Timing is Everything Avoid This Critical Mistake
When we had a houseful of kids and they wanted to do something that we had not planned on doing ahead of time I would tell them that timing was everything! I am not a late evening person so they quickly learned the best time to ask for a favor or to tell me they had forgotten they volunteered me to do something for a class was not late in the evening. You maybe different so that maybe the best time to ask you to do something. Timing for an eBay auction is no different. I have gotten some fantastic deals because I am an early riser and an auction was ending at 3:00am and no one was up at that time to bid on it! Years ago I was able to pick up this dress form for about 1/3 of what it would have gone for on a Sunday afternoon between 2-6pm .
When you are listing your 7-10 day auction make note of the time that your auction will finish to optimize your sales. For many of the categories the best time to list is Monday through Friday from 6-9:00 pm when people have returned from work or Sunday from 2-6 pm after church.Timing is the "game changer" for many auctions!
"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven"
(NKJV). Ecclesiastes 3:1
G ail
Solutions to Selling on eBay From Your #1 EBay Expert!
Trading Assistant & Certified Business Consultant
P.S. If you have items you want to get listed NOW IS THE TIME to call me for a class or to list them for you! Give me a call 530-693-0386 or email me for an appointment gail@gailshiddencreations.comI I look forward to hearing from you!.
The Best Dog In The World
Duke of Earl “Duke” Smith came into our life about 14 years ago. He was picked up from people in the area that had not been taken care of him and had him tied to a tree without food and water. He was a happy dog, loved people especially kids. He loved protecting us, walks, running in the yard, watching kids swim, and eating fruit and veggies from the yard!
Over the past few months he has slowed down and had a hard time breathing but he was comfortable. Every morning we told him how much we loved him and were thankful for another day with him. We thanked him for giving us such happiness, joy and unconditional love. He passed away on Jan. 30, 2014. We have so many special times with Duke Dog and those found memories will live on in our heart.
Duke & Colby resting by the fire.
Class Schedule
Basics of Selling on EBay, Feb 11, 2014 9:00am-11:30pm
Beyond the Basics Feb 11,, 2014 11:30-2:00 pm
EBay Stores Class Feb 20, 2014 9:00 am-2:00 pm
Basics of Selling on EBay, Mar 13, 2014 9:00am-11:30pm
Beyond the Basics March 13, 2014 11:30-2:00 pm
Call 530-693-0386 to RSVP today or email gail@gailshiddencreations.com to register for classes.
Free Class-For Non Profit
If you are a non profit and take both my classes immediately following the Beyond the Basics class I will have a 30 minute class on Giving Works the eBay class for nonprofits. RSVP for this Class in advance is a must. Please share this information with your favorite nonprofit.
click here to read more about eBay classes
“For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.”
Facebook-Helpful Hints & Updates
Please click here to follow me on Gail Smith Facebook Fan Page for helpful hints, updates, classes and what is going on in the eBay world!
Please feel free to share this email with your friends, neighbors and colleagues that are interested in a class, the latest eBay news or just would like some tips on getting organized.
Your Invited
Many of my eBay friends are plant lovers also so I wanted to invite you on Saturday Feb 15th from 9-3 to New Earth Market. They will be celebrating their 3rd Anniversary and Shake and Grow has been invited to have a booth. The New Earth Market is located at 1575 Tharp Rd. Yuba City. We would love to see our local friends so be sure to look for us with our orange shirts. There will be free drawings, give aways and demo's going on through out the day. Bring a friend and we look forward to seeing you!