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LookUpStrata P/L

Welcome to our latest Newsletter

I hope everyone is settling back into the new year - especially after another long weekend!

I apologise if I was slow replying to correspondence last week. We took a road trip to the beautiful Margaret River region in SW WA.

Have you had a chance to look at the changes on the site? What do you think of our NEW SPECTACULAR FACTSHEETS? We will be showcasing a different FactSheet each newsletter. Keep checking back - information is added to the site daily.

We are happy to give you an update on The Australian Strata Business Directory. It is almost ready for an official launch. Is your business listed? Have a look at the excellent profiles businesses have been creating. We are VERY excited about this & cannot wait to get it up & running. Come & join the excitement!

I've had some great requests, suggestions & questions coming in from new members recently. Is there something you would like to ask or tell me about?

Have a great week.


Watergate: Supreme Court of Appeal decision

Nicole Wilde & Sylvia Zdunek
Teys Lawyers

Genco & Anor v Salter & Anor [2013] VSCA 365

New ‘sliding scale’ to determine whether short-stay apartments change an apartment building’s classification under the Building Act. Watergate is mixed-use strata building located in Docklands, Melbourne. The lower levels of the building are commercial and there are a number of residential apartments on the upper levels. Certain apartment owners in Watergate operated comm.......
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Strata Information FactSheets

We have been busy pulling information together from across the LookUpStrata site & around the web about a series of strata title topics. FactSheets contain the latest news, a series of FAQs and some links to other relevant sites or pages from around the web.

Have suggestions about more topics? Please let me know.

QLD: Can you sue a body corporate for committee actions you know are beyond their power?

Frank Higginson
Hynes Legal

The above question is one that has lurked around in the strata management industry for some time. It has now been conclusively answered, and the answer is no. It is very rare that a body corporate litigates a matter to the highest court of law in Queensland. We recently took over the proceedings for a bo.....
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FactSheet: Strata Managers/Building Managers

This has been one of our most popular FactSheets. Here are some examples of what you will find:

Latest News
NSW: January 20, 2014
NSW: What managers need to know about NSW window safety act
Col Myers, Small Myers Hughes

SA: How do we dismiss our negligent strata manager?

Links & Other Useful Information

For more state by state information on how to handle Strata Disputes including problems with strata managers, have a look at our page Dispute resolution for your strata problem.

Upcoming Events

SCA (NSW): Annual Sailing Network Event (Mosman)
February 7, 2014 @ 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

SCA (WA): Strata Outlook 2014
February 12, 2014 @ 7:30 am - 9:30 am

SCA (QLD): BC101: Building Maintenance (Gold Coast)
February 13, 2014 @ 9:45 am - 5:00 pm

SCA (QLD): AGM Triangle of Management (Brisbane)
March 11, 2014 @ 8:45 am - 1:00 pm

Visit the Strata Events calendar. Contact me if you have an event you would like to promote through the Events Calendar.

Strata Job Board


Owners Corporation Manager - Vic: Melbourne Inner Suburbs
One of Melbourne's leading Strata Managers is looking for a new Ow...

Strata Assistant - NSW: Sydney Inner West

This is a great opportunity to continue to learn all facets of Strata Managem..

Strata Manager - WA: Perth CBD

As one of the fastest growing strata management companies in WA..

Strata Manager - NSW: Sydney Metro

Strata, Strata, Strata! This is every Strata Managers dream role! Workin..

Visit the Strata Job Directory.
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