Greetings Advocates,
See attached bulletin inserts/back covers and slide. Please share with your congregation, in your bulletin, bulletin board, slide show, and/or reading to the congregation. And encourage them to pray for and support these and other missions activities.
Please click the following links for attachments:
Bulletin: MiniPHThanks1402_2.pdf
Flyer: MiniPHThanks1402_1.pdf
Trifold: MiniPHThanks1402_3.pdf
Slide: MiniPHThanks1402.jpg
Thanks for all you do!
Your Brother in Christ,
Clinton R. Brown, Executive Director

PS. My boonie hat has picked up an uncharacteristic amount of snow lately.
More than $7,200 was contributed to help with the natural disaster recover in the Philippines. They have been able to share in life saving staples, reconstruction supplies, and a gospel sharing witness..
Your support helped make this possible to God’s glory!
