April 2014 capioIT Newsletter
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Welcome to the April newsletter for capioIT!

This is the second edition of our newsletter, and we are excited to be able to share with you some of our research and insight.

The first quarter of calendar year 2014 is now behind us. As with most quarters, the technology and business sector continued to have an unbridled and disruptive attitude. The radical contrast between old and new technology was highlighted by IBM selling its server business for $2.3B to Lenovo (revenue approx.$5B), and Facebook paying $19B for WhatsApp (revenue maximum. $0.1B).

There is no better data point than this to highlight the integration and disruption of the enterprise and consumer, cloud and traditional IT and business and IT department intersection.

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From a market point of view, the analyst briefing sessions are well underway. It is always a busy time of year, in late March we had Cisco and Salesforce both holding successful customer and analyst events. The contrast between the two firms and the world in which they each operate is clear.

April will have VMware, HP, IBM, Amazon Web Services and others, so the strong contrast between new and old technology continues. VMware is an interesting case study. I am unsure if it is the last of the legacy vendors to be established, or the first of the new order. I am interested in your opinion on that one. Email Phil Hassey CEO.

Elections in Asia will be critical in April. The two largest democracies in the region, India and Indonesia both go to the polls and will elect new leaders. In technology terms, there is more riding on the Indian election, but maintenance of the status quo in Indonesia will enhance the growth and enhanced prosperity that the market in that country is enjoying.

capioIT also covers the Middle East and Africa market. From this region, it is worth noting that South Africa also has an election in early May. Clearly this will be the first since the passing of Nelson Mandela, so the nation socially and economically will require and expect stability.

Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. We have linked to some of our key content for the month. Let us know if there is any way we can support you and your business requirements, and please provide us with feedback on the newsletter.

PS - As we have just finished the quarter, I took a good look at the readership of capioIT research. It is very humbling that in the last 12 months, readership has increased well in excess of 300%. This is a validation of the work that we are doing, and we are very grateful for the support. 

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Short insights from March
  • Please Note - Data is the new oil et al, is the new cliche. Lets show ability to execute on hype with discipline and focus, not cliche.
  • There is a Fine line between democratising Analytics and "dumbing down". Too many organisations and vendors end up on the "dumbing down" side.
  • The importance of executing on strategy - A humble Seattle bookseller has IBM, HP, Cisco, Dell et al running for cover spending billions in just a few short years.
  • The Amish use of the horse & cart, is proof that there is still a future role, albeit diminished, for traditional outsourcing.
  • Extraordinary case study of the Internet of Everything - Sense-T working with Tasmanian small business and agriculture to enable digital innovation.
  • Brisbane is the 2nd city in the world (New York was 1st) to appoint a Chief Digital Officer. Provides stakeholder engagement.
  • When will vendors learn? You can't credibly talk up social and mobile at analyst briefings without wifi and a hashtag.

Our Latest and Greatest....

Asia Pacific BI and Analytics Solution – Market Opportunities Identified

Whilst capioIT and others repeat it ad nauseam, a view that considers that the countries of the Asia Pacific market to be generic and require a single strategy is making the most fatal mistake of all in terms of understanding the market.

Analysis of the market opportunity for the Asia Pacific BI and Analytics Platforms highlights this. The overall market opportunity highlights the diversity in growth through 2017. Some key pointsREAD MORE

The BI Centre of Excellence

Implementation and ongoing investment in Business Intelligence (BI) solutions have  failed to regularly meet organisational expectations, both in terms of business outcomes and cost. Reinforcing this, Gartner predictions for 2012 highlight that by 2015, more than 85% of Fortune 500 companies will have failed to effectively exploit Big Data (and by extension BI) to achieve competitive advantage.

In order to be one of the 15%, not 85%, consideration of the establishment of a BI Centre of Excellence is critical for organisations who wish to improve outcomes of BI within their organisation.  READ MORE

Chinese Tier 2 and 3 cities need to do a much better job to promote foreign investment

I have visited China for business repeatedly over the last 15 years. As most would be more than aware, the growth on any econometric variable has been sustained and typically staggering. As someone who studied economic and regional development as an undergrad student the demographics of China is equally of interest and impressive.

The size and scale of cities and metropolitan areas in China is staggering. It has 15 cities with over five million residents and approximately 140 more with over a million residents. It is a market and level of potential consumers that any other country (particularly one like my home country of Australia) can only dream of.

The challenge for these 15 cities with over 5 million peopleREAD MORE

Technology – The prime mega-trend that drives society

Every defined era of economic history is characterized by waves of disruption. From the agricultural revolution to the current information and digital revolution, innovation and change is results in continual disruption.

The drivers and outcomes of these eras of economic history have several common themes. The attached figure below highlights common themes that have accompanied each era of economic and social disruption from the Middle Ages. From the explosive growth of trade in resources that accompanied the Middle Ages, through to the shift toward urbanization in the Agricultural revolution; these factors are universal and drive development.  READ MORE

For more information about our services or to discuss your research needs, please contact:

Phil Hassey CEO

m. +61 (0) 422 231 793+61 (0) 422 231 793
t:  PHassey
s. phil.hassey
Copyright © 2014 capioIT, All rights reserved.

NOTE: This is general information only and does not constitute advice nor take into account any individual’s or company’s specific requirements, and should not be relied upon as such. Readers are advised to seek specific advice from capioIT. capioIT makes no representation nor gives any warranty as to the accuracy of future forecasts. To the fullest extent permitted by law, any conditions, warranties or liabilities implied by law into these conditions are hereby excluded.

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