What opportunities has God given you while you wait for Him to return?
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Yes.  It was definitely the best day of my life!
Seasons of Waiting…Seasons of Rejoicing!
I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, 
and in his word I put my hope.  I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning."
~ Psalm 130:5-6

Having just completed a season of waiting to get married, I feel like I can relate to waiting for the Lord in a unique way this Advent season.  This past week our pastor gave an illustration of how even instant-gratification-loving Americans wrap Christmas presents, put them under a tree and then WAIT to open them.  He reminded us that WAITING is a good thing.

Waiting increases desire.

I immediately thought of our engagement time, and how every day I longed more deeply for the day Jason and I would get married.

And now that the season of waiting for our wedding day is over, there is a new season of rejoicing!  And growing, and learning, and figuring out what to cook for dinner, of course.  I'm realizing that as exhilarating as our wedding day was, there is an even greater celebration, that is, an everlasting season of rejoicing to anticipate, and look forward to.
That day when Jesus returns.

During our engagement season before our wedding, I had specific tasks to complete such as designing wedding invitations, deciding music selections, and choosing color schemes.  I also have specific tasks to complete and opportunities to participate in, during our waiting period before Jesus comes again.

As you know, one of these opportunities is coordinating overseas opportunities for individuals to investigate what tasks God may have prepared for them to complete during their own particular season of waiting for His coming!
A few glimpses into my job role, and prayer requests are below.

Jason and me - after a train ride we took on our honeymoon in the Poconos!

As a Discovery trip coordinator for Wycliffe Bible Translators, I am responsible for:
deciding modes of transportation
finding funding strategies
selecting meal options
leading pre-field training
planning orientation and debrief
and most importantly, figuring out how Discovery trip participants will be involved in Bible Translation while they are overseas.

Pray for the team it takes to make these trips possible and pray specifically for timely responses from my colleagues overseas as I work on schedules and plan for the trip!
My family (minus my brother Mark), and my Dad's parents and my Uncle on Thanksgiving day!

Discovery group trips are made up of individuals who can become like family during the course of a trip.  My role involves interviewing participants, helping them discover which trip is the best fit, and how their gifts and abilities will merge with the other team members.

Pray for lots of these conversations in the next months and the right combination of participants to engage in the South Asia group trip.

 Many participants who apply are seriously considering overseas work, and have a strong desire to see God's Word in every language so that people from every nation might begin waiting expectantly for His return!

Click this link (Discovery Info) for more information on
Discovery trips!
Click this link (
Trips for 2014) and scroll down to
South Asia Tapestry to see the description of the group trip I am coordinating for next year!

THANK YOU for your faithful prayers and support!!
Just one of your unique opportunities, while we wait together for our Savior to come again.
Then we will engage in an eternity of the best days of our lives, every single day with Him!

Copyright © Elizabeth Eno, Discovery Trip Coordinator, All rights reserved.

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Wycliffe Bible Translators 
P.O. Box 628200 
Orlando, FL 32862-8200

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