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Jump for Joy! Photo Project
Showcasing the beauty of the human spirit - in mid air - around the world

Jump for Joy! Photo Project

Showcasing the beauty of the human spirit - in mid air - around the world

"It’s not what’s happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become. Rather, it’s your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you’re going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny."
 - Anthony Robbins



Featured jumper of the week: AARON KLEINERMANLike Jump for Joy! Featuring Aaron Kleinerman on Facebook

From: I grew up outside of Boston, went to university (Kings Point, USMMA) outside of NYC, and have been traveling half of the year and working half of the year for the past 5 years. I am a bit of a split entity. I have a master’s in spiritual psychology, with a bachelors in marine operations and technology. My “work” is in marine operations, as well as a private counseling and speaking. I work with clients locally in Marina Del rey, and online across the globe.
Lives: I feel I am fully a student of the globe. I own a 40’ sailboat in CA, have family in Boston, have worked in Hawaii for the past four years and have touched my toes on all but two continents. I feel comfort and ease wherever I am, and wherever I go. My family home is Boston, and my soulful spiritual home is here in the city of Angels: Los Angeles!

Q: What inspires you to jump for joy?
A: I feel everyone could use a bit of joy in their life. When I heard about this project, I was immediately intrigued, and especially after jumping for the afternoon with Eyoalha, it literally consumed joy throughout my body. She is an exquisite soul, who lightened my day and elevated my spirit. As I was jumping, I could feel, taste and fully understand why this project is becoming so successful.

Q. Your experience doing jumping photos?
A: Honestly, as excited as I was to do this project with Eyoalha, I had a bit of trepidation, as I am not always a lover of myself in front of the camera. However, when Eyoalha and I reconnected after a few years (we met in Maui years ago with a fellow friend), I was immediately in a better state of mind to let my joy flow on camera. As we began to set up and get going, every jump made me love and feel the joy through the camera more and more.

I suppose its that little child feeling, when a smile overwhelms the face, joy enters the body and the world (or my boat in this instance) felt like a playground to the amusement and appeasement of her camera. Since I am also a photographer, I at times wanted to intervene with some thoughts, but then dropped out of my mind and remained inside the heart and joy of what she was creating, and it was perfect.

At the end of the day, as we chatted about our experience over a glass of wine, the clarity of a new personal project came forth for me, and this was perfect. This once again proved that when the limitations and fears of our human experience are diminished, only inspiration and overzealous illumination are left.

Q: What inspires you in life?
A: There are many things that have inspired me and continue to inspire me. First, is travel and exploration. I am a natural explorer. Put me on a plane to anywhere in the world, I will find comfort, food, friends and a whole lot of joy. There is something perfectly unique and profound about our human experience and the various ways that cultures, societies and people express this humanity throughout the world. Some may view humanity as ugly and distrustful and full of hatred, but for me, it is magnificent.

When I was a child I would sit inside my mother’s law office outside of Boston, as some of my most eclectic and deranged clients would come walking through her doors. She would simply leave me there as she worked through her day and I would find absolute joy in just the colors, shapes, sizes and ultimate perfection of the beauty in which humanity was expressing itself. Granted, this was only in the outskirts of Boston, but as I got older, my adventures continued on a worldwide scale. I sit in some of the most beautiful cities in the world, watch, listen and observe the true brilliance of how people show up in their joy. This bright shining light of our existence has always inspired me and really led me to studying and learning about human interaction and human behavior.

I love working with my clients, sharing my stories, awakening their lives into their own magnificence and then allowing them to go off and flourish into their own greatness. This for me inspires me, when an individual truly listens to the calling of their soul, breaks free the comfort zone of their life, and inspires others to do the same. The idea is not to look at a teacher as outside of one’s own possibility of being, but rather, own their characteristics, to allow one’s own light to shine just as bright!

