Short Version:
1. Grandfather's home-going (you-tube tributes)
2. Interviewing Discovery students: the process
3. Do you, or someone you know want to come to South Asia this summer?
4. Mobilization meetings - Jason meets my boss!
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On December 29, 2013, just after midnight, as his children and several of his grandchildren surrounded him and sang hymns, my grandfather, Ralph V. Watts, went to be with Jesus --- 15 years and 1 day after my Grandmother passed away.
I will never forget that joyfully mournful time with my family.

A video tribe of Grandfather's life can be found here
A video of the burial service can be found here 
Words I shared at Grandfather's home-going service can be found here.


"Anytime you have a chance
to do something
for the Lord,
you should do it."
~ Ralph V. Watts (my grandfather)

What is that "something" that God is calling me to right now?
Do I view all areas of my life as avenues through which I can worship the Lord?

These questions and thoughts are continued in my recent blog posts.
Check them out here: 
One of the things I am doing for the Lord this month is interviewing students for Wycliffe's Discovery trips this summer.  The chart is how I like to organize information about the students I work with, and helps me keep track of my next steps with a student.  Yes, I like using lots of colors!

This pre-trip interview process includes reviewing applications and references, talking with the applicant, asking them lots of questions, listening to their stories and passions, prayerfully discussing their needs and desires with my supervisor, and praying with them for God's leading to see if a particular Discovery trip is a good fit.

When asked what made her finally decide to apply for a Discovery trip,
one student answered:
"An unrelenting desire towards missions that I could no longer find an answer against.  Thinking about my summer after graduation and wanting to use my acquired skills in a practical, Gospel-centered way, I kept coming back to the Discovery trip opportunity."

That brings me to an opportunity for YOU: If you know of someone who is interested in missions, and desires that all the nations of the world receive God's Word in their own language, or you yourself are exploring possible careers in missions, PLEASE check out the trip here (it's the last one at the bottom!) and let me know!

PRAY for wisdom for STUDENTS as they apply, and PRAY for QUICK & CLEAR COMMUNICATION with our colleagues overseas as I set up all the logistics and plans for the 6 week trip!
I am a part of the Mobilization department at Wycliffe and we just competed a week-long conference of meetings for 80+ department members from all over the country.
The week consisted of strategy meetings focused on how to communicate effectively with the next generation, vision and goals for 2014, and overall excellent face-to-face collaboration with distributed staff and colleagues.  
I was privileged to play my guitar for worship!  

On the last night, Jason got to meet several of my colleagues including my boss, John, and his wife Shevawn (from California)! [Picture included]

PRAY for: STRONG RELATIONSHIPS with the different departments within Wycliffe as our theme this year is Moving Forward in Harmony.
Grandfather and me -- at my wedding - just 37 days before he passed away.  I consider myself incredibly blessed by my Grandfather's presence as I celebrated the best day of my life!
Thank you for your prayers and notes you have sent during this time - they are so appreciated.
Jason and I hosted Jason's 91 year old grandmother for a couple days over Christmas.  We enjoyed stories of the past, and conversations with her while eating ham, scalloped potatoes and pretzel salad!
PRAY for me as I continue to learn about cooking and everything that comes with being a wife!
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