February 2014 | New Direction e-Newsletter
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musings from the director...

In the midst of the Polar Vortex that is gripping many of our communities, we experience the realities of loss, of new life budding, and of resurrection!  I am amazed at the number of people who contact us week after week.  It is often challenging for Wes and I to keep up with all the messages and meetings.  The stories we hear are filled with loss, with confusion, with the fight to remain hopeful.  But newness comes with connection, friendship, encouragement, sharing the journey, and support.  Devout parents unsure how to navigate their young teen’s disclosure that they think they’re gay.  Husbands coming out to wives and children and trying to discern next steps.  Gay individuals newly opening their life to Christ and wondering what that will mean.  People in mid-life finally piecing the puzzle together and recognizing their own gender dysphoria – and again – wondering what comes next.  Christians wondering what to tell their gay friends.  Families impacted by the suicide of an LGBT loved one.  In so many of the stories, there is evidence of life, there is loss to grieve, there are questions to explore, and there is the reminder to anticipate resurrection.
When I first came in 2002, I thought I would serve for maybe 3 years and then move on to pastor a congregation.  It seems that God had other plans.  What a privilege and challenge it has been to pastor the people that God brings to New Direction.  I cherish the opportunities to pray, on the spot, with someone in need.  I’m grateful to offer words of lament and comfort, as limited as they may be, to people who are grieving.  And I am enlivened every time I get to expound on the resurrection power of the living Christ.  I have seen too much life emerging to ever doubt God’s presence with our community.  I have experienced too much growth and hope to ever question God’s love and grace.
Whether we gather for a memorial to remember a transgender sister, take a road trip to worship with 700 other LGBTA Christians, offer our testimonies as part of generous spaciousness conversations, pray for each other at one of our Gatherings, encourage pastors to step up to advocate for their LGBT parishioners, work with a volunteer team to plan our retreat, weep with a mother, laugh in the office, travel through bad weather to serve a denomination, read a blog, write an article, update the website, send out receipts, have coffee with a new connection, coordinate new speaking events, go on the radio, strategize for ministry growth, spend an hour responding to an email …… we are grateful to experience God’s presence leading, guiding, and equipping us to share the love of Christ.
Thank you for praying for us as a community!  Your prayers, in partnership with the Spirit’s presence, bring us from loss to resurrection!

thoughts from the journey

by Rob Walker
Some of you may know that I'm currently a distance learning PhD student at the University of Birmingham, UK. My dissertation is focusing on dialogue (or lack thereof!) between Evangelical or Pentecostal and GLBT (Queer) theologians. It is amazing but fraught work, as you all might imagine. But Wendy's invitation to join the Generous Spaciousness team gave me something I didn't fully expect: clear evidence that dialogue about faithful sexuality was already happening among God's people! My first theology professor said to we newbies on our first day: "All of you are theologians. The question is, 'Are you a good one'? I have seen with my own eyes that ordinary Christians of varying convictions about holy sexualities are having faithful conversations together, and believe me, it is something you've gotta see to believe!
One of my favourite parts of Generous Spaciousness conversations is the chance to hear testimonies. I use that word deliberately. As Wendy has reminded us on several occasions, listening to stories can feel dangerous and highly manipulative, because most of us know in our bones that we are moved by stories, that they can change us even in spite of ourselves! Testimony, thank God, is a little different than that. When I give my testimony, I am trying to relate my experience of God's grace to what God is doing in the world through the ministry of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit in such a way that the Church can say, "Amen!" It is up to the Body of Christ, listening together, to wrestle with and discern how and why my testimony resonates with the Good News we all want to share. As a gay man, it has been an honour to sit with roomfuls of 'straight' Christians and have people give my testimony a respectful hearing; it is deeply healing for my heart to be loved and heard rather than reviled and dismissed.

Every once in a while, Wendy baits me with a question that she knows I can't resist. Sometimes, I preach at the drop of a hat, I confess! But when I'm part of Generous Spaciousness, I get so excited and hopeful, because I feel deep in my bones that something is shifting in God's Church, and that we are not losing ground but gaining it for the Kingdom of God. Every time I see Generous Spaciousness happen before my eyes (by the way, that's just a fancy package for basic Gospel stuff like humility, hospitality, mutuality, and justice, but don't let on that I told you the secret!), I catch a glimpse of the Most Beautiful Man I have ever met, and I sense that even in the mess of human sexualities, "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing [sic] shall be well."

