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The Planet's "Other" Conversation

Allen David Reed un-spins our world
... from the consciousness of Beinghood

Friday March 14th, 2014

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Benefits Of Learning Nasal Breathing While Exercising

This LifeSpa blog post shows how Ayurvedic exercise is about creating the awareness in your body of knowing at what exertion level you perform optimally and when you have strained those boundaries.  Taