4 Worlds United Soccer Alliance September Newsletter

4WU Expands Support to New Regions and New Players

4 Worlds United is proud to be supporting several new players during the winter soccer season. These children are refugees and immigrants who have shown great desire and skill for the game of soccer, and we are happy to help pave the way for them to play on integrated competitive soccer teams. Remarkably these players are spread well across the city, displaying the growing reach of 4WU programs. Half of the players reside in the New Columbia neighborhood in North Portland and will be playing for Northeast United (NEU). The remaining players live in the Rockwood District of outer East Portland, and will be playing for TFA Barcelona. We appreciate the generous support of both these amazing clubs and our donors who help make this possible. Notably, one of the sponsored players is from the family in this emotional story from last year:

Soccer Motivates Academic Achievement

We always enjoy the opportunity to partner with teachers in our community, and we recently had the chance to intervene positively in the life of one young athlete. This young man was struggling with maintaining attention and effort during his classes, and his grades were suffering severely because of it. But being a child of refugees, he didn't have parents that were able to be full participants in the school structure and help him change course. His teachers heard he was playing soccer and reached out to 4 Worlds United for help. We worked with his teachers and his soccer coaches to emphasize that his grades are important, and that he needed to show better attentiveness and performance in class in order to maintain his growth on the soccer field. We were happy to hear a couple weeks later that his marks were improving, his attitude in class was noticeably better, and that this concentration had even lead to better performance on the field too. This is the kind of success story that drives 4 Worlds United to continue working to unite worlds on and off the soccer field. 


4WU Needs Your Support

There are several ways you can support 4th world youth
and 4 Worlds United today:

Donate Today
Your donations will help these kids get past the "pay to play" system that keeps so many of them off the field. 

As a 501c3 organization, your donations are tax deductible.

Click on the “Donate” link, or you can send a check to:
4 Worlds United Soccer Alliance
4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #482
Portland OR 97206

There are several ways you can personally step in to make a difference:

This need is greater now more than ever. Our kids often need help getting to and from their soccer practices and games. You can drive two kids or a whole car-load, usually no more than once or twice a week.

Many of the children we work with lack available and dedicated role models to help them stay on track with their lives.

Story Tellers
Can you create compelling images and evocative stories with your photos or words? If so we’d love to talk to you more about telling some of the stories of the kids we work with.

Do you know someone who might be interested in helping us reach our goals?  Forward this email to them, direct them to our website, our Facebook page or Twitter feed. Tell them about 4 Worlds United!

We at 4 Worlds United Soccer Alliance thank you for your time and your help at any level. Working together, we can all make Portland "Soccer City USA" for every player that wants to get into the game.

Mark Verna
Founder and President
4 Worlds United Soccer Alliance, Portland Oregon

4WU November Update
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Futsal Keeps 4th World Players Moving
Following up on the success of our Turkey Burner event, the Portland Futsal Center generously opened up two team slots at no charge to 4 Worlds United players. One team of U-11 boys and one team of U-12 boys played in the most recent winter session and were coached by 4WU board members Kevin Thornton and Jim Whyte. Futsal provides fun opportunities for building technical skills and new relationships with players who might not participate in other forms of soccer. 
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Two Selected for Competitive PCU Squad
Thanks to their commitment, talent, and hard work, two of our sponsored high-school players made the competitive U-15 boys team for Portland City United. 4 Worlds United is proud of Mohamed and Abdi for their accomplishments, both on the field and in the classroom, which made this possible.  The boys will begin full schedule training at Buckman Fields January 2014.
What is a 4th World person?
A 4th World person resides in the 1st world but is isolated from that world due to cultural, language, and economic barriers. Often these players are recent immigrants or refugee families, arriving in the US with little knowledge of our customs and with limited skills to start their new lives. The children often suffer due to their isolation. One of the things that many of these children have is a deep love of soccer. 4WU builds on their desire to play soccer, using it to connect them to the larger game of life here, in their new home.
Copyright © 2012  4 Worlds United Soccer Alliance, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
4 Worlds United Soccer Alliance
4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #482
Portland, Oregon 97206

4 Worlds United Soccer Association is a 501c3 organization. Donations are tax deductible.
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