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Sweet Dream In A Bag


          April 2014

                     Providing New Bedding, 
                            Caring & Love
                      to Children in Transition

A 4 year old boy was about to choose his Sweet Dream Bag at a Treasure Time Gifting Event--he  held out his hand with it full  of pennies and said "Here I want you to have these"  I told  him everything was free and he could put his  pennies back in his pocket.  He just looked at me and said "maybe you need some money!"  I told him I had a little in my purse and he finally was convinced that he didn't need to give me his pennies! -- What a caring and generous little boy!!!!!

"The 2014 Volunteers Of TheYear"

Sweet Dream was honored as "The Warren Village 2014 Volunteers of the Year".  We accepted the award  for each and every volunteer that helps make Sweet Dream a reality -- YOU are  the ones that are HONORED!!!  Each of you are "The 2014 Volunteer of  the Year"!!!!

 April 10, Thursday, starting at 6:00pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Mount Loretto Family Housing,
3101 S. Federal Blvd, Denver, CO  80236  (Volunteers Needed)

 April 16,  Wed., starting at 5:30 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Family Tree Housing & Family Services,
3805 Marshall St. , Wheatridge, 80033  (Volunteers Needed)
April 19, 2014  Saturday Morning
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton, CO  80121,
Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay!  (Everyone Welcome!)

April 22, Tuesday, starting at 6:00pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Access Housing
6978 Colorado Blvd, Commerce City, 80022  (Volunteers Needed)

April 23, Wednesday, starting at 7:00pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Salvation Army Lambeth Center
2741 N. Federal, Denver, 80211  (Volunteers Needed)

April 30, Wednesday, starting at 12 Noon
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Jefferson County Head Start
5150 Allison St, Arvada, 80211  (Wells Fargo Volunteers)

May 3, Saturday, starting at 1pm
“Treasure Time Gifting Event”
VOA Family Housing & Services,
 455 Bannock, Denver, CO (Volunteers Needed)

 May 14 or 15 (TBA), starting at 5pm
“Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Hidden Brooke, Hope Communities Family Services,
 1313 Xenia St, Denver, CO 80220  (Volunteers Needed)

May 17, 2014  Saturday Morning
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton, CO  80121, Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay!  (Everyone Welcome!) 

Reminder: if you can help with any Treasure Time Event please call Susie 303-507-2098 or email
 Check the Calendar on our Website:
www.sweetdreaminabag.orgApril 10, Thursday, starting at 6:00pm
 You are making a difference
in the lives of these precious children!


  •  Twin Size Navy Blue Comforters (purchase at Walmart about $18)
  • Standard Size Bed Pillows
  • 2-3 inch wide ribbon (50yd spools at Sam's Club & Costco, about $8)
 You are making a difference
in the lives of these precious children!

Wayne & Alena HDR Sweet Dream in a Bag Awards
Wayne Fox, an employee of HDR, (International Engineering Company) was nominated by fellow employees and received the prestigious Pathfinder’s Crystal  Award of Excellence, Pathfinder of Distinction for Community Service.   Also Alena Rein, an employee of HDR and volunteer for Sweet Dream  received the Golden Community Service Volunteer Award for her many hours she gives to Sweet Dram In A Bag.   Wayne, Susie, and their family were happy to be together at the ceremony to receive the award. This award was presented to Wayne by the President of HDR, Eric Keen, who flew in to make the presentation.  This award truly represents Wayne, Susie, the all many donors and volunteers that make Sweet Dream in a Bag happen for so many needy children.  Only two of these prestigious awards are given internationally each year among the 8,600 employees.  Wayne was very excited, humbled and honored to receive this special award, while representing HDR, Sweet Dream in a Bag and the precious  children Sweet Dream serves.

Kiwanis Packing Event

Many members from  the DTC Kiwanis Club, Castle Rock  Kiwanis Club, the Kiwanis Club of Denver and the Rock Canyon Key Club all came together to partner with Sweet Dream for a morning of packing 51 Sweet Dream Bags.  Kiwanis is a service organization with the motto "Changing One Child's Life, One Community At A Time!" -- and that is what was done!  We thank to each member and each club for their time, support and financial help!!!  

Speaking to groups

Know we love the opportunity to speak and share about Sweet Dream to any group, church, business or organization-- just call Susie 303-507-2098

Copyright © April_2014Sweet Dream In A Bag, All rights reserved.     

Our mailing address is:  9249 S. Broadway, Unit 200, Suite 198, Littleton, CO  80129
Sweet Dream In A Bag
9249 S Broadway,
Unit 200, Suite 198
Littleton, CO 80129

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