gcn reflections

On January 9-14 we ventured down to Chicago, IL for the 2014 Gay Christian Network Conference and took a few friends with us, and joined many others there. We wanted to share a few of their thoughts and experiences with you...
"My experience at the GCN conference was nothing out of the ordinary. Except that it made me believe in miracles: that God can answer the deepest questions that even I could not even muster to find the words to ask aloud. Throughout the weekend, I was able to share my stories along the road from Toronto to Chicago (and back), listen to the keynote speakers, converse with my fellow LGBT brothers and sisters, roam around the city with a new friend, and retreat in silence for some personal time of reflection. It was humbling to unlearn and renew a lot of my preconceived notions on how to live a Christ-like life. If you, like me, believe that God is love, then all we need to do is to love authentically, patiently, and unconditionally. 
As a young boy, my mom told me that "a family that prays together, stays together". I was reminded of her words as I joined more than 700 Christians, from different denominations, in prayer and worship. Suddenly it felt like being a part of a Church, a family, again. So I guess I lied; it was extraordinary after all."  
-Elijah S.
For this last year of my life I have striven to live my life with transparency and authenticity while I walked my faith journey between my faith and sexuality.  This idea of authenticity was the central idea behind Dr. Christine Wiley’s message on our first day.  She used the famous line from Howard Thurman “the sound of the genuine” as the battle cry of this idea.  This idea of authenticity encouraged me to remember that not only am I beautifully and wonderfully made, but God rejoices in the sound of the genuine in my life.  I walked out of that session, more so the conference, with my desire to live authentically and the sound of the genuine being my resounding reminder inspiring me to draw closer to Christ.

When it came to our time together as a New Direction community driving down to Chicago, and back home again, it was a real blessing to have the chance to hear from those whom you sometimes don’t always hear from.  It was great to get to know members of our community that I personally hadn’t talked with much.  We laughed together, took silly pictures, talked about serious issues as well.  It was a great opportunity for us to live in mutuality together in a safe way. - Gary H.
"Being surrounded by LGBT-identified Christians and allies in a weekend filled with prayer, tears and support is an experience that is downright indescribable. As this was my second GCN conference I knew what to expect, but even so I felt myself spiritually filled, set ablaze and torn down time and again. I was blessed this year to help lead a workshop, “The Naked Truth About Keeping Your Clothes On,” which is about waiting until marriage and celibacy. The conversations that were held were at the same time supportive and uplifting as many people came in thinking “am I the only one?” only to be surrounded by people with a similar viewpoint. This is a common thread for all GCN conferences and workshops. I am extremely blessed to have been able to go this year and am thankful to have been a part of the New Direction road trip."  -Darryn O.

it's back!

After an incredible experience last year, we are excitedly anticipating this year’s Generous Spaciousness Retreat on March 28-30. We hope to see you there!

Registration is limited so sign up today.

Register online at:

For more info email us at:


our mission

To nurture safe and spacious places for sexual minority persons to explore and grow in faith in Jesus Christ.

our vision

To see sexual minorities encounter and grow in Christ-centered discipleship marked by radical trust, robust hope, and fearless love.

New Direction Ministries

PO Box 88039
RPO Levi Creek
Mississauga, ON L5N 8M1

T 416-318-7163



financial update

Revenue for Dec 2013:
Other: 3,570
Total: 36,354

We are so grateful for such a strong finish to the end of 2013, this support is what makes it possible for us to get to continue the work we feel New Direction is called to. This is especially encouraging as conversation has begun with the board about beginning a capital campaign to prepare for new staff.

Tax receipts for the year 2013 have been mailed and  should be received in the next 1-2 weeks.


upcoming events

Generous Spaciousness Retreat
Friday, March 28 - Sunday, March 30
For more information visit:

Level Ground Film Festival
February 20 - March 1
For more information visit:



Here's a glimpse into what we've been up:
  • did a road trip to Chicago with multiple friends to attend the annual Gay Christian Network Conference
  • had the chance to share, pray, and meet multiple friends of organizations that are sharing in the work of navigating the conversation around sexuality and faith in the Christian community
  • recently moved our office to a new location in Toronto (near Bloor & Islington)
  • engaged with The Meeting House Parry Sound family for a few conversations around Generous Spaciousness and walking with sexual minorities
  • later this month Wendy will be a guest speaker at the Level Ground Film Festival in Pasadena, California
  • we've been in conversation about getting to engage with a Gay Straight Alliance at an Oakville High School
  • we're consulting with two local agencies that are committed to addressing homelessness (this really resonates with us as over 40% of homeless youth are LGBT)
  • Wendy has continued in her participation with the CRC Synodical Study Committee on pastoral guidance regarding same sex marriage
  • another gathering has begun in Mississauga
  • the gathering in Toronto continues to welcome 4-8 to new friends to the community each month

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