Learn about our spring workshops, open office hours, research software support, and a new trial resource for international data.
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January 2014

Spring Workshops

Interested in learning about statistical approaches, research software, data management plans, sharing research data, or geocoding data? Check out our spring lineup of workshops. Upcoming workshops in January include:

Open Office Hours

This spring, StatLab will host open office hours for statistical consulting. Open office hours are Tuesday through Friday 2:00-4:00 p.m. in Alderman 523 and begin on January 13. Drop by for a quick consult or to find out how we can help.

Research Software Support

Kathy Gerber and Nancy Kechner, formerly of ITS Research Computing Support, have joined StatLab. They will be providing support for site-licensed research software (e.g. SAS, MatLab, Mathematica, SPSS, QuestionPro, Nvivo, and others) and consulting on various aspects of the research process. Kathy and Nancy will also host open office hours Tuesday through Friday 10:00 a.m.-noon in Alderman 523, and you can reach them anytime at

International Data

The U.Va. Library has a 30-day trial to ProQuest International DataSets, which contains aggregated data sets from national governments, international organizations, and research firms. Please send feedback to
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