Reading for the Year 2014  - an in-depth look

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This reading marks the 31st consecutive year I have performed the Reading of the Year.
I have gone from young Awo to Elder Oluwo, and I have learned a great deal during these years that is included in everything I deliver to you today.  The information has come from a process that was enhanced by my receiving the original Igba of the Patriarch Epega... handed down to me from his grandson, my mentor, the late Dr. Afolabi Epega.
To suggest that entrusting me with this sacred implement, used for major divination by the man that was Dr. William Bascom’s primary informant, was not a major part of my learning, would be a vast understatement. 
Ashe, the living essence of the individual who utilized it, is a basic Yoruba truth.  It is that truth, more than anything else, which has taught me the meaning of, and the importance of, Living Energy!
The Yoruba understood the living energy of Ifa.  They understood that living energies could, by definition, not remain static!  That to be ALIVE meant the ability of that energy to perceive change... and to act upon it.  It was not until the incursion of Christianity, that attempting to turn the living energies of Ifa, into the static images of their own God, threatened to become the accepted practice.
All you have to do is look at your smart phones, the internet, instant messaging and social media to see the revolutionary changes in our world in just the last thirty years.  Well, Ifa sees it as well, and Ifa has retained the wisdom and capacity to integrate good decisions, a good life, into this vortex of change!
You see, good character and behavior can be implemented if the LIVING energy is listened to.  The Patriarch’s Igba has helped me to realize this... hopefully this year’s reading will do the same for you.

Love and Blessings,
Oluwo Philip John Neimark





”Ategbe, Ategbe, Olokun’s diviner, cast Ifa for Olokun. A sheep and 18,000 cowrie should be offered as sacrifice. It was predicted that he would be rich and have many children. He heard and made the sacrifice. He became rich and had many children.”

“Ire-ntegf the diviner of Akisa, cast Ifa for Akisa when he was about to give honey to his Ifa, He was advised to sacrifice honey,aadun (corn and oil), and obi (kola nut). He heeded the advice and performed the sacrifice.  Ifa gave him honey as well.”

Irete Ogbe is an Odu with great promise.  Years ago, in the Sacred Ifa Oracle, I wrote: “Irete Ogbe speaks of prosperity, happiness and sexual satisfaction.
And so it does... but the greater story is that it was one of the very few Odu’s that rewarded us, usually for surviving, as well as persevering, through life’s true difficulties.


For after the devastating recession which began in 2007, the average working man, woman and family found themselves embarked on a course of simply surviving, as the hope for a previously assumed better future became dimmer & dimmer.
This Odu is about that survival and your need for replacing that thinking with a lifestyle of joy, happiness and fulfillment...  It is the final step on a painful, but necessary journey which forced us to give up indulging our lives with what was the latest offerings of technology, such as a new tablet or smart phone... and truly allow us to “see” the critical parts of our life that could bring us genuine security, love and companionship. It gave us the opportunity of re-establishing the family, a community of like-minded people...and our own sense of legitimate morality.
This year, the energy of the primary Odu, comes Ibi.  (off path) The Odu cast that determined that is Oyeku Osa.  Indicating our work, our understanding and how we embrace a more meaningful existence still has more to be done!

It is telling us that our Ancestors need us to repair our way of life... and that when we form this alignment with that knowledge and take the actions necessary that will create and strengthen a much more evolved connection with our ancestors then our lives will reap the benefits of sudden positive changes allowing what the main Odu is delivering to be in full bloom.
It is not a dire is simply the statement that we must select those ideas that provide long-term happiness.  And those ideas will always center on our family and community.
The key to helping us on our path, to aid us in achieving long-lasting fulfillment, to enhance every facet of our life... is assigned to our PRIMARY GUARDIAN ANCESTOR as the main energy of the year.
Remember, it is ONLY our Primary Ancestor who is with us from the moment of conception to the moment when we leave the earth.
This year Ebbo’s have been designed to allow each of you access to the most powerful energies that have grown in power within our Sacred Orisha Gardens!
Each year, the Oluwo and IyaV add more to their Ashe during their time here on earth as information gatherers.
And each day of each year... they both find creative ways to communicate their findings.
This year... the New Year Ebbo's carry a whole new level!  Recognizing how challenging all of our daily lives are... the Ebbos and spiritual connection tools are higher than ever before.
With the amplification of the Sacred Orisha Gardens and the entire 10 acres of land devoted to the path of Ifa... the strength of the energy that is used for initiations and other various ceremonies is now going to be included in this year's spiritual tools for the New Year reading.
Just as ancient cultures used elements such as the center of the labyrinth to connect with the "mother" churches and temples where they recognized the purest and strongest form of energy was contained...The Ifa Foundation is now using this concept for 2014.
Each of the leading matrixes for the year will have a specific Orisha energy that responds specifically.  Read all about it below and see how you can strengthen your abilities and access more Ashe for building a greater new year alignment.



