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At The Movies: Magnum Ke Tasveer

A touring print sales exhibition in collaboration with Tasveer Galleries, India, to celebrate 100 years of Hollywood. Magnum’s archive of film imagery includes a large part of the history of cinema - the product of it’s photographers working on film sets capturing behind-the-scenes moments and photographing film directors, actors and actresses on and off camera, for over 60 years.

New Book

Fashion Magazine: Storm by Paolo Pellegrin

Paolo Pellegrin takes a fresh and personal look into fashion. Through an exploration of the Present, he portrays his dreamlike vision of the future, involving in the course of pages a unique collection of landscapes from all over the globe.

Fine Photographs

Event Headline

In celebration of the summer months, the Magnum Print Room presents a selection of fine photographs drawn from its extensive archive, highlighting this beautiful time of year. The selection features photography Trent Parke (pictured), Elliott Erwitt, Jonas Bendiksen and Herbert List.

New Magnum In Motion

30 Years for a Trial by John Vink

More than 30 years after the fall of the Khmer Rouge regime, Cambodia will finally publicly face its brutal past during an international judiciary process and hopefully be allowed to put the souls of 1,7 million victims at rest. John Vink has been documenting Cambodia and the aftermath of the Khmer Rouge since he relocated there in 2000.

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