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The Planet's "Other" Conversation

Allen David Reed un-spins our world
... from the consciousness of Beinghood

Friday March 7th, 2014

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Don't Fear Radiation - A powerful And Inspiring Video

This mind-opening 30 minute Youtube Video by Markus Rothkranz is a doorway to a BEINGHOOD way of living. Chernobyl survivor Katrine Volynski and nuclear test pilot Capt. Gary Pylant describe how they survived first hand exposure to nuclear blasts and discuss the shift in consciousness that is needed to totally heal your body.

Allen David Reed's insight:
Radiation, it is everywhere around the world, there is no way to avoid it. To add to that, we have the fear and propaganda of the worldwide media surrounding it, and this has most everyone at least a little concerned if not outright freaked out, especially in the wake of Fukushima. Radiation is a powerful energy that can destroy or empower you; it all depends on your relationship to it. As you realize you are all things and come into the rarified Terrain of Void-Based (Teal), you literally become impervious to such threats. We are such a Being, we just have never learned how to properly operate the vehicle we are in.

Despite the fact that this video is mild infomercial toward the end to buy the authors detox advice, the message, especially by the Chernobyl survivor Katrine Volynski, is pure BEINGHOOD. And while I’ve been saying much of the same thing all along, its importance can not be understated - if you want to transmute radiation, you need to become greater than its vibration or your fear of it. And that is true of any sickness or disease. For that to happen, you need to find positive love rather than negative stress creating fear and worry for starters, and you need to support this vibration of love and light through every aspect of your life with living diet, exercise, cleansing, nutrition, etc.

To view the video on Youtube, go to:

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Exposed: The Nazi Roots Of The European Union

In this No More Fake News blog, Jon Rappoport details the history of the pharmaceutical empire of IG Farben and how it was and is one of the major forces behind the European Union (EU) today.

Allen David Reed's insight:
As this article makes clear, in order to truly maintain our Sovereignty and freedom, we must be ever vigilant with keeping up our health care outside of the pharmaceutical medical model, which has had from its inception the primary aim and goal of weakening the general population in order to keep them under control of those who are desperate to rule over us.

But no one can rule over you if you stand empowered in your BEINGHOOD. This comes about two ways. First, knowing that you must be vigilant to learn about the nature of life and our world, for if you let your shield down there are parasites of all stripes and dimensions that will do their best to eat you alive, and secondly to take your power back and be Self-responsible to question everything to find your make informed health choices aligned you’re your Truth. We must always see our victory of being a picture of health in our imagination.

To view the original article, go to:

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Is Everything In The Mainstream Media Fake? – 6 Examples Of Media Manipulation

This Waking News article sheds some sober light on our world of television and modern MSM (Main Stream Media) outlets as tools of de-evolution, propaganda and social control.  Since the reign of Edward Bernays and the rise of the Tavistock Institute in the early 20th century, nearly unlimited resources have been applied to understanding how to manipulate the human psyche through television and other forms of mass media.

Allen David Reed's insight:
Read this and be informed. Like the Jon Rappoport article I’ve included in this issue, we seem to be seeing a theme of fake news as the story of the day. It can never be stressed enough - if you choose to be free and Sovereign to see beyond the ‘wizard of Oz’s fiery head’ (or ‘The Matrix’, take your pick) and know the deceptions of the propaganda machines of the nations and multinationals and the global oligarchy - then you have to become expanded enough in your Terrain of Consciousness to see around and through it all. And this takes really learning about what is going on in the world. When you can fully see through the MSM’s charade it actually becomes extremely entertaining. Now when I watch or listen to anything I am usually being very thoroughly amused. I invite you to join me, it’s a hoot!

Once you know how it all works it no longer controls you… and that is when you are living in your BEINGHOOD.

To view the original article, go to:

**To be in the planet's "other" conversation, include the hasthtag #BEINGHOOD in your comments.
**To learn more about the 10 Worldviews, go to:

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<<First Name>>, I hope you've enjoyed my insights in this edition of "The Beinghood Times". You can read previous editions here. Please pass this email on to your like-minded friends. Let's keep expanding our understanding of Consciousness!
In collaboration,
Allen David Reed
Curator of The Beinghood Times
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