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A Beautiful Setting
“It looks amazing!”
Those were the words of Brooke Seibel, the Life Centers Downtown Director. Just before Christmas, a local commercial painting business owner contacted Life Centers and offered to send his crew to paint anywhere Life Centers needed, at no charge. We took him up on it by sending him a list of seven centers that had varying degrees of painting needs. During the break, they painted the entire interior of the Downtown center. It had been six years since it had been done and the transformation was evident. Because of his kindness and sacrificial giving, our clients at the Downtown Center have a beautiful and warm setting to receive words of life. We would like to thank Bob Sands and Indiana Painting Company for their help.
If you have a business or service and would like to use it to bless Life Centers in some way, please contact Brian Current at or 317-968-39130 to talk about it.
A Loving “Lecture”
A client recently commented as she was leaving one of our centers, “Thank you so much for leading me back to the right path with your encouraging lecture.” Does Life Centers lecture their clients? We do want to share with them the wisdom of God so they can walk in His design. Many of our clients need to hear hard truths and we prayerfully seek to lovingly share them.  It is the loving thing to do. Proverbs 27:5-6 says, “Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” And Galatians 6:1 says, “If anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.”

If you want to be a part of this loving effort to help those ensnared in sin find freedom, please consider volunteering.
Prayer Needed
A young woman came to our center last week and spoke with a counselor. Even after the counselor’s pleas, she was undecided about whether to carry or abort her baby. She did agree to come back for an ultrasound. Yesterday the counselor called her and found out she is leaning towards abortion. The boyfriend called later and wanted to talk more about it. He wants to keep the baby but believes it is up to his girlfriend to decide.  He works two jobs and she is already raising two children. Please pray. Pray that he will clearly communicate his heart for keeping the baby. Pray that they will seek God and find hope in Him. Pray for life, for them and their baby.  
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