See some of Nancy's favorite images from the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge and read where she is exhibiting this month!

Welcome to Nancy Murphree Davis Art!

Art Openings, Regular Studio Hours & More

2014 started with a BANG! Thank you to all of those who have viewed and purchased the small paintings that I did in January during Leslie Saeta's 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge. If you missed it, all are on my blog and the ones that have not been purchased are available at If you are sad that it has ended, never fear, I intend to do it again in September.

In February, I have two show openings! Both are group shows and will have very nice openings. Look below for details. If you live in the DC Metro area, you are invited and I would love to see you!

I have made some big moves lately. I've consolidated my studio space into the spacious Red Studio in Crystal City and have set regular hours there. I will still have work at Stifel & Capra in Falls Church. The pieces will be fewer in number, but will be new works and updated often!

As always, please visit to see my most recent work. Unless it is in a show, it is available for purchase.


Printmaking News

I've decided to let my studio membership at the Lee Arts Center go for the time being. Although I love monotypes, I am going to spend this year concentration on my watercolor paintings. My last few weeks in the print studio have yielded some great works, though. Be sure to check out my favorites, Wild Marsh, which will be on display at the Collective Ink Printmaking show this month.

Gallery Underground presents "Visions of the Future"

I am currently on the waiting list to show my work in Crystal City's fabulous Gallery Underground and this month waiting list artists were invited to have a show there. Come see the artwork of fresh, new artists!
Show Dates:
February 3-28, 2014
Opening Reception: February 7, 5-8pm

Collective Ink Printmakers

The work in this show is SO IMPRESSIVE! Make the drive to Glen Echo Park to see me and seven of my very talented and fun printmaking friends!

Glen Echo is very close to McLean and North Arlington.

Show dates: February 15 - March 16, 2014
Opening Reception: February 22, 3-5pm


Regular Hours in Crystal City

In an effort to be more accessible to people who work in the area or that want to drive over to visit me in the studio, I am beginning regular "Office Hours" on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30am - 3:00pm. Please drop by to see where I work, view or purchase artwork or just chat!

Note Cards!

I have a large selection of note cards available on my website. You can choose a package of eight of the same card or one of the packages that have four different designs. There are great cards for general correspondence, birthdays or thank you notes. I will be adding new images from time to time, so visit on a regular basis.

"Strike Up the Band"

In response to overwhelming requests, had prints made of my Aubie watercolor. They come matted and ready for an 8" X 10" frame. They are not expensive would make a great gift for any Auburn fan, especially for those seniors heading that way in the fall. I also have adorable glossy notecards with the artwork on the front. They would be great for general correspondence or for thank you notes if you have one of those seniors mentioned above. Click on Aubie's picture and you will be directed straight to the purchase page.
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