So, I have terrible news, but it could be pretty good news for you!

I misattributed a quote!

I take a lot of pride in doing a lot of research on the quotes to learn the back story behind what the author said, why they said it, when, and making sure the person actually said it.
I don't want to make a persons portrait, put a quote next to them, and then discover later that the person never said it.

Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened in the case of the quote that was submitted to me for Lois McMaster Bujold. 
I did the research, and she did write it in one of her books, but she was actually quoting poet Robert Frost ("The Death of the Hired Man" (1914)).

Now, I have to remove the art. But I don't want an incomplete set!

So I'm opening it up to you! You can submit a new quote!
Just reply to this message with a quote and it's author.

Tamika and I will pick a winner, who will get a FREE POSTER of the art itself, and 10 FREE ZERFLIN STICKERS.

It will be done in the same style and colours and the Bujold quote.
Here's a picture of one of the posters so you can see what they look like:


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