Welcome to the last Newsletter for 2013!
As the year wraps up, I would like to say Thank You to everyone who has been a part of our spectacular journey this year since the launch of the site in March. Thanks to everyone who has supported LookUpStrata through the year! It has been busy & fantastic & crazy most of the time - & very rewarding.
We are always striving to find new ways to improve the site & add value for our Members & visitors. Watch out 2014 - it is going to be an amazing year! We have so many plans for the site I'm not sure when I will get time to sleep.
I am grateful for all I have learned this year & the new connections I have made. Cheers for 2013, have an excellent Christmas & New Year & hang on to your seats in 2014!
So, it is with Gratitude I say 'Seasons Greetings'