Audis and Cornfields and Pendants, Oh My!
February has been a month full of cold, snow, celebrations and outside obligations, but some creative moments prevailed!
The watercolor that I submitted to a contest won a cash prize! See the painting and read more about the contest on
my blog.
The fused glass class that I began in January has concluded. I made several fun pieces for the home, but am most excited about the pendants that I have been making. I think they are unique and hope others will agree.
I was a part of the Wizard of Oz! Every couple of years our church puts on a musical. This isn't a piddly little "isn't that cute" musical. We are talking about major talent in the cast, orchestra doing the music, fantastic costumes and full houses at every show kind of musical. I helped to paint some of the backdrops and scenery pieces. I was up to my neck in cornfields. Although I was happy to do it, I have very few new pieces of art to share from February. Two pieces that I did paint, Destin Harbor and Napa Riverfront will be in the
Vale Arts Show in Oakton, VA in May. I'll have more information next month.
As always, please visit to see my most recent work. Unless it is in a show, it is available for purchase.