There are three parts to each spiritual tool idea created for the specific Ebbos for 2014.
#1  Each Ebbo for 2014 will be created and connect  you with the "motherland" at Ola Olu through the means of creating a duplicate amulet during the ceremony which will be left inside the shrine as your connecting rod there.
#2  During the rituals for the Ebbo's ... A special personal piece of jewelry that you can wear or simply take with you throughout a day will be sent to you along with prayers and detailed instructions on how to gain the most from it.
#3  Each of the spiritual tools you will receive will have a special recharging dock that comes with it.  
(just like an ipod has)  This dock is also what is connecting everything in that matrix to the "motherland" and main energy vortex place on the Ola Olu Sacred Orisha land... which is land that was part of the African continent in ancient times.  All of your tools and their accompanying elements will have been created inside those special places and have the highest of possible order integrated into their formation.
After you use your connecting tool in your prayers or after you have had it with you all can return it to the dock for a recharge. More about each in sections below...  
Every one of the "recharging docks" has a special combination of materials that have been divined that make up the formula for the Ebbo.  Each one is unique as they are all hand-built for you at the time of your request.
Part of each one of the docks will be the sacred soil from that special Orisha Garden that is connected to the Ebbo pathway.  Other elements will be dry herbs and crushed stones and shells as well as special seeds, bark, ash and more.  (again each one of these dry potions has been divined with the guidance of Orunmila, Ela and the Ancestors inside the New Year Reading.
And now for the details on the Ebbo's and what comes with each one.




  Guardian Ancestor

The 2014 reading calls for us to deepen and strengthen our connections with our personal Guardian Ancestor.
Now you can whisper your prayers in a more sacred manner.  Using a special personal tool made of stone with a hole cut through the trapezoid shaped jasper.  You will receive one and a tandem one will hang inside the sacred Guardian Ancestor shrine at Ola Olu.
Your amulet can be worn on the leather cord that comes with it or you can unsnap it and carry it in your pocket.
Anytime you are not using your stone you can place it inside the recharging dock and let it get energized with the Ashe that is inside the well of the ancient clay wall creation... all part of your Ebbo set. The three elements that are part of Ebbo... the amulet on the cord, the dock made of clay filled with the Ashe materials from the main guardian ancestor shrine at Ola Olu and the piece that is the tandem amulet that is place in ceremony at the main shrine.
Follow this link to have your New Year Ebbos prepared... for aligning and strengthening your connection with your Guardian Ancestor... for you and your family.


   Ori - your Destiny doorway - the place to access your life's purpose.

The 2014 reading calls for us to use an Ori Ebbo and tool to align highest with the main Odu path of Irete Ogbe.
Now you will be able to have a special set up for your home altar to create this alignment.  A special three legged vessel used for holding the Ashe potion from the ceremonies will be a part of the Ebbo.  Included are two 3-sided antique silver pendants.  One will be placed on the Ori shrine with your name blessed there in the rituals and the other becomes part of a special necklace made of three different stone beads.
Anytime you are not using your necklace you can return it to the three legged sculptural bowl and let it replenish while nestling in the Ashe of the dry potion ritual materials.
Follow this link to have your New Year Ebbos prepared... for aligning and strengthening your Ori - Destiny path... for you and your family.



