                                                                                             December 2013
Dear Friends, 

The Parliament succeeds when strangers become neighbors, acquaintances become friends, and enemies choose to co-exist peacefully.

Attending the Melbourne Parliament, Elisabeth caught the vision found in these words. She returned home to Austria, establishing an interfaith gathering place.

Through these efforts, she discovered that many of the wives of local farmers were from a variety of countries and faith traditions, and that they were feeling like strangers in their own village.

She reached out to these women, creating a small group where they could share the wealth of their own faiths and experiences. They began to share the beauty of their own cultures, faiths, and foods. Their perspectives were changed! They no longer saw themselves as immigrants, but as cultural ambassadors.

Elisabeth even decided to become a part of the Parliament’s Ambassador Program!
Transforming people from immigrants into cultural ambassadors… from strangers into friends… that is the ongoing work of the Parliament. You can ensure that this work continues.

Help the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions move boldly into 2014 with your donation and your action!

With our thanks for all you do, working together to create a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world. 


Dr. Mary Nelson
Executive Director 

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