looks, questions, views
<<First Name>>

End of february I will travel to London for my last day of Action Learning facilitatating training. I am very much looking forward to it. While explaining Action Learning I realized, that the term "action" in German is misleading. Action Learning is about learning, thinking, asking questions in a group of people who are interested and open - and not so much about speed or physical action.

On my webpage I answered the most frequent questions I came across about Action Learning.

Just before summer I will start an Action Learning group for people who want to become (partially) self-employed or who recently became self-employed. Please let me know, if you're interested.


looking back

End of January I spoke to an audience of about forty people about "how to live with a 1000 interests": The life of a scanner - from the feeling of being shallow to the knowledge of the advantages and knowing how to deal with lots of interests.

Beginning of February Astrid von Weittenhiller of lifecatcher.de asked why it is easy to know what you really want. Is it? With five of my fellow coaches I answered and gave some tips (German only) "Ich weiss jetzt endlich, was ich wirklich gerne tun möchte".

Mid February I facilitated the workshop "Mach doch was du willst" (do whatever you want) with Heike Krüger (inbewegungkommen.de) in Frankfurt am Main. The seven participants worked hard and took some things home for themselves. It was a great group, great working with Heike - an over all great day!


looking forward

7. March in Zürich 6.15-7.45 pm open Wen-Do Training for women in German
16.-18. May: Barbara Sher back in Zürich - English with German translation
28.-30. November: "Mach doch was du willst" weekend workshop with Heike Krüger und Natalie Raeber in Altenbücken (D)


a gem - in German

"Mut ist nur ein Anagramm von Glück" - great slam from Julia Engelmann in German: Courage is only an anagram for luck

Best - and don't forget: Do what you really want


Frankfurt: starting April 2014 - Barbara Sher Coach Training with Barbara Sher
Luzern: 10. May, second Swiss Mother's night: Mutternacht
Zürich: 25. May Women's Expo
Winterthur: success team starts on 6. March with my Barbara Sher Coach colleague Barbara Sorino
Zürich: great Indonesian food Dapur

Question of the month

What would it be like to do a daily activity in another way?
Example: eathing or brushing your teeths with the other hand; take another route to work; sleep "upside-down" in your bed
As a preview, here is the question for March
What does spring smell like?

I remind myself of the question with a beautiful photo as a computer background image.
Natalie beim Workshop
Me at the workshop in Frankfurt.

Feedback from single and group coachings and idea parties:

"Thanks for your valuable input."

"I can see my options now much better - and you are good in leading groups."

"The clarity and strucutre help a lot."
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