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The Planet's "Other" Conversation

Allen David Reed un-spins our world
... from the consciousness of Beinghood

Friday January 10th, 2014

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Revealing The Carbon Cap And Trade Hoax

Well researched and demonstrated, this documentary film ‘Trading on Thin Air’ explains the methods used by the financial oligarchy in the past to extract the wealth of the nation and shows how the same strategy is being used today to subvert a movement for conservation and sustainability and harness it in order to create the next big bubble.

Allen David Reed's insight:
Some people will stop at nothing to dominate or keep their monopoly game going. And setting their sights on the ‘prize’ of more ‘numbers’ to prop up their identities is as vicious as any junkie’s fix - only here it is destroying the life and planet the rest of us must live on rather than to just themselves. Isn’t it rather fascinating that we human monkeys have conditioned our Pavlovian minds to get dopamine ‘rushes’ and other ‘highs’ from simply having more ‘numbers’ on a piece of paper? BEINGHOOD is being free of this conditioning. And this ‘numbers’ reactive conditioning is the core process used by the ‘dark side’ to separate us from our whole ‘Being’. If you are whole in your Being, nothing can add any more ‘excitation’ to you. It is only when you are disconnected from the ‘whole of your Being’ that you are a ‘subject’ - subject to control in other words.

A lot of attention has been given to climate change and global warming. Data is coming out from all over the planet, some say we are cooling, some say we are warming. Some say the natural processes like volcanoes dwarfs the amount of carbon man is adding to the environment. Some say solar cycles are causing a warming of the whole solar system, not just the earth. Others claim the historical data shows the earth goes through these climate disruptive cycles quite often. While it seems there is a lot of confusion and contraction going on, the simple observations of our recent weather extremes shows that mother nature is not a happy camper and is doing her best to cleanse off this ‘parasite’ living on her, much the same as your body goes into a cleansing cycle when you get sick due to a build up of toxic waste.

Nothing more clearly demonstrates the psychotic break from reality and the narcissistic self-delusion of our identity around the need for a ‘numbers’ fix than the carbon tax on humanity. Part enslavement move, part pure psychopathy against life with a healthy dose of self-aggrandizing egotism, this latest ponzi scheme to bankrupt a planet is well demonstrated in this ‘must watch’ documentary. Fortunately enough people are now moving to other more sane means of responsible economics than the private ‘fiat money for hire’ game of the last few hundred years that the ‘banksters’ will be left holding an empty bag… of numbers.

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Money For The Rest Of Us

This USA Today article, along with others cited, is showing the growing interest in alternative currencies in light of the artificial contraction of credit by the banks.  Bitcoin has been getting a great deal of attention in this regard as the public’s fascination with the ‘gold rush’ to cyber-currencies gains momentum.

Allen David Reed's insight:
If we read between the lines, we are seeing a few different points coming forward in this article: first is the currency threat Bitcoin poses, next there is Greenspan proving this threat by trying to say Bitcoin has to yet prove its intrinsic value, and the third implication - as if the central bank’s fiat dollars have any intrinsic value either except in our collective mind. These guys are seeing the writing on the wall and are scared sh*tless about this phenomenon now that they’ve caught on to just what it is - a way for people to make bankster fiat irrelevant. Bad sheeple, back in your pen.

What is evident now over the last century is that ‘on loan’ fiat currencies are an absolute drain on the wealth and health of a community - any community. It is a pure game of theft of the grandest order, so big that only a handful among us can see the full implications of it. Restoring the health of community is the first step on the road to BEINGHOOD. The Nature-Based (Green) worldview is rooted in community as the outer environment of ‘Love’ needed to create a nurturing space for inner growth of the ensuing Love-Based worldviews. You must put the ‘Heart’ in place before you can move into ‘enlightenment’.

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The Decline Of The American Justice System

This Washington Monthly blogpost cites a former prosecutor about an interesting piece in the NYRB about why there have been no prosecutions of financial industry employees over the systemic fraud surrounding the financial crisis.

