Vote Now and Qualify to Win One of Three Kindles!
Please vote now and help build a stronger AWP. You must log in to our website to vote. 48% of our members have already voted, but we must reach 60% to achieve a quorum. If you don't care to study the issues and vote, you may simply choose to have to be counted as present, and that will help us achieve a quorum. As a special incentive, AWP will randomly select three prize winners among the total voters and those counted as present. The winners will receive a Kindle Fire or one of two Kindle Paperwhites. To qualify for these giveaways, all you need to do is to be a nonstudent member and vote any which way you like or to state that you wish to be counted as present to achieve a quorum. The prizes will be awarded once we achieve a quorum. Please vote now! |
Did You Attend #AWP14?
Resting your aching feet? Stuck at the airport? Take a moment to tweet your favorite event using #AWP14! Leave feedback about the events you attended in our individual event survey. Also, watch your email. You will soon be receiving information about a general conference survey. We use your feedback to make future conferences even better, so please be sure to share your comments with us. |
#AWP15 in Minneapolis Event Proposals
AWP welcomes proposals for the 2015 conference in Minneapolis. Our conference committee seeks proposals that feature panelists who are diverse in their backgrounds, pursuits, affiliations, and ages, and who represent a broad range of perspectives and experiences. AWP strongly encourages participation from current and recent graduate students. Proposals will be accepted beginning mid-March, and the deadline for submission is Thursday, May 1, 2014. Please visit our Event Proposals & Acceptances page for more information. |
Last Chance to Enter our Contest and Win $500 to Attend a Writers' Conference
Each year, AWP offers two scholarships of $500 each to emerging writers of fiction and poetry who wish to attend a writers' conference, center, retreat, festival, or residency. AWP maintains a comprehensive list of these events and opportunities in our Directory of Conferences & Centers. Winners and four finalists will also each receive a one-year individual AWP membership. Enter via Submittable now through March 30, 2014. |
Send Us Two Copies of Your School's Undergraduate Literary Magazine!
Undergraduate literary magazines published between March 15, 2013 and March 15, 2014 are eligible for the National Program Directors' Prize. Two magazines, one for Design and one for Content, will win $500 each. There is no fee to enter. Submissions must arrive at AWP by March 15, 2014. |
Program Directors, Watch Your Mailboxes
Renewals for your program's institutional membership will be mailed later this month. Please take this time to decide if your current level of membership is right for you, and consider renewing online today. |
Become a Friend of AWP
Your donation helps us build a stronger, better AWP to serve our members. Donate today to become a Friend of AWP and receive valuable benefits like conference registration, annual membership, or a subscription to the Writer's Chronicle. |
March 15: National Program Directors’ Prize for Undergraduate Literary Magazines Deadline
March 5: Extended Award Series Deadline
March 30: WC&C Scholarship Competition Ends |