 DjangoCon EU, Coverage 3.7.1, DissidentX and much more.

Issue #96: Cake
Friday,  December 13th, 2013


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  On our March to 100 issues.


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Mahdi and Mike

News and Developments.

Reviving Django Update posts (

The Django team has announced plans to resurrect update blog posts on the development for Django 1.7 to keep the community updated.


DjangoCon EU to be held on an island! (

Looks like DjangoCon EU will be taking place May 12-17th, 2014 on L'île des Embiez, an Island in France. The entire island!


Coverage 3.7.1 Released (

This is mostly a performance release for the HTML report.


Pydev 3.1.0 Released (



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DissidentX (

A Censorship resistance tool by Bram Cohen. It stenographically encodes messages in files.



A framework for developing a Mac intrusion detection analysis system.


bamboo (

This is an application that simplifies realtime data analysis. bamboo provides an interface for merging, aggregating and adding algebraic calculations to dynamic datasets.


telegraphy (

Telegraphy provides real time events for WSGI Python applications with additional features such as event filtering, subscription persistence and authorization/authentication. Let us know what you think!


envdir (

This is a Python port of daemontools' tool envdir. It works on Windows and other systems which can run Python. It's well tested and doesn't need a compiler to be installed.


timesched (

Simple time scheduler application, worth a look for you still trying to get a hold on Angular.js and timezones in Python.


dejavu (

Ever wonder how Shazam works? Audio fingerprinting and recognition algorithm implemented in Python!




Python Jobs.


Software Engineer (San Francisco, CA)

at Findline Inc.


Quantitative Systems Developer (Amsterdam)

at IMC Asset Management.


Developer (San Diego, CA)

at WhatRunsWhere.


>>> More Python Jobs



Adding Stack Traces To Log Messages (


Advanced Regular Expression Tips and Techniques (

Regular expressions can be opaque to the best of us at times. Check out this post to learn some advanced Regex techniques in Python.


Constructing Color Gradients with Python (

Wondering how you programmatically create gradients in your Python visualizations, check out this great explanation with code examples.


Flask Testing with Mock and Nose (

Great tutorial to get started testing your Flask app with Nose and a nice introduction to Mock.


Improve Your Python: Understanding Unit Testing (

This is a fantastic and detailed guide to unit testing in Python. If you are looking to level up your testing knowledge this is a great place to start.


Natural Language Processing in the kitchen (

At the Los Angeles Times they have put together a Holiday Edition of the california cookbook. This was put together using Natural Language processing and Python. Check out the post for details and code samples.

Make Django Fassst  (


Pycoder's Weekly Issue #97
Dec 20th, 2013


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