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Still Eagle

Don't hold back!

We want your feedback....
good or bad!

Happily, we've gotten many good reviews from our customers.

But now, we want you to give us the bad news!

Help us improve our website

We're on a mission to make our web site as user-friendly as we can. We want to hear about any wrinkles, dissatisfaction, or issues you may have had. Anything that you wish was easier or clearer or different.

Maybe it's a little thing that mildly irks you, or a major thing that drives you nuts -- let us know.

Or perhaps you've heard comments from a friend who doesn't shop on our site because of a frustration they've experienced -- please don't spare our feelings; let us know and we'll do what we can to improve the site.

As well, if there happens to be something you like about our website, that would be great to know as well. (So we don't get carried away and change something that's working just fine!)

Here are some questions to stir up some thoughts:
  • How easy it is to navigate around the site?
  • Does the shopping cart work well and easily for you when you make a purchase?
  • Do you ever get lost or confused while browsing?
  • What's the worst thing you can say about our site or shopping on it?
  • What's the best?
Thanks in advance for taking the time to give us important feedback. Email us at

If you want to practice, here is the link to our current best page on the site: our ongoing 30-40-50 Blowout Sale.

You can shop and critique at the same time.

Tell us what you think

Please email your comments, complaints, and suggestions to, or contact us through our website.

January 30, 2014

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