   Onile (Earth Mother)

The 2014 reading calls for our Physical, Spiritual and Mental Health to align with Onile (Earth Mother).  This is very unique and obscure energy for most people.  Onile is the Owner of the Earth.  She is not mother earth but the whole of Earth.  She is the land, the sea, and the skies. Onile is under everything as well as on top of everything.  The 40 foot figure created at the Ola Olu sacred Orisha gardens has her half underground and half above ground.  She is created from earth's clay as well as crushed shells from the sea.  
The reading calls for us to become engaged with Onile to create a higher alignment to all areas of our health.  With the special rituals and Ebbos as well as the unique elements incorporated as part of the matrix used for this will be sure to find the emotional experience truly important for your life's journey.  
For your Onile connecting tools you will have an ancient pearl nautilus shell filled with the materials that the Onile altar piece is made of.  This will be the recharging dock.  In addition... there are the tandem amulets that will be used in the ceremonies.  These are made of a translucent glass Amphora vial.  One will be left on the Onile shrine and one will be incorporated into a special necklace made of natural shells and translucent green stone beads.
Our "footprint" in life has a lot to do with Onile.  How we see.... becomes more transparent working with Onile.  When you become engaged with Onile at this level you will become more adept at how to tune into vibrational energy at an interspecies level and communicate in ways you have never known before.  
Onile brings a flowing peace and calm inside you and allows your existence on earth to be blessed with so much more harmony.
An entire write up about Onile will come with your Ebbo matrix pieces.
 Follow this link to have your New Year Ebbo for aligning and strengthening the area of your Health and Well-Being with the matrix of Onile prepared for you and your family.




The 2014 reading calls for us to connect with Oko to form a higher alignment to receive the benefits of Irete Ogbe.  This will bring us to another level of achieving success and prosperity in our endeavors.
Now you can have the special matrix pieces connecting you with this potent energy of Oko.  Inside the rituals for the 2014 Ebbos... there will be a special necklace made with a combination of different seeds and beads. (some are from the raffia palm fruit!) The focal piece is a lost cast wax made bronze amulet that is a banana leaf.  All materials divined for considered the energy matrix of Oko and the special connections to the earth.
The recharging dock is made from an orb shaped special sea urchin shell...that has snake like patterns all around it.  Each element is one that responds with Oko and bringing success.  The dry materials that are used in the Ebbos will be included inside your shell.  Each one will also come with a special natural made coaster to set things on.  A tandem shell will be place on the Oko shrine in your honor... connecting you with home base.
 Follow this link to have your New Year Ebbos for aligning and strengthening the area of your Success with the matrix of Oko prepared... for you and your family.




The 2014 reading calls for us to work with the partner Orisha energies of Yemonja and Olokun to achieve the alignment for the benefits of Irete Ogbe this year and develop and grow more meaningful personal relationships.
The tandem amulet used with this Ebbo will be from a donut shaped African Sodalite, Trillion, 40 mm.  One will be placed on the shrine inside the sacred Orisha gardens at Ola Olu while the other becomes part of a beautiful necklace.  This creation can be worn anywhere.  It is adorned by 7 cut slices of small conchs dancing and dangling from the bottom side of the triangular amulet.  The main beads of the necklace are from a deep sea blue stone bead.
The recharging dock is made from Himalayan salt and is filled with the Ashe of the dry herbal formula and ground materials from the sacred shrine at Ola Olu for Yemonja and Olokun.
Follow this link to have your New Year Ebbos for aligning and strengthening your Personal Relationships with the energy matrix of  Yemonja/Olokun prepared for you and your family.



   Osun (Oshun)

The 2014 reading calls for us to become more directly connected with Osun's energy to bring the strength we need to love and care for them as well as more joy and curiosity of how to benefit more fully from the great potential of Irete Ogbe.
The tandem amulet used with this Ebbo will be the (5) brass rings that you see below.  (5) will be placed inside the shrine for Osun while the other set of (5) are incorporated into a beautiful all brass beaded necklace that is only accented by a sprinkling of red coral beads.
The recharging dock is handmade by IyaV from special self hardening clay.  It is shaped with a river current in mind and adorned by a gorgeous iridescent shell and 5 real peacock feathers from her collection. The Ebbo package will include the dry potion Ashe materials that you can place into the bowl.  When you are not wearing or using your necklace... it can be placed in there to replenish the energy.
Follow this link to have your New Year Ebbo for aligning and strengthening the area of Family and Friends with the energy matrix of Osun prepared... for you and your family.




