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The Planet's "Other" Conversation

Allen David Reed un-spins our world
... from the consciousness of Beinghood

Friday December 27th, 2013

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The Battle For Your Mind

This blog post by renowned hypnotist Dick Sutphen, highlights the persuasion and brainwashing techniques being used on the public today from religious revivals and personal growth workshops to mass media and leading business and political figures.

Allen David Reed's insight:
This discussion really speaks for itself. If you choose to be Sovereign, both in your person yet more importantly in your ‘Mind’, then knowing what Dick is sharing here is fundamental to your freedom. ‘The Matrix’ is worse than a video game, you never know at any point where you are going to get caught unsuspecting, even by those in whom you believed you could put your trust - such as national leaders.

What is crucial to your BEINGHOOD is knowing well, as I’ve said before, when to trust your Self in the face of overwhelming odds, such as all your friends and family, community and even the whole nation seemingly going against your better sense. This is the nature of mass hypnosis and propaganda to have you ‘go along to get along’. It is known also as ‘social proof’ - it must be ‘right’ if others are doing it. Many fell under the ‘spell’ of one such master of this dark art, Adolph Hitler, who captured the passions and anger of a whole nation and ultimately turned it toward destructive ends. Yet in the lead up to WWII, to not be ‘one of us’ branded you in Germany as an enemy of the ‘state’. Much more recently, after the false flag of 911, then U.S. president George Bush - also trained in these methods by skilled handlers - proclaimed “you are either with us or against us”. No nation is immune, even those claiming to be symbols of freedom.

Such methods of mind control and ‘divide and conquer’ are as old as civilization. These mind control techniques are particularly effective in the spectra of Fear-Based Worldviews, which just happens to be where the vast majority - the ‘mainstream’ as it is commonly known - perceive our world from. Hence the repeated cabal owned media onslaught of fear-inducing memes in order to keep ‘dumbing down’ and scaring the crap out of the unknowing. I frequently wonder how these people can face themselves in the mirror each morning. I guess with enough money you can pay off the Karma Gods too.

You are truly on your own to discern for your ‘Self’ what is real and true for you. It requires your entire ‘Being’ being present, aware and questioning everything and everyone all the times. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. What’s your choice?

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Junk Food Consumption Leads To Memory Loss In Under One Week

In this Voice Of Russia article, the authors are providing a summary of research originating from the University of New South Wales, Australia suggesting that a poor diet also leads to a faulty memory.

Allen David Reed's insight:
Is there any wonder why our western culture is being bombarded by junk food? There is a close relationship between keeping control over a population and its ‘mass diet’ as this article, when read in combination with my other insight ‘The Battle For Your Mind’ suggests.

Some might argue it is simply a profit-driven corporatocracy supplying the demands of a consumer public. Others would say the ‘addictive’ nature of these junk foods is to blame. Actually, no, people are the ones with addictive needs and tendencies due to their disconnection from their true ‘Self’, not the other way around. So while our 1% is getting fat off of feeding our addictions - even promulgating them - rather than taking the noble high road to enlightening our populations, we live in interesting times. Truly, to live in Sovereign freedom of BEINGHOOD is a solo, inside job.

No nation or corporation is ever going to support you in that quest until enough people demand they do. Governments are too busy making money off the drug trade - both legal and illegal as we see in the HSBC double standard (see my insight ‘The War On Drugs Is A War Against You’). The whole thing is a very sad charade.

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The War On Drugs Is A War Against You

Rolling Stone political analyst Matt Taibbi shows how the recent US Justice Department settlement with HSBC, a global British bank, clearly proves a double standard in the 'war on drugs'.

Allen David Reed's insight:
For most of you reading this with expanded Worldviews, none of this is news. It’s just business as usual in our world of commerce where ‘Matrix batteries’ (you) are simply treated as expendable pawns in the game. The ‘system’ (‘The Matrix’ in other words), is not going to cannibalize its own infrastructure. As one commentator to this article pointed out “HSBC was started to launder the money of the Chinese opium trade.”

Knowing this is all about harvesting your energy to feed ‘The Matrix’, being astute will go a long way to save you. Getting clean of your addictions will rob both the junk food corporatocracy from Monsanto onward, the mind control machine and drug trade of its cash flow lifeblood. The governments are now out to find any excuse they can to fleece you and steal from you, don’t give them one. Learn the game of commerce law, the game of legal Sovereignty and give them back a dose of their own medicine. The greatest evolution will be when our critical mass of awake ones are clean in plain sight as to be completely invisible. When your vibration is pure, parasites can’t see you. At that point, they will turn to feeding off each other.

To view the original article, go to:

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There’s A Drug For That…

This Daily Mail article discusses research into an exciting new drug to treat Alzheimer’s -  that could reduce a crucial component of the disease by 90 per cent - is about to be tested on thousands of patients.

Allen David Reed's insight:
You often here people say “there’s and app for that…”, well, the same could be said for the pharmaceutical industry too. They are ever busy to find cures for what ails us and have come to find a way to treat the ‘effect’ of Alzheimer’s disease which results in a large percentage of the population in our western world to lose their memory.

Yes, this is good news for the many who are afflicted yet will never come into the awareness of their BEINGHOOD. I don’t mean this as a judgment, it is simply a fact of how one lives from their Worldview. For us in our BEINGHOOD, we understand the plaque in the brain causing this ‘dis-ease’ is caused by drinking teas high in fluoride, boiled in water treated with fluoride thus releasing SEVEN TIMES as much fluoride, alcohol consumption, junk foods and sugar, cooking in aluminum and teflon, along with otherwise NOT USING YOUR MIND TO THINK! There is an interesting parallel statistic that people often die within five years of retirement. In other words, when you retire your mind (or ‘ment’ in latin), your ‘youthing’ abilities and regeneration functions begin to whither.

Most who are affected live lives being told what to do and think, how to eat, what to eat, etc., etc. Few ever question anything, and as ‘The Battle For The Mind’ demonstrates are really very fully mind controlled humans. Governments, as we’ve seen, love this stuff too, it makes lots of money for ‘systemically too big to fail institutions’.

It might seem in this issue my insights are tending toward the cynical or unempathetic. While at one worldview it might appear so, when living from the worldviews of BEINGHOOD and being Self-responsible beforehand, cleansing regularly, thinking for yourself, questioning everything, eating living foods if you do eat foods all all conspire to take back your power; and deprive others of feeding off your life-force - because you exist in a parallel universe. Parasites hate that kind of behavior!

To view the original article, go to:

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<<First Name>>, I hope you've enjoyed my insights in this edition of "The Beinghood Times". You can read previous editions here. Please pass this email on to your like-minded friends. Let's keep consciousness expanding!
In collaboration,
Allen David Reed
Curator of The Beinghood Times
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