Spring is here...! Outdoor WODs here we come! 
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BSC April Newsletter

Saturday , April 12th at 1:00 pm!

Are you coming to the BBQ on Saturday?!
You should be! Come celebrate the Open being over,
Regionals around the corner and get more infomation on the upcoming Bod Pod Challenge! 

We will provide protein - if your last name starts with... 

A-H please bring: Fruits/Veggies 
 I-Q please bring: Dessert
R-Z please bring: Side Dish  

Email for more information! 

At the Box
So here we are, the Open is over! To say I am impressed by all the effort and performance by you all is an understatement. So many PRs , new skills, and just pushing to the next level inspires me, thanks for that…you are the reason I get up and do what I do every day.

With the Open comes some hard realizations, no way around it. Some of us are a little bummed out with our scores on some WODs, but what we need to remember is that the Open is about effort. If you give it all then you win.  Only you know the answer to that one.  If you are a new CrossFitter, the skills may have hurt you…practice, and you will be ready next time.  If you have been here a while, you need to figure out what hurt you the most and attack it so it is a non- issue in the future.

In programming the daily WODs we try to hit as many skill / movements as possible, but as athletes we need to add or supplement as well.  If you suck at DUs, you need 5 min a day, if you suck at pull ups; you need strength training all the time….etc, etc…get after it!  We are putting supplemental work weekly on the board, if you’re not sure, ASK!  Make a list of what you need to work on and let’s attack it together
Construction is moving along, we hope to be completely done in a couple weeks….the new place is going to be AWESOME!!

Once again - so impressed by you! Watch for information about athletes going to regionals - would be great to get a cheering squad there! 

We are very excited for Mike, Jen, Kirby and Chad
as they take their next steps in the quest for the Games!!!!
Good luck you guys, way to be Bulldog Strong! 

Check out the full calendar of events on our website! 

April 12th - Last Chance/End of the Open BBQ! 
CorssFit Games NW Regionals - May 16-18 - More Info here 

Athlete of the Month - Nina Khanjan

Since Nina first came in, she has been very consistent and diligent with her training.  She always gives her best effort towards whatever our goal for the day’s session is and has been realizing the benefits of her hard work. Every time she comes to class, she’s always excited and in a fantastic mood, ready to get work done.  It’s been a blast to coach her along her way towards her fitness and lifestyle goals!

About four years ago I noticed I was getting very tired and no matter how much I slept I never got my energy back. This was especially strange because I was walking a few miles a day and eating very well. I ended up gaining 40 pounds in about 2 months and this came with other health issues as well.  I went to the doctor and did some tests and found out I had hypothyroidism, I kind of thought this was the case because thyroid issues run in my family.  I went through 2 different doctors before I found a good one that worked with me to get the right dosage of medication and has helped me to figure out a diet conducive to my thyroid issues.  I started to feel like I had more energy about a year ago when I started with a straight month eating gluten free and cutting out anything with added sugar. I just slowly started cutting out unhealthy foods after that and started a boot camp that my sister had told me about.  It was pretty good but I was looking for something a little more  challenging and then I found the groupon for Beaverton Crossfit.  
What goals do you currently have and how close are you to achieving them?
My goal is lose the weight that I gained but mostly to just get my stamina back. I have lost about 25 pounds so far(yay!) and am getting closer to my original weight at least and I have not felt like I have had this much energy in years! I feel great!
What part about training and being at BCF do you enjoy the most?
I think all of the participants are really great and supportive and the workouts are always really different which keeps it interesting and new everyday.
Who or what inspires you to do your best and keep coming back?
I think the progress that I've made and how great I feel all the time because of the workouts definitely make me want to come back. Also, Christian is very supportive and always pushing me to do things that I'm not sure I can do and it really motivates me when I start doing something, physically, that I've never been able to do before.


Post Workout Nutrition – Protein Shake For Time!

Does the Post Workout “Window of Opportunity” even Matter?

by Marcus Wolford 

If you read my previous article on energy systems and sports nutrition (If you didn't read it, click here!) you may be thinking that in order to have strength and especially muscular gains in the gym you have to be pretty anal about your Nutrient Timing.  You may even have gone as far as to think that whether you lose or gain muscle mass or simply recover depends entirely on how quickly after your last rep you can get that perfect ratio of sugar (dextrose) & magical Progenix protein peptides from the shaker bottle to your lips.  In my last article I said the very alarming statement “Crossfit is Aerobics” and now I am going to say something way more blasphemous….
Post Workout Nutrition Timing DOESN’T MATTER (almost)

Since the beginning of time, part of the bodybuilders 10 Commandments has been the Post Workout Window of Opportunity, which is like a time bomb ticking down.  The only way to diffuse it is to have a perfect combination of protein and some kind of special simple fast digesting carbohydrate such as dextrose, maltodextrin and waxy maize, or a patented superduper combination of all three!  If this Gain City Shake is not consumed, the bomb will go off, and will result not only in zero gains, but actually losing gains making the entire workout a waste. 