Q: Your greatest passion?
A: Ahh, my greatest passions: Well their are many but just a few that really strike the cord of inspiration within me. First, my boat’s name is “Passion.” The reason for this name is I really feel when we are passionate about something, really adore something, it naturally takes us high, and it takes us low. For those of you who have owned, or do own a boat, its a constant journey of emotions, up and down. It’s up to us to balance these perceptions that come through our passionate wants and come to realization and love for it.

Photography is a huge passion of mine. I have traveled the world, capturing some of life’s exquisite moments and some of the most beautiful landscapes. I love the moment, when my camera is in my hand, music on my ear, people frolicking about their daily life and I am just a glimpse in time. I am capturing the essence of their beauty, the essence of their soul coming through every ounce of their existence.

The same goes when photographing some exquisite landscapes. I become overwhelmed with gratitude, as the day and landscape sparkles its illuminated joy across my lense and I am just a speckle in time to capture and bear witness to the raw beauty of the planet. I was just recently doing a photo day at this amazing castle in Scotland. The sun was setting, the birds where flying, the earth began to speak her brilliance directly into my lens and I was just overcome with joy and gratitude. As the sun melted into the sea, and the clouds overtook the sky, I felt simply at one with this moment in time, and pure rejoice and bliss came over me.

My other really strong passion is the study, observation and awareness of transformation. Transformation occurs in so many ways throughout the earth. As the earth spins and the seasons change, there is a constant shift and transformation happening on so many different levels. I love being surrounded in the middle of the ocean and watch as the sea transforms from day to night and storms pass and go.

Everything responds and naturally equilibrates itself as per changing and transformation in the air. We, as humans, sometimes struggle with this constant transformation and try to mentally control what the process looks like, instead of just allowing it to naturally and purely come over, and allow God, spirit and life to simply have its way with one’s hands. For me this is pure radiance, when an individual feels the pulse of transformation coming in through them and they simply breathe and go along for the ride, knowing that the journey is always perfect and the light is always led by love. So, as I listen, speak, teach and transcend this space of transformation across the globe, my heart is overcome with gratitude as the perfection of life is the only awareness left for both me and all my students.


Q: Your driving force?
A: I love this question, but initially the mind steps in and says “well it’s this, or it should be this.” However, as I meditated and cleared the mind gook, the driving force for me is ultimately serving and simply being a beneficial presence on the planet. This full realization is fairly new for me, as the past many years of my life, has been a much more selfish, or self oriented soul journey for me.

After finishing my master’s degree in Santa Monica in 2009, I began to start a private counseling practice. In beginning this new life in Los Angeles, my soul was not quite ready for that time and commitment at that point. I knew I had this specific USCG license to operate large ships and as a result have half of the year to travel the world and half of the year to live and work in Hawaii. It was perfect right? Yes, absolutely, for the driving force for me in this time was exploration and observing and allowing my spirit to reach, to melt, to collapse inside of massive global learning.

However, as I mentioned recently, I have realized that my force inside of me, that heart centered space of truth within me, is indicating its time to start giving back. It’s time to once again start inspiring others with my miraculous stories, my life of adventure and allow the natural gift and wisdom of my heart to be a beneficial presence for those willing and desiring to awaken their own life. So, this for me is the driving force: serving others who are willing, ready and desiring their life to awaken from the boundaries and bars that they have surrounded it with. This force is simple, when joy and inspiration naturally flow in the air and within our bodies.

Q: Your philosophy?
A: My philosophy is simple. Love Big, Serve Others, and fall magically in love with your own life. I have come to realize that as much as I love traveling and observing the beauty of humanity, the real juice comes in giving back. There is just as much joy in giving, as their is in receiving, and this natural law of circulation is unstoppable once it is truly understood and practiced in life. 

I remember a few years back, when I was struggling financially to finish paying for graduate school. I wrote a loving email out to my classmates into a space of just sharing my joy and desires with the completion of my degree. It was a space of allowing the divine flow of the universe to take place, and do my best to get out of the way. When a positive response was received, I was overwhelmed with thankfulnness, as I really felt how this individual was providing so much pleasure and joy by giving back. However, the real lesson did not come to later once the school year started. I remember sitting in the classroom, feeling that I was not part of the group, that because MY finances were not correct, I was not supposed to be there. 

