas, however, Edam held the number one title.  Edam’s wonderfully mild flavor, that only gets better as it matures, and its durable, easily transportable, spherical form made Edam a Sailor’s favorite cheese choice for sea voyages.  Plus – if the need ever arose – Edam balls were perfectly shaped to use in cannons.
Baby Edam Balls weigh an adorable two pounds, versus the usual four-pound version.  Made from part-skimmed milk, Edam has less fat, compared to Gouda, and a lovely smooth, milky texture.  Its pale yellow interior is coated in red (sometimes yellow) paraffin, giving these Baby Edam Balls their very notable and festive appearance, as well as a protective coating.
So approachable, bright and joyful, Edam Balls have a long history of being the life of any party – for all the centuries worth of Edam-loving landlubbers too.
Application: Great for snacking with crackers or apples, Edam also slices well for sandwiches and melts well for grilling, gourmet pizza topping or incorporating into sauces, casseroles and soups. 
Pairing: In keeping with the festive nature and northern European origin, pair with Champagne or a German Riesling.  Baby Edam Balls also work particularly well with dark beers and cream ales.


Quince Paste by Don Juan SPAIN
Product Details: #563761 | 12/300 g, #563767 | 3/3.8 kg

Perfect pairings

Quince Paste (Crema de Membrillo in Spanish, from the Latin word for honey apple: melimelum) is a thick jam made from the golden-yellow fruit of the quince tree.  Resembling an Asian pear and a relative to the pear and apple, quince fruit is generally only edible when cooked.

 Made from fresh quince fruit, this smooth-textured paste is delightfully sweet with delicate floral overtones.  Quince paste is the perfect complement to cheese but it is also ideal for toasted bread or serving as an accompaniment to ham, roasted meat or baked fish dishes. 

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