Welcome to our latest Newsletter
I hope everyone is settling back into the new year - especially after another long weekend!
I apologise if I was slow replying to correspondence last week. We took a road trip to the beautiful Margaret River region in SW WA.
Have you had a chance to look at the changes on the site? What do you think of our
NEW SPECTACULAR FACTSHEETS? We will be showcasing a different FactSheet each newsletter. Keep checking back - information is added to the site daily.
We are happy to give you an update on
The Australian Strata Business Directory. It
is almost ready for an official launch. Is your business listed? Have a look at the excellent profiles businesses have been creating. We are VERY excited about this & cannot wait to get it up & running. Come & join the excitement!
I've had some great requests, suggestions & questions coming in from new members recently. Is there something you would like to ask or tell me about?
Have a great week.