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The online donation system we have been using, WePay, will be discontinuing their services in March.  Therefore, we have set up an account at PayPal, which will be handling online donations for the time being. 

You will be able to make one-time or recurring donations through PayPal using a credit card, debit card, or your own PayPal account.  In order to direct your donation toward a specific program or purpose, you will need to indicate this by clicking on the "add special instructions" link on the review page when making your donation.  To visit the new online donation page, click below:
PayPal: Buenos Vecinos, Central America
We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may cause; we were truly disappointed with WePay's decision to discontinue the services which we found so helpful!  Please contact Amy at with any problems, questions, or comments you have regarding this change.  Thank you for your patience!!
Thanks to D.O.E.R.S., we were able to deliver thousands of dollars worth of medications to the public hospital in Santa Rosa de Copan!  We were also able to deliver stuffed animals, books, and toys to the children in the pediatric ward thanks to some very generous individual donations!
Also thanks to D.O.E.R.S., we delivered medicines and medical equipment to the public health center here in Copán Ruinas!  Among the staff's favorites seemed to be the stretchy bands to use for tourniquets!
Without the continuing support of organizations and individual donors, NONE of this would have happened.  Thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts!!
Christmas week, 2011, the people of Nueva Estanzuela were forcibly removed from their land one rainy night. They lived for months by the side of the road under plastic tarps.  Buenos Vecinos was able to help with what little we could by providing some emergency supplies at the time.
Eventually they received their own land, and have been tirelessly rebuilding ever since. Now, working as a community, they have built their own homes, planted gardens, and recently begun building a school. Relentlessly pursuing resources for rebuilding, they make very fast progress... every time we drive by, more changes are evident!!

Not wanting to wait until the school building was finished, classes started a few weeks ago outside the community leader's house! 


We have recently gotten word that, although there is still more to be done to complete the school, classes are now being held inside the new school, and we have been able to provide a little support with school supplies and teaching materials. Buenos Vecinos has been so proud to collaborate with this energetic, determined community who has achieved so much despite so many obstacles!!
Ever Flores Guerra is an 8-year-old boy who was born with hydroencephalitis, complications of which caused him to go completely blind at a very young age.  He attended kindergarten when he was partially-sighted, but was not able to return to school after that.  He spent his days inside his concrete block one room house in the poorest barrio of Copan Ruinas, with very little social interaction or stimulation.  On top of all that, he was extremely malnourished.
Thanks to a couple of very generous private donors who have "adopted" him, we have been able to provide 3 sessions per week of tutoring and nutrition in a loving, caring home where he is learning self-care skills, hygiene, fine and gross motor skills, and basic academics (counting, left vs. right, basic alphabet, etc.).

Just last week, Ever was rushed to the hospital in San Pedro Sula because he'd been experiencing severe headaches, dizziness, and fainting.  After a week of tests and theories, the doctors have made some adjustments to the shunt in his head and everything seems to be in working order!  He should be returning to Copan with his mother today!!

If you would like more information about Ever or would like to help with the tutoring program we have set up for him, please contact Amy at
Kids have been back in school for a few weeks now, and we've been meeting ourselves coming and going delivering school supplies, shoes, Clif bars, dried soup, Nacho reading texts, and lots of other goodies to schools and teachers!!  We are still desperate for supplies; it seems we never have enough to go around!  If you'd like to help, click here for information on making a donation!
Below:  Boca del Monte gets crayons, stuffed animals, notebooks, pencils, and Nacho readers!
Shoes for barefoot kindergartners, Clif bars, and school supplies for La Laguna and El Chilar.  In La Laguna, fourth and fifth graders are meeting with a temporary teacher in an unfinished church building due to overcrowding, which they will soon have to vacate.
A special thanks to Good Neighbors Group for the school supplies, shoes, hats, and blankets!!  Thanks also to the Rotary Club of Orangevale for your generous donation for school supplies and teaching materials!!
Former street dog Pam, current Buenos Vecinos mascot, likes to be personally involved in our work, including adding his "two cents" in teachers' meetings.
Want to make a donation?  Here's how! (Please note we have a NEW MAILING ADDRESS, and be sure to include the apartment number!)

Click the button below to make a one-time or recurring donation online (in order to direct your donation toward a specific program or purpose, you will need to indicate this by clicking on the "add special instructions" link on the review page when making your donation). 
Donate Online

Mail a check made out to Ellen Finn to:
1011 Bancroft St., #206
Bellingham, WA 98225

Tax-deductible donations of $100 or more may be made out to AMIGOS OF HONDURAS, with "For BUENOS VECINOS" in the memo line, and mailed to:

233 North 1250 West Suite 200
Centerville, Utah 84014
(phone 801.296.9999)

Need to reach us?  Email Ellen at

Your gifts are greatly appreciated and make all of our work possible! 
Copyright © 2014 Buenos Vecinos, Central America, All rights reserved.

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