However, when I really sank into my heart and allowed this divine universal flow to come through me, I realized and learned a huge lesson in being able to receive, as well as realizing how much pleasure comes in giving. I sank into my seat, and became so thankful for my life and knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be!   

Therefore, keep the circulation flowing, and fall magically in love with the full paradigm and perfection of your life!

Q: Anything in the world?
A: As I think about this question, it comes back directly to my response to the above question. I love inspiring others, I love sharing stories that can just slightly shift one individual’s perception of their life. The beautiful thing about shift and transformation, as mentioned above, is when one person dissolves one misinterpretation of life, humanity as a whole evolves forward. Now, let me clearly state something. There will always be peace and war, kindness and cruelty and so on. I am not under the illusion that with more peace life will be better, for we as a humanity learn as much from war, as we do from peace. Unfortunately, those who protest and preach all about peace, often attract violence and war. Therefore, in my perception, its about our own experience, its about letting and coming to gratitude with our guilt, our fears, our resentments and our hatreds. It’s about recognizing how they have served, coming to a space of absolute appreciation and evolving in our consciousness through the process. Therefore, what I am doing and what I will continue to do is standing up and speaking in pure raw truth. I am sharing how to alleviate these challenges, move through these frustrations and teaching people how to come into the beauty and brilliance of their soul. For inside of each of us, is the intellici of our soul, waiting to emerge and waiting to come into full resonance. The more that each one of us pushes through all the BS of life and really recognizes what their heart centered truth and brilliance is: we all come more fully into the joy as a human race.

This is transformation.  

This is evolution. You can read more about me here:

This is where I share simple ways to move through the fears, the hesitations and push through your comfort zone and come into the magnificance of your body and soul.

Ready for that?

I am.

Come along in this tough, yet very fulfilling journey!

Q: What are you working on?
Currently, I am creating content and sharing my messages at You can see some of my worldwide photography at and you can also check me out in the facebook world at I look forward to sharing, loving and inspiring with each of you!

Q: Mini bio, interesting facts about you or something special you want to share.
A: Picture this: I was 19, on a military pre-positioning ship in the middle of the Mediteranean sea. We were on our way to Kuwait to support Operation Iraqi Freedom. I was confused, lost and literally in the middle of the ocean. Life was perplexing for me, as it often is for any 19 year old. So in these perplexing hours of absolute isolation and confinement, I began to write. I began to sit down at my computer and type questions and simple channel my thoughts. I had ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what I was doing, but I did it because something inside of me was telling me to.

So, I began to write, answer and understand so many of the confusing questions of the chaos of my childhood. I did not know why, or who, or what this was coming through me, but I simply wrote. Afterwords, I began to read through this writing and “life things” began to make sense. I refer to this process as stream of consciousness writing. I was literallly breaking the chain reaction between my mind and my fingers, allowing a space for the subsconcious to speak. In doing so, I gave this inner voice of knowing a space to share its wisdom with me.

At the end I was overcome with gratitude for areas of my life that I had always shunned upon. At the end of the day, I share this simple story, for this is what set me on a road towards inner awakening. Each road is different, each road is unique. Listen to that inner voice of yours and let it write freely, let it express beautifully, for there is a heart centered, spirit driven soul inside of you that is waiting to express its greatness with the world.

Aloha and Namaste!

Photos of Aaron were taken in Marina Del Ray, California. Like Jump for Joy! Featuring Aaron Kleinerman on Facebook


It is such a pleasure hearing from you! Please, do stop by and say hello on my facebook page or twitter account :)

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Have a great week, with lots of fun and filled with joy!
Much love, Eyoälha

Jumping photo of Eyoälha by Liilou Mace in Kauai, Hawaii.
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