The 2014 reading calls for us to become more directly connected with Ela's energy to secure our position of being victorious over our challenges that are difficult to handle.  With the alignment of the Ela energy we can achieve the success and benefits of what Irete Ogbe is bringing to the table this year.
This is the highest Odu cast - Ogbe Meji... so do not miss this one!
The tandem amulet for this Ebbo is the alphabet shell.  It actually looks like a divination tray in 360.  One will be place in the sacred circle of the Ela shrine while the other will go onto the top of your custom made clay recharging dock.  The materials used in at the shrine for the Ebbo will be included so you can place them inside the vessel.
There will be a special necklace made from the same seed beads that hang on the waste of the large Ela figure.  You can truly feel a direct connection to the powerful life transforming energy there when you have this on.
We will also add one more element into the Ebbo this time.  We will be making a special victory flag that will be mounted onto a bamboo pole that will have in gold lettering the names of those you include in the Ebbo.  This will be planted inside the shrine of the Ela circle in your honor with the blessings from the Ifa Foundation.
Follow this link to have your New Year Ebbos for Victory over Difficulties with the matrix of Ela prepared... for you and your family.

Offering YOUR ebbo a different level of commitment... you have our word.



For anyone who has tools that are with the matrix of any of the above Orisha... and want to have them recharged during the New Year Ebbo ceremonies... please let us know and we will make arrangements to receive them and take them to the retreat to be included inside the Irete Ogbe ceremonies of the 2014 reading.
The Ifa Foundation is offering your 2014  New Year Ebbos at an even higher level of commitment this year.  We are connecting you with the Sacred Orisha gardens in a much more personal manner.  It is the highest order we can offer.  We are grateful for your consideration look forward to the opportunity!  We always welcome your questions...

Call Iyanifa Vassa at 1-800-906-4322 or email her at

  Sacred Spiritual Gardens

In African philosophy, genuine Spiritual Gardens represent the intermediate point of connection between human and Orisha (Eternal energies created by God). This intermediate point, or physical Orisha, reflects its own accumulated Ashe (eternal energy), as well as the energy of EVERY prayer and offering that has ever been made to it. The Sacred Orisha Gardens at Ola Olu, that Professor Robin Poynor refers to as… "The most extensive Sacred Orisha Gardens in North America" and the only complete Sacred Orisha Gardens in the Western Hemisphere, where literally thousands of ceremonies, Ebbos and offerings have taken place, have accumulated the most intense energy vortex within the physical Orisha, allowing your own Ebbos a potent connection and empowerment to take place.
Half a lifetime ago, Susanne Wenger dedicated herself to reviving the traditions of the pre-Christian Yoruba gods, “The Orishas”, and left Austria to make Nigeria her home. When she arrived, she found traditional culture in shambles, all but destroyed by missionaries who branded it “black magic” or “juju”, words Wenger always detested. Friends describe a dedicated, tough and far-sighted leader who helped revive a culture thought destroyed by Christian and Muslim evangelists, and secured protection for one of the Yoruba tradition’s most sacred sites to her final days, a then frail 93-year-old artist, with one seeing eye, was a driving force in Osogbo, where she was in charge of the sacred grove, a place where spirits of the river and trees are said to live.
It was in the early 1990’s that Iya Vassa and Susanne Wenger began an ongoing relationship that continued until Susanne’s death in January 2009. While Vassa was aware of, and in awe of the power, of Wenger’s work, she had embarked upon her own sculpture for the Foundation's Sacred Gardens.

ALL of this year's Ebbos will be performed inside the Sacred Orisha Gardens at Ola Olu by Oluwo Philip Neimark, and Nana Buuken priest, Iyanifa Vassa along with special members of the Ifa Team.
There will be a double/partner amulet that will be placed inside the specific garden of that Ebbo while the other "partner" comes home to you. Much like how the guardian ancestor works!

Each matrix piece will come with instructions and photos of the garden for your altar. Each one will come with a complete write up about what the benefits from having the pieces. A special prayer will be written for you to combine in your intention.

This combination has never been available in the Western Hemisphere before.




The leading main Odu path for the 2014 reading... calls for us to deepen and strengthen our connections with our personal Guardian Ancestor.  This Ebbo will be performed on your behalf inside this sacred Guardian Ancestor shrine using the special connecting tools that are shown in the photo.  We will create two of the trapezoidal stone pieces with a donut hole cut through.  Now your prayers can be blown through the hole as it will become a passageway for your messages.

With one staying back at the shrine as home base... hanging and integrated with this sacred shrine while you will be able to wear or simple hold the other with you.  You will be able to whisper your prayers in a more sacred manner... using this special personal tool (your stone amulet made of the richly colored jasper stone can be worn on the leather cord which comes with it or you can unsnap it from the piece and carry it in your pocket).