If this is truly what you believe and have been told, then as my favorite sports nutritionist and natural bodybuilder Dr. Layne Norton says, “#yougotgurud” – Seriously type that into

Now it is generally wise to bookend your workouts with adequate protein and carbohydrates especially if you’re an athlete, however lets briefly look at the 3 primary reasons for the Dogma of Post Workout Nutrition:
1. Glycogen Replenishment
2. Preventing Protein Breakdown
3. Raising Protein Synthesis

Glycogen Replenishment
This is perhaps the primary reason for the term “Window of Opportunity” as there is a legitimate window after exercise where our muscles are more permeable to glucose uptake, primarily because of the translocation of a protein called GLUT4 from the muscle belly to the membrane of the muscle.  Both insulin and exercise signals GLUT4 to move to the surface of the muscle whereupon it acts like an open door or gate allowing glucose to freely travel into the muscle where you need it most.   It is even shown that after this 2 hour Window the rate of glucose uptake can decrease by as much as 50%, which is huge.  

With all the evidence in support of the all-important PWO timing, you can understand why we have placed so much value on glycogen replenishment.  However, the need for immediate glucose intake post workout is based on a few presuppositions:
1.  Our glycogen is completely empty after a workout:  This is typically only true if you either didn’t begin your workout with a full tank of glucose, or your workout last over an hour of continuous work.  A typical Crossfit workout might begin with a low volume Strength or Olympic lifting Part A of roughly 3-6 sets of 5-10 reps at 65-85% maximal intensity, and finish with an 8-20min. MetCon.  This workout would use up roughly 30-60% of our muscle glycogen.  
2.  I need my glycogen to be completely full immediately:  Roughly 95% of the members at Beaverton Crossfit do only one workout per day, 4-6 days per week.  So why?  Why are we in such as rush to have full gas (glycogen) tanks if we aren’t working out for another 24hours?   The point is there is no rush for almost all of you!  You can relax, as even though glucose uptake is fast immediately pwo, it almost doesn’t matter as you have plenty of time to recover. 
Preventing Protein Breakdown
Insulin is anti-catabolic, which means it can prevent protein breakdown post exercise, which will then contribute the muscle hypertrophy.  This has led to a lot of post workout insulin spiking via simple carbohydrates.  There are two problems, one with the research and the other with application.  First much of the research has been done in a fasted state, which greatly increases protein breakdown.  Second, the effect of insulin on net muscle protein balance has a plateau that can easily be reached with amino acids or protein alone, without the added carbohydrate. 

Raising Protein Synthesis
Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) is required for the growth and repair of skeletal muscle mass (hypertrophy).  Following a workout MPS is already elevated from the workout alone and the studies are extremely mixed as to whether immediately consuming protein has any added beneficial effect on MPS.  The conclusive studies are again done in the fasted state.  So the beneficial effect of increased levels of MPS post workout will likely have more to do with the previous meal consumed 1-2 hrs. pre-workout or an amino acid or protein supplement consumed 10-30min. pre workout.  

For 95% or more of you, Post Workout specific nutrition and timing is nothing to freak out about.  This is assuming you are eating 3-5 mixed healthy meals per day and getting roughly 30-45g of protein per meal.  It is still generally good practice to consume a hefty meal post workout, which can be in the form of a protein shake, however its not necessary.  If anything all I want to make clear is that after your workout there is no incredible rush to chug down a carb/protein shake, but rather you can take your time, go home and make a meal.

Exceptions: For the 1-5% of you, who fit the following description, being a little more attentive to PWO timing and quality will likely give you an extra edge.
•    You are very lean: 3-8% BF
•    You workout 2 or more times a day, totaling over 60-120min of work
•    You are an endurance athlete
•    You workout fasted

Did you find some or all of this information helpful? Do you want to sit down with Marcus one-on-one and get your nutrition dialed in? Email Melissa here and get a consult set up! 


Roskopf in the Box 

Sitting Standing... 
The sitting and standing picture below is one of my all time favorites. It is definitely in my “top ten.” What I like about it is how clearly it shows weight from the torso being distributed down the weight bearing part of the spine and then out to the hip joints and down the thigh bones in standing, or slightly bypassing the hip joints and distributing weight to the sit bones, or ischial tuberosities, when sitting. Notice how the lumbar curve remains the same whether sitting or standing. The only real change that happens is the redirection of force at the hip joint level. 

I often observe people trying to bend from much higher up, around the lumbar spinal level.  You can bend from there and get all kinds of work done, but it’s not very efficient and puts a great possibility for strain on the lower back area.
Here’s a fun exercise! Next time you are rowing, feel your sitbones making contact with the seat. Keeping this picture in mind attempt to maintain good alignment through your spine to sit bones while your hips, thighs and legs power you along. Play with this idea every once in a while and PR’s are sure to follow.
To contact Rich, either give him a call at
503-939-2524 or email him at 

Conable, Barbara, and William Conable. How to Learn the Alexander Technique: A Manual for Students. Portland, OR: Andover, 1995. Print.
Copyright © 2014 Beaverton CrossFit, All rights reserved.

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