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Talking ecoLogical

The Latest News from Live ecoLogical

Ian McBurney - Sustainability Speaker, MC, Facilitator, Business Mentor, Educator.

Ian McBurney is an ecological sustainability practitioner who has inspired and enabled tens of thousands of people in business, government, schools and communities to move towards a better future.  He believes passionately that at this time in history, when every natural system is in decline, it is people and therefore culture change that will gift us a sustainable society. That society will be better for us in every way. We'll be more local and connected, happier, healthier, more profitable and more proud of who we are.

Woo Hoo! I'm slightly excited to announce that after a five year effort and a successful crowd funding campaign, I'm now an author. Talking ecoLogical is a set of 40 cards that can be used by anyone wanting to open up reflection and conversation about environmental sustainability. They can be used for team building, personal reflection, evaluation and assessment, goal setting and planning, journalling and creative writing, research and organisational change. 
40 cards, 40 intriguing statements, 40 conversation-starting questions, 40 inspiring quotes 
... and an on-line booklet full of suggestions for activities for using the cards.

Order Talking ecoLogical now

Want to build effective, fun, strengths-based conversations about environmental sustainability in your organisation or community?  Then this one-day, highly-interactive and fun workshop is for you!

When: 9.30am—4.00pm; Wednesday 14 May 2014

Where: 60 Leicester Street, Carlton Vic 3053 (‘60L’—home of the Australian Conservation Foundation)

Cost: $160 Includes morning/afternoon tea, a set of Talking ecoLogical cards, Resource Notes

Delivered by: Ian McBurney and Russell Deal from Innovative Resources

Click for more info or to Register
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Sustainability Speaker

I individually tailor a presentation that inspires, challenges and enables change for sustainability

“Ian’s presentation was fabulous and incredibly inspiring.”
”Ian’s presentation was insightful and empowering and it made me realise that we call all make change happen.”
”Ian’s presentation was inspiring and emotionally rich ... it went straight to the heart.”
”I loved Ian’s heart and passion and his ability to share that.”
Sustainability Leadership Workshop Participants in Darebin and Banyule, 2014

Recent speaking events:
  • Climate and Health, for the Victorian Climate and Health Alliance, Melbourne
  • A Better Bendigo, Bendigo Community Sustainability Awards
  • Change Practice, for the Darebin and the Banyule Community Sustainability Leaders Course

Facilitator & MC

On time, on message, participatory, heaps of fun, great outcomes and created with your team.

Recent events include the "Waste Recovery Research Centre Workshop" at Melbourne University, "Warrnambool Sustainability Festival", the "DEPI VAS Workshop" in Melbourne and "Lets talk Rubbish" for the City of Greater Bendigo. 

We were lucky enough to have Ian MC at the Warrnambool Sustainable Living Festival, the largest event of its kind in South West Victoria.  Ian's energy and enthusiasm were completely contagious and his effortless crowd-management skills ensured that guests were constantly engaged and informed about events throughout the day.  Ian's endless bag of tricks (literally) entertained kids and adults alike and successfully got people talking about their vision for a healthier, happier future
— Lisa Rankin, Sustainability Officer, City of Warrnambool, 2014

Business Mentor Program

Thirteen years of successful business sustainability change practice. We improve your business.

Live ecoLogical has helped reduce power bills at Jimmy Possum Furniture, St. Lukes Anglicare, Bendigo Community Health Services, St John of God Hospital and Swan Hill Rural City Council. 
This year I'm helping the St. John of God Hospital 3G Green Team to reduce waste by half, saving money. We'll need a new waste system implemented throughout the hospital and to inspire staff, patients and visitors to participate. 

I'm also assisting a retail store to create an eco trail for customers to find, understand and choose more sustainable products.

The winds of change are blowing on many fronts – make sure your organisation reaps the rewards, or at the very least, avoids the coming costs.

Sustainability Workshops

So far in 2014 I have been in Warrnambool, Darebin and Banyule delivering sustainability and change practice workshops.
"Ian's 'Kitchen Table Conversations' workshop was absolutely fantastic.  It took us all on an empowering journey about what it means to be a leader in sustainability and how to bring about positive change.  As well as being fun and energising, the workshop also gave us some useful tools when it comes to having effective conversations about our future."
— Lisa Rankin, Sustainability Officer, City of Warrnambool, 2014

Workshops I can deliver for you ... Just ask :-)
  • Introduction to Sustainability and Change, 
  • Ecological Sustainability Leaders, 
  • Green Team Professional Development, 
  • Leadership and Change Practice, 
  • Presentation and Speaking Skills,
  • Nature Based Activities,
  • Enabling Change,
  • Environmental Education Professional Development,
  • Climate Change, Waste, Water and Energy and Biodiversity, Community Development,
  • Community Sustainability Practitioner Professional Development,
  • Sustainability Street Approach Train the Mentor.
What is Ian Thinking? 
Four recent blog posts to get you thinking about sustainability and change: 

Green Team Leadership: Or not

The MC from Hell

When a Green Team stumbles and then flies

Facilitation that Flies
Ian's top 3 sustainability articles on the web:

The International Panel on Climate Change, otherwise known as 800 of the worlds leading climate scientists have released their latest report on the impacts of climate change: Click here for a simple video and here for a report on the findings. In short, the GFC and the two world wars were nothing in comparison.

An awesome short video of George Monbiot describing how reintroducing Wolves changes rivers: and everything else. If you want to delve deeper into "rewilding" read his book "feral" or a column here.

Jeremy Rifkin on the Third Industrial Revolution. If 80% of known fossil fuels have to stay in the ground to avoid catastrophic climate change, then what is our power system going to look like? Well, try decentralised, distributed, real time, online renewables with storage. Exciting thinking. 
La Trobe University Video Project

Latrobe asked me to put together two ten minute videos for their online Environmental Health course for 2014. Check them out! Let me know what you think.

1. We Are the Earth

2. Sustainable Bendigo 2036: a day in the life
Introductory Business Sustainability Workshop
What are we doing well? How can our business benefit? How do we change?
A two-hour, thought provoking, deep thinking, participatory session that will either kick-start your journey into the new economy, or enable you to evaluate progress.
$660! Book Now
Leadership Workshops in Bendigo Schools
The City of Greater Bendigo asked me to deliver five Leadership and Change Practice Workshops with secondary colleges in March. I had a ball with the brilliant minds from leadership teams at each school, looking at presentation skills, enabling change, authentic leadership, team work, change conversations, social network theory and some deep personal thought on personal strengths, skills and talents. And we all had fun.

Seriously, have you ordered yet?
Order Talking ecoLogical Now
Coming Really Soon! The Sustainability Street book for iPad
"A new reason to be neighbours", which just might be the most powerful community sustainability approach on the planet. After ten years and 200 communities, we're now writing an SSA iPad book to bring the approach to the world. 
I'm one of a bunch of micro businesses who set up Synergize, the first co-working Hub in Bendigo in 2013. We sit inside the awesome Haven; Home, Safe, just near the fountain. We collaborate with and support each other: sure beats a home office! Our website is just a few weeks away. I can't wait to share it with everyone :-)
The BSG rocks.
Get on board
Join the BSG and help change the world around you, for a "diverse, inspired, connected, ecologically effective and delightful Bendigo." In 2007, I helped set up the BSG. In 2014, it's still going strong. Join in in your area of passion.
"If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."
- Aunty Lilla Watson
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