Colonics now available downtown Hilo!

Colonics Now Available in Hilo!

Where:  Aloha Wellness Inn
Address:  239 Haili St., Hilo, HI 96720
Appointments:  Call Nedra 808-936-5122
We are excited to announce that we have joined forces with colonhydrotherapist, Nedra Goedert.

You can now schedule colonic sessions right here in Hilo town!

Nedra is an experienced therapist practising colonics for 11 years. She is calm, gentle and passionate about digestion.
As blockages in the colon are discovered and flow is restored, vitality returns providing energy for change.

Call Nedra at 808-936-5122 to schedule your appointment.


January 2014 special
Outpatient juice fasting $595
Hilo Aloha Wellness Inn

10 DAYS Friday 10th to Sunday 19th
Find out more

Aloha Wellness Clinic Services Offered:

Outpatient Juice Fasting
IV Therapy
Chelation Therapy
Nutrition Classes
Reichian Breathwork 
The Work of Byron Katie
Naturopathic Consultations

Contact Us

Aloha Wellness Inn 
Home of organic raw foods, juice therapy, detoxification, gerson therapy and lifestyle changes

We are committed to your health and well-being.

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Aloha Wellness Inn 
239 Haili St., Hilo, HI 96720

Ph: 808-933-4400

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