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The Planet's "Other" Conversation

Allen David Reed un-spins our world
... from the consciousness of Beinghood

Friday December 13th, 2013

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If You Reach Enlightenment, Will You Miss Chocolate?

Lilou Mace interviews Ricardo Salas (Akahi ) from Ecuador and Camila Castillo from the United States, a young couple working with distinct techniques of illumination and connection through the breath.

Allen David Reed's insight:
I really enjoyed watching this young couple who so eloquently model the consciousness of BEINGHOOD at the much expanded Infinity-Based (Coral) Worldview. Reading about their journey (in the description under the video) gives us an example of how we too may become more available to our own inner light. As you come into your own light, you expand into the full freedom a Sovereign Being knows - boundaries are only in your imagination.

What is also interesting to witness when watching this video is how misunderstood this spectrum of consciousness can appear to others from a more limited understanding. The interviewer (coming from a Nature/Coherence-Based (Green/Yellow Worldview) simply could not wrap her head around this couple’s awareness. She kept getting hung up on the idea of them living on breath instead of food, and overlooking the fact that that is merely a by-product of the Coral understanding of consciousness, which was beautifully clarified by this couple at the end.

Remarkable too what their journey with their breatharian child - through conception, pregnancy and birth - illuminates. If you are suffering from limiting beliefs, viewing this ought to give them a good stretch...

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As If Health Has A Price!

This Medical News Today article describes a recent Harvard meta-study on how a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish and nuts costs significantly more than an unhealthy one rich in processed foods, meats and refined grains.

Allen David Reed's insight:
Those of us in The BEINGHOOD know we are living in a parallel universe when we read articles from Fear-Based worldviews that elevate values of money over life and health. What is even more amusing, to me at least, is how this article keeps going on about the ‘big difference’ between the Standard American Diet (SAD) and a somewhat healthy alternative at a whopping $1.50 a day! Geez, most people blow 4 times that on their daily latte from Starbucks!

Now, if we could suggest to these researchers how much more the average person would save over their present processed food diet by lifting their consciousness so as to just skip the whole food thing altogether - as the couple in the lead insight in this issue of The Beinghood Times models - I bet they would have none of that! Such is the logic of the modern medically trained mind.

To view the original article, go to:

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All Is Fair In Art And War

This ‘Beyond The Mainstream’ article in uncovers material showing how the art world was covertly used to manipulate the Cold War between the US and Russia.

Allen David Reed's insight:
What we see on the surface is not always what it appears to be. And this is important to know in understanding what, who and how the strings of our world are often being pulled. I call it ‘The Matrix’ after the movie by the same name that with metaphor and analogy painted an all too true picture of the modern world we live in today.

If you think that might be a bit of a stretch, after reading this article you will begin to get a clearer glimpse of just what I am saying. There is the show that the audience sees from the stage of life, and then there is all the ‘behind the scenes’ activity that takes place back stage to bring you that really good performance. Awakening to BEINGHOOD is to not be ‘spellbound’ by the performance, but to know that it is just a show for your entertainment, and to be more interested in reading the show guide that takes you backstage to study the credits, bios and other interesting tidbits that brought it all together.

Because art imitates life, or so we believe - or is it life imitates art? When in The Matrix you can never be too sure what is what. This article’s glimpse into how the backstage managers co-opted the show for completely different agendas wasn’t widely publicized. Raise your hand if you were aware of all of this. If you didn’t, don’t feel bad, you are not alone - 99 out of 100 others didn’t raise their hands either.

To view the original article, go to:

**To be in the planet's "other" conversation, include the hasthtag #BEINGHOOD in your comments.
**To learn more about the 10 Worldviews, go to:

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Backstage With The Stars From The Movie ‘Divide And Conquer: Subduing The People’

This photo essay of Obama on his recent trip to South Africa for Nelson Mandela's Memorial, published in PolicyMic, gives a very different behind-the-scenes glimpse into the real workings of the political class than the one you are shown in the ‘us-vs.-them’ mainstream media.

Allen David Reed's insight:
If you really need more evidence that the masses are being clearly stage handled by adroit political mechanics such as Obama, Bush and Clinton, to name the puppet of the day, look no further than this really great photo-essay showing just how ‘buddy, buddy’ the whole game is for the small group who are tasked with playing the lead roles.

Puppets though they are to a Cabal that is off 99% of people’s radar, these players know, like any great actors in Hollywood, that their job on stage is to appear hostile and divisive towards their scripted ‘opponents’ while they all sit around together afterwards in the actor’s lounge backstage and share a good laugh at it all.

The show we are all being entertained with in our global theatre is titled ‘Divide And Conquer: Subduing The People’. And you don’t need to take in the latest movies to see this show - even though they all feature it - you can sit back in your comfy chair and open the newspaper or flick on the TV. As a consumer, convenience such as this is brought right to your doorstep.

Mapping ‘The Matrix’ requires that you see clearly that the agenda of those who wish to dominate, control and dis-empower the many is to keep us in opposition to one another, and for that they pay their leading role-players handsomely.

To view the original article, go to:

**To be in the planet's "other" conversation, include the hasthtag #BEINGHOOD in your comments.
**To learn more about the 10 Worldviews, go to:

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<<First Name>>, I hope you've enjoyed my insights in this edition of "The Beinghood Times". Do pass this email on to your like-minded friends. Let's keep consciousness expanding!
In collaboration,
Allen David Reed
Curator of The Beinghood Times
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