You will also be receiving the individually custom hand built clay vessel with a carved mask face on the front and a dish carved in behind it which becomes your loading dock for recharging your stone piece anytime you are not working with it. 

In addition to the stone amulet and the loading dock you will receive a pouch of the Ashe materials that are part of energy resources used in your New Year Ebbo ceremony.  You will be able to place that inside the loading dock pocket for the recharging of your stone prayer connecting tool.

This is all part of your Ebbo set. The three elements that are part of Ebbo... the amulet on the cord, the dock made of clay filled with the Ashe materials from the main guardian ancestor shrine at Ola Olu and the piece that is the tandem amulet that is place in ceremony at the main shrine... along with the Ashe (dry herbal potion )materials in a container.

A special write up about how to connect with your Guardian Ancestor along with a prayer will be included in your package.
(if you do not know your Guardian Ancestor... we will be offering that special reading at a discount when you order this New Year Ebbos)




The area of our Destiny path for 2014 is deeply connected with our Ori - our Destiny doorway.  We must deepen and strengthen our ability to see and make choices with an even greater focus this year.  We must prepare ourselves to clear obstacles and cut away that which is not part of our true destiny path.  

The Ebbo ceremony rituals will involve the elements you see in the photo.  They will be blessed during our prayers of intention for you.
Two antique silver pendants will be ignited in a triangulation with your name.  One will stay on the sacred Ori shrine at Ola Olu while the other is part of a necklace that you can wear or hold as prayer beads in your hand.  The necklace consists of some very special stones that will absorb more of the ashe as well.  

Another key ingredient to your Ori Ebbo is blessing this hand-built three legged clay vessel... created to be the holder of the ashe of the dry herbal potion that has been defined through divination to produce the property energy matrix that aligns you to receive the full benefits of this new year and your destiny path with it.  This is considered as the recharging dock for your necklace and amulet. While they are not in use... you can replenish the energy by placing it inside the sacred Ashe.

This is all part of the Ebbo set.  We will include this herbal formula in a container so you can place it inside the dish on your personal altar.
Remember that all of the spiritual tools that are included are directly connected to the sacred shrine for Ori.  You will always have access to that level of strength... as energy has an endless loop.  It is profound to have such an offering available.

A special write up about the Ori matrix and prayer will be included in your package as well.

FOR THE AREA OF HEALTH IN 2014 -  "Onile" (Mother Earth)


The area of aligning greater health & well-being is in the domain of the energy matrix of Onile.  The 2014 reading calls for us to align with Onile to connect with the incredibly unique emotionally inspired responses that will balance your physical, mental and spiritual health.

Onile is not known to many and with your spiritual tools from the Ebbo rituals we will include a write up about the beauty of having a deeper connection within... with Onile.

The Earth figure of 40 feet raises from the sacred grounds of the Ola Olu retreat and reveals a pregnant figure lying peacefully... welcoming you to come and join in.  You are welcome to come to Ola Olu and engage in her moss covered body and feel a sensation of an ancient healing.  

The special rituals that will be performed in your honor will include a gorgeous polished nautilus shell filled with the sacred soil from the shrine as well as the special (divined) dry potion made of over a dozen ingredients to bring a triangulation of energy for sacred space at home.  This will also become your recharging dock for your necklace.

When we create the new year Ebbo rituals for you this year... we will also place a tandem translucent glass vial vessel on a staff at the Onile shrine.
This will be a great way to keep a stronger connection and the endless loop of teleporting with the energy fields available.

The necklace is created from shells cut into disc slices along with accents of sea-green stone beads...and the companion glass vial incorporated in the center.  You can wear it or use it as a prayer bead in your hands while praying.  When you are not using it you can place it back into the loading dock (the nautilus shell) for replenishing.   (Please note that the shell will come with a plexiglass stand)

Included in your package will be the sacred Ashe from the ceremonies which you should the place inside the shell upon setting up your altar to Onile.

FOR THE AREA OF SUCCESS IN 2014 -  "Oko" Owanrin Otura


The area of our Success and Prosperity for 2014 is deeply connected to the energy matrix of Oko.  We will need to focus on letting go of anything that is upside down and out of order in our lives and move into a place of peace and harmony.  In that position we will be able to reap the benefits of what Irete Ogbe is here to bring our new year.