Allen David Reed's insight:
I find articles that look at Wall Street from inside the box to be rather sardonic - you don’t know whether to laugh or throw up. I grew up believing as most in our society still do that there was a justice system that was fair and just and moral. I also believed at that time in Santa Claus, the Good Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and a whole raft of other fairy tales. Then I found out my parents were Santa Claus and the whole story started to unravel.

Now I’m so awake to reality I know justice is a complete fiction. It is not anything about fair… it is all about power and money, and who has it and who controls the minions (judges in this case) who we mere mortals believe are these ‘mighty ones on high’ (when seen from our lowly point of view that is). It is like approaching the great fiery Oz, trembling for your life. When you finally get this is all a front to fleece you on a well run plantation farm called a nation and to protect those who put the game in place, well then, it doesn’t have the same luster anymore. The hard reality of ‘The Matrix’ is sometimes a bit much to swallow. That is why few ever make the real choice to be free and Sovereign in their BEINGHOOD - waiting for the Easter Bunny is just so much easier.

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The Power Of RAW Cannabis

This is a must-watch Youtube video featuring some of the top researchers on the healing effects of Cannabis in its RAW form, eaten or juiced.  Hailed as even being a ‘dietary essential’, Cannabis has proven that it helps all cell types function more effectively.  So much so the US Government has taken out a patent for its active healing ingredients.

Allen David Reed's insight:
Its amazing to me how the US Government has, over time, made all the most effective healing plants illegal. Who decided that one? Questions like this are the stuff of conspiracies and for good reason. Cannabis has been well known throughout history for its medicinal and anti-cancer properties. Even to the point of having been encouraged by the founding fathers of the USA to have everyone grow it in their back yards as a healing plant. What ever happened to this long lost wisdom?

Since the rise of the Rockefeller backed AMA pharma industry and its deep pocketed lobbying arms to ward off all competition to its ‘disease-care’ monopoly (Rockefeller hated competition), the cannabis plant - and other plants hailed by some of the wisest men in history - have been systematically and methodically vilified through a relentless media propaganda campaign.

Now most people in the ‘mainstream’ (red-blue-orange Worldview spectra) have been thoroughly brainwashed and tricked into believing Cannabis is an ‘evil’ plant only used by drug-crazed hippies. If this plant is so evil, why has the US government taken out a patent on its healing properties? There is so much people need to wake up to.

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A Race To The Mind

This USA UPDATE article in The Christian Science Monitor highlights a disturbing trend in health and athleticism, showing how kids today are a full 90 seconds slower running a mile than just a generation ago.

Allen David Reed's insight:
Darwin might have been very alarmed by this article. If only the strong and most fit survive, we seem to be on a new course toward extinction if these trends are to be believed. It wasn’t just a few decades ago even, that the human body had evolved to be a very refined instrument. Now with the advent of TV, video games, and other passive technologies, it seems we are on a reversed course - we are becoming obese and lethargic and dumb.

Diet is often pointed to in this instance, yet beyond diet there is a much reduced incentive or even need to stay fit, as money is now being made through technology, not physically as it was for most of our history. The price of our technological shift toward the mind and away from the body is rapidly becoming evident with our current decline in health.

The new money is made using our minds, and the new economies - from smart phones to smart cars - are moving vast percentages of us onto our rears for days at a time. If this trend continues, what will the future human look like? Oh, this part is fun! If we take the ‘technology’ path, we may devolve into ‘blobules’ feeding an artificial brain - or - if the Kurzweilians have their way, humans will cease altogether as all computation is transferred to a society of intelligent computers.

Maybe we should get off our butts and begin running again, fire up the free-energy that is our body and become the technology we originally created ourselves to be. Remember, you in your BEINGHOOD can tap into infinite consciousness, a feat no artificial intelligence can. As they say, use it or lose it.

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In collaboration,
Allen David Reed
Curator of The Beinghood Times
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