Egg free option for Indian Chickpea and Spinach Fritters
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Egg free option for Indian Chickpea and Spinach Fritters

I was egg-free for 18 months so decided to give them a try again. I don't think the timing was right so I am back to being egg-free. That said, I make changes to some recipes containing eggs to see if they will work with an egg substitute. Sometimes I have success and sometimes, not so much.

I made the Indian Chickpea and Spinach Fritters (page 116) and replaced the egg with chia seeds. To do this measure 1 tablespoon chia seeds and stir into 3 tablespoons of water. Let the mixture stand for 5-10 minutes or until it's like a gel. Proceed as instructed in the directions.

They do not hold together nearly as well as they would with egg so it's best to do the 3-inch fritter or even a little smaller. Be careful when flipping. They are very tasty so if you can't do eggs, it's worth trying this variation of the recipe.

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