Inside the rituals for the 2014 Ebbos ... there will be a special necklace made with a combination of different seeds and beads. (some are from the raffia palm fruit!)

The focal piece is a lost wax casting made in bronze for the amulet that is of a banana leaf.  All materials divined for considered the energy matrix of Oko and the special connections to the farming on Earth.

The recharging dock is made from an orb shaped special sea urchin shell... that has snake like patterns all around it.  When you are not using your necklace... you can place that over the recharging dock... and not only feel the replenishing energy but also the connection to the sacred Oko shrine at Ola Olu...where years of ceremonies have been placed.

Each element is one that responds with Oko and bringing success.  The dry materials that are used in the Ebbo will be included inside your shell.  Each one will also come with a special natural made coaster to set things on.  A tandem shell will be place on the Oko shrine in your honor... connecting you with home base.


FOR THE AREA OF YOUR RELATIONSHIPS IN 2014 -  "Yemonja-Olokun" Otura Oturopon


The 2014 reading calls for us to work with the partner Orisha energies of Yemonja and Olokun to achieve the alignment for the benefits of Irete Ogbe this year and develop and grow more meaningful personal relationships.  It is important that we do what we can to produce peace and harmony in our relationships and to have a long term view of our strategy in handling our emotions.

The tandem amulet used with this Ebbo will be from a donut-shaped "African Sodalite, Trillion, 40 mm."  One will be placed on the shrine inside the sacred Orisha gardens at Ola Olu while the other becomes part of a beautiful necklace.  This creation can be worn anywhere.  It is adorned by 7 cut slices of small conchs dancing and dangling from the bottom side of the triangular amulet.  The main beads of the necklace are from a deep sea blue stone bead.

The recharging dock is made from Himalayan salt and is filled with the Ashe of the dry herbal formula and ground materials from the sacred shrine at Ola Olu for Yemonja and Olokun.

We will include a special write up about this energy along with a prayer and more details on how to best tap into this resource.


FOR THE AREA OF YOUR FAMILY IN 2014 -  "Osun/Oshun" Idi Otura



The 2014 reading calls for us to become more directly connected with Osun's (Oshun) energy to bring the strength we need to love and care for them as well as more joy and curiosity of how to benefit more fully from the great potential of Irete Ogbe.

The tandem amulet used with this ebbo will be the (5) brass rings that you see below.  (5) will be placed inside the shrine for Osun while the other set of (5) are incorporated into a beautiful all brass beaded necklace that is only accented by a sprinkling of red coral beads.

The recharging dock is handmade by IyaV from a special self hardening clay.  It is shaped with a river current in mind and adorned by a gorgeous iridescent shell and 5 real peacock feathers from her collection.  There are also 5 river rocks attached to the recharging dock.

The ebbo package will include the dry potion Ashe materials that you can place into the bowl.  When you are not wearing or using your necklace... it can be placed in there to replenish the energy.


FOR THE AREA OF VICTORY IN 2014 -  "ELA" Okanran Ofun

Ela has been defined as the most important energy we must be aligned with in 2014.  It came in Ogbe Meji!  

We have a lot of challenges to face always and to be a victor ..we will need to know how to tap into the powerful Ashe of Ela.

We have created several unique elements that will be included in this Ebbo ritual.  
There will be tandem alphabet conical shells ignited in your name.  One will stay as your connector the big mother shrine of Ela while the other will go to your home set into a special clay vessel with mouth that will hold the Ashe (dry sacred potion) from the ceremonies at the Ola Olu retreat. Along with this...a victory flag with your family name written onto the canvas... will be placed on a bamboo pole and set into the circle of the Ela shrine as well.

We are also creating a special necklace using the same seed beads that are on the belly band on Ela now.  Every patter on these beads is like a divination.  You will be able to wear this necklace as well as hold it in your hand as a prayer bead connector and when you are not using the necklace you can place it on top of the replenishing dock and let it absorb more energy.

We have more information to send you on Ela inside the package.... along with the prayer and a slice of the wood that is the same from the Opele in Ela's hands.  Everything in the photo is included!


  How to order


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Copyright © * 2014   *  Ifa Foundation International *   All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 14,  Flagler Beach, FL 32136

E-Mail Contact:
Iyanifa Vassa

Oluwo Philip Neimark

Spanish Translation:
Iyanifa Jookootifa - Janina Walters

Mail Design:
Babalawo Fajuitan - Javier Lujan