GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. – This week Riveridge and our partner orchards are closing out our third Arctic vortex, complete with blizzard conditions and below-zero wind chills. Michigan is definitely in the deep freezer – and that’s a good thing for the apple trees.
Winter is education, planning time
While the trees are resting, apple growers have several important winter jobs.
Two top priorities for most skilled growers will be continuing education and planning for the future. Riveridge growers make plans 5 to 10 years out, considering their past successes and failures, and listening to advice from peers and professors.
Riveridge advises growers on buying trends and customer feedback. Of course, we’re updating our planting and marketing plans, too.
Ordering fruit trees isn’t like shopping on-line! Trees are typically custom grafts – the bottom part (rootstock) for a specific soil with the desired variety on top. To complicate the issue, there are multiple strains of nearly every variety and growers must select the top performers to fill their customers’ needs.
Once a grower decides which custom-assembled trees to purchase and where he’ll plant them, he places the order. It’s not uncommon to order trees three or four years in advance! Then decisions are made and orders placed for trellising, irrigation and tree training systems, and labor needs.
Education. Winter is when apple growers attend trade shows, scientific meetings and other learning opportunities. In February, a team of Riveridge grower-partners will travel across the country looking at new practices that could be adopted in Michigan.
Learning from the best: That’s the Riveridge edge.
Call us for creative winter promotions
Given the Arctic vortex’s icy reach into Florida and extended cold temperatures in California, many grocers’ traditional winter promotions have been turned upside down.
Add greening disorder to the weather woes, and citrus fruit has seen limited supplies and higher prices this year. Cold temps have also slowed US vegetable production.
If this has you turning to apples for promotions and end-caps, Riveridge can help with creative, high-quality displays. We’re packing a dozen varieties of apples daily in trays, poly bags and totes.
We’re also prepared to work with you on promotions including #socialmedia.
Melissa Dubridge Russell Comport Don Armock