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Welcome to February's First Newsletter

Coming up to our first year anniversary for the site, we thought we would look back on a few of our milestone's over the next few newsletter editions & report on our most popular blog articles & pages on the site.Things have certainly changed since we first went live in March 2013. We thank you all for your support & we look forward to exciting times & continued success in the future.

Like all good things, it has taken us a little longer than expected to place the final touches on The Australian Strata Services Directory. For those who have yet to claim their listing, keep a lookout for an email in the near future. There may even be a surprise or two in store & we look forward to you becoming a part of this exciting venture. 

Our calendar of Strata Events is quickly filling up! There are so many strata functions happening all around Australia. Be sure to let me know if you have an event coming up that needs to be included.



Let’s Sell Our Functions

Bailey Compton,
Leverage Australia Solicitors

There is a frenzy sweeping the Strata world regarding the ability to sell off functions. Owners Corporations have got ants in their pants about the prospect of profiting by selling off the caretaking functions as a means of filling the coffers of the administrative fund. Advice was circulated by eminent lawyers within the industry that stated that Owners Corporations should consider allowing their caretaking agreem.......
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Master Key Security – Avoiding Disputes

Peter Hunt, Mathews Hunt Legal

Mathews Hunt Legal has recently been retained by several Bodies Corporate concerned as to the security of master keys. In one case, a $25,000 demand has been issued to a Caretaker whose office has twice been burgled with the master keys stolen on both occasions. It seems that it will not be long before there is a major dispute on the issue – so here are some ideas on how to avoid such a dispute.
The safe custody of a master key is incredibly important, with its loss or theft resulting in significant security implications, and incurring the substantial cost of re-keyi...
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Strata Information FactSheets

We have been busy pulling information together from across the LookUpStrata site & around the web about a series of strata title topics. FactSheets contain the latest news, a series of FAQs and some links to other relevant sites or pages from around the web.

Have suggestions about more topics? Please let me know.

Reporting on Strata Management Issues

Edwin Almeida, Just Think Real Estate & Jennifer Duke, Property Observer

A report was filmed close to 18 months ago in this complex depicting the condition and more to the point, the hazards found in the basement car park area. Since the last report nothing has changed, perhaps more rubbish. No!! this is not the rubbish room. It is in fact the basement car parking area. Both Jennifer and Edwin have been asking the questions; has the level of service in the Sydney real estate industry diminished? Is there a need to raise awareness that tenants and property occupants are plac.....
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Parking… A Perennial Issue

Peter Brodbeck, Vesture Limited

From the vault. This article was written by Peter on 15th March, 2013. Since it was published, the article has attracted multiple comments & almost 1,000 views. Congratulations Peter.

If you have not had a chance to read this article as yet - head over to the site now & feel free to add to the comments.

From the article:
Parking is a perennial issue in strata schemes due to increasing population and the greater number of vehicles.  In inner urban areas these problems are exacerbated because cars which were not commo....
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FactSheet: Strata Committee Concerns

Latest News

January 15, 2014
QLD: Resident manager involvement in general meeting voting
Robert Walker, Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management


NSW: Can you subpoena emails between committee members?
QLD: Rules regarding committee comments on owner motions at AGM

Links & Other Useful Information

SCA (NSW) has Free Online Executive Committee Training. Even though the content is based on NSW legislation, SCA believes that most of the information is applicable for strata across Australia.

Upcoming Events

SCA (QLD): Members Accreditation Breakfast (Sunshine Coast)
February 11, 2014

SCA (QLD): Strata Starter (Sunshine Coast)
February 11, 2014

SCA (WA): Strata Outlook 2014
February 12, 2014

NSW Fair Trading: Strata Schemes Information Seminar (Campbelltown)
February 12, 2014

SCA (QLD): Members Accreditation Breakfast (Gold Coast)
February 13, 2014

Visit the Strata Events calendar. Contact me if you have an event you would like to promote through the Events Calendar.

Strata Job Board




Owners Corporations Manager - Melbourne


Commercial Strata Manager - Perth


Strata Manager - Sydney


Strata Manager - Perth

Strata Assistant - Sydney


Strata Manager - Canberra

Visit the Strata Job Directory. Follow our Strata Title Jobs Twitter feed. Have a strata vacancy to fill? List with us?
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