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Welcome to the last Newsletter for 2013!

As the year wraps up, I would like to say Thank You to everyone who has been a part of our spectacular journey this year since the launch of the site in March. Thanks to everyone who has supported LookUpStrata through the year! It has been busy & fantastic & crazy most of the time - & very rewarding.

We are always striving to find new ways to improve the site & add value for our Members & visitors. Watch out 2014 - it is going to be an amazing year! We have so many plans for the site I'm not sure when I will get time to sleep.

I am grateful for all I have learned this year & the new connections I have made. Cheers for 2013, have an excellent Christmas & New Year & hang on to your seats in 2014!

So, it is with Gratitude I say 'Seasons Greetings'


The Australian Strata Business Directory

We are still making changes & improvements to The Australian Strata Business Directory. Watch this space over the next month to see what we have planned.

Businesses have been jumping onto the Directory & claiming their listings. Have you claimed your listing yet?

Here we showcase just some of the Businesses who have already created great profiles:

Quantum United Management

Tower Body Corporate Administration Pty Ltd

Lawyers Chambers on Riley

Hynes Legal - Brisbane

The Sectional Title Warehouse

Solutions In Engineering

Strata WH&S – Do you comply?

Peter Berney
Solutions in Engineering

Compliance is a hot issue of late, with media raising concerns and demonstrating the firm repercussions of not adhering to consequential guidelines from gov......Read More

Who does what in a Strata Community?

Abode Strata Team

There is frequent confusion about the division of roles and responsibilities in a strata community. We often hear owners asking: owners … the Strata Company … the Strata Council … the Strata Manager… who do....Read More

Strata Job Board


Strata Manager - Australia

This could be the change you've been looking for... an exciting opportuni..

Strata and Community Title Coordinator - Adelaide

A role within Asset Services and is accountable to the Manager, Real Esta..

Strata Manager - Sydney South-West

This is your chance to join a strata company that has been established for well ov..

Strata Manager - Canberra

An excellent opportunity has arisen for an experienced strata manager to join a hi..

Visit the Strata Job Directory.

Upcoming Events

SCA (NSW): Annual Sailing Network Event (Mosman)
February 7, 2014 @ 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

SCA (QLD): BC101: Building Maintenance (Gold Coast)
February 13, 2014 @ 9:45 am - 5:00 pm

NSW: Owners Corporation Network General Meeting
March 15, 2014 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

NSW: Owners Corporation General Meeting
May 17, 2014 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Visit the Strata Events calendar.

Update on the Insurance Crisis in North Queensland – Part 2

Margaret Shaw

Warren Entsch is pushing to sideline the Insurance Council of Australia who he has described as “as useless as a pocket on a singlet”. He feels they have done nothing to help the insurance crisis and have been in....Read More

Property Occupations Act changes for management rights brokers

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal

The LNP government has said they will cut red tape and that is what is happening.
When the Property Occupations Act (the “Act”) becom....Read More

Breaking News

Here are our most popular Tweets and/or Facebook posts over the last fortnight:

Why units are hot property in Wollongong

Australia Is Building Upwards, But Not Where You Might Think

Rescuers stuck with no access to patient after tragic highrise fall in Surfers Paradise

Follow LookUpStrata on Facebook or Twitter.

Latest News for Short-Term Letting

We recently tweeted an article from Docklands News about their short-term letting case:

No decision on VCAT hearing   - 05 Dec 2013

However, this morning our member Ken Joseph posted some information to the site about a decision being reached on the matter.

Ken's original post can be found HERE in the Short-term letting forum post. I have also included both of these pieces of information on our running commentary on short-term lettings in our blog.
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