Mar. 15, 2014 Saturday Morning
"Pack & Pray Event” Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton, CO 80121, Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!)
Mar. 19, Wednesday, starting at 5 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Humbolt Archdiocesan Housing, 3707 Humbolt (A), Denver, CO 80205 (Volunteers Needed)
Mar.25, Tuesday, starting at 4:00pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Coalition for the Homeless /Renaissance at Lowery, 550 Alton Way, Denver, CO 80230 (Volunteers Needed)
Mar. 26, Wednesday, starting at 7pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Decatur Place, 1155 Decatur St, Denver, CO 80204 (Volunteers Needed)
Mar. 31, Monday, starting at 6:30pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Warren Village, 1729 E. 13th Ave, Denver, CO 80218 (Volunteers Needed)
[In a large brick house cross street from Warren Village
April 10, Thursday, starting at 6:00pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Mount Loretto Family Housing, 3101 S. Federal Blvd, Denver, CO 80236 (Volunteers Needed)
April 19, 2014 Saturday Morning
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton, CO 80121, Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!)
May 3, Saturday, starting at 1pm
“Treasure Time Gifting Event”
VOA Family Housing & Services, 455 Bannock, Denver, CO (Volunteers Needed)
May 17, 2014 Saturday Morning
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton, CO 80121, Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!)
Reminder: if you can help with any Treasure Time Event please call Susie 303-507-2098 or email
Check the Calendar on our Website:
These are the precious children. You are making a difference in their lives!
- Twin Size Fleece Blankets
- Small Boy & Girl Type Comforters
- Standard Size Bed Pillows
- Tooth Paste and Tooth Brushes
Biggest Pack & Pray
The February Pack & Pray had over 60 volunteers packing Sweet Dream Bags, making parents mugs, sewing the "God Love Me" tags on pillows. Before the morning was over 125 new Sweet Dream Bags (a record) were completed. There were young people from Powell Middle School Builders Club, Arapahoe Key Club, Church Youth Group from Aurora, families from a Home School Group based in Highlands Ranch and many of our regular volunteers---it was a day to remember!!! It is exciting to see all these young people willing to give up their Saturday to help these precious children in need!!!
Speaking to groups
We have had opportunities to speak to many different groups of people -- from 180 older adults at their SOAR Conference (provided funds, both as a group and individually, for Sweet Dream to purchase more needed bedding). A Brownie Scout Troop raised enough money selling cookies for each to purchase fleece blankets for children and mugs for parents of Sweet Dream children!! We have two new corporate sponsors, Foothills Kiwanis Club and the DTC Kiwanis. A church in Westminster partnered with us in providing more than half of the material as they had a wonderful Pack & Pray which made 43 beautiful Sweet Dream Bags. It is exciting to see new people and groups are getting involved. A Girl Scout , to earn her Silver Award, has taken on a project of organizing and preparing all materials for a "Small Bag Packing Event" (Small Sweet Dream Bags for children coming into Domestic Violence Centers) partnering with a Builders Club in a school in north Denver. This weekend Susie will speak to a church in Aurora to prepare them to hold a Pack & Pray Event at their church later this month. We all grow and learn so much as we have this opportunity to serve!!
Know we love the opportunity to speak and share about Sweet Dream to any group, church, business or organization-- just call Susie 303-507-2098