
Albuquerque Zen Center Weekly Newsletter
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A quiet place in a noisy world.
This week of December 9th, 2013.

Joshu Sasaki Roshi ... On Life and Death

In Nyorai Zen, life is called the activity of living. And death, we say, is the activity of dying. According to Nyorai Zen, as a temporary, skillful means of thinking, enlightened people have said these activities of living and dying never end, they are eternal.

We are beings who have developed the power of knowing, so we recognize many different activities; for instance, we can say the “activity of good weather,” or “the activity of wind.” But if you really look at this carefully, you see they are all really manifestations of these two activities of living and dying. You can rename these activities the plus activity and the minus activity. We human beings have developed to the extent that we are able to think and to recognize phenomena in this way. We’ve developed to the point where we’re able to think about and acknowledge that which you can’t see - that which you can’t grasp in your hand. That is the standpoint of Nyorai Zen.

So if a ghost happens to appear or if a demon appears, if God appears or if the devil appears, or if you say, “I’m saved by God,” all of these activities are this very activity of living and dying. We don’t recognize in Nyorai Zen any other basic functioning besides this. But when you ask who is doing this recognizing, there is none other than the human being that is doing it.

In Nyorai Zen we say we are born from these two plus and minus functions. Christianity says you are born from God. I guess that’s OK to say, but in Buddhism we say that we are born from the activity of “suchness,” or tatagatha. These two activities of plus and minus are living together and acting together in one room. It’s never the case that they are functioning in two separate worlds. Because they are acting together in the same room, inevitably there will be a place in which they encounter one another. To say it simply, that place of meeting is the complete self.

This complete self has both the plus activity and the minus activity as its content. This is the true person. In this complete state there is no necessity to speak. There is no necessity to push anyone away. This is the manifestation of complete, true love and true compassion. When this complete self splits itself in two, then it becomes plus and minus again. When this separation of the complete self occurs, then in the interval between plus and minus, and living and dying, is the beginning of what we usually call the self.

This is really important. We have to ask: "Is the self born with the complete activities of plus and minus as its content, or not?" What do you think? If the self is born with the complete activities of plus and minus, with the complete activities of living and dying as its content, that would be God, wouldn’t it? If this were the case, it would not be subject to being controlled by living or dying. This is when we can, for the first time, understand what Buddha nature or the activity of the Buddha might mean.

Buddha—or we can say God—has this Buddha nature as its content completely. But in general, that which is born is not born in a complete state. All beings are born incomplete. To the extent that existent things are incomplete, then they must suffer through being controlled by the two activities of living and dying.

Clearly learn this principle while you’re still alive. Learn this principle of practice, of making living and dying completely your content. This is the teaching and perspective of Nyorai Zen.

Beginners Instruction, Saturday 8:15AM
Wear loose clothes, bring a friend, come early for a cup of coffee or tea. Also the beginners instruction is, a great refresher if you've been away a while

who would have known ... wolf got zero!
(be sure to click on the image for a little bit of fun)

zero is ...

finding zero ... in a Bob Dylan classic

How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?

Click on the finding zero icon for a
version "Like a Rolling Stone" that
you may not have heard before.

this week at AZC ...

We are appreciative of short articles and first-person stories, from both AZC members and non-members alike. (700 words, plus or minus would be great - please include pictures if you can.) Please send to Jim Redel.

At AZC, we depend entirely upon the donations of our sangha members and the support of those who strive, as we do, to help others see their worlds a bit more clearly. If you've found a photo or link or article that you fell may help to inspire others, we welcome your support. 

AZC Calendar

Monday 12/9
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
5:30-7:00 PM Evening Zendo

Tuesday 12/01
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
5:30-7:00 PM Intro to Buddhism

Wednesday 12/11
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
7:30 AM Bagels and Coffee / Tea
5:30-7:00PM Evening Zendo

Thursday 12/12
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
5:30-7:00 PM Intro to Buddhism

Friday 12/13
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo

Saturday 12/14
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
7:30-8:15 AM Bagels and Coffee
8:15-9:15 AM Work Practice
8:15-9:15 AM Newcomers Instruction
9:30-11:00 AM Mid-morning Zendo

Sunday 12/5

Rinzai-ji Calendar

Bodhi Manda Zen Center (Jemez Springs, NM) is on its regular schedule.

Rinzai-ji Zen Center (Los Angeles, CA) is on its regular schedult

Mt Baldy Zen Center (Mt Baldy, CA) Winter Seichu begins Thursday December 12 with Rohatsu activities running from December 14th - 22nd.

Haku-un-ji Zen Center (Tempe, AZ) is on its regular schedule.

Zen Centre of Vancouver (Vancouver, BC) has sesshin starting December 15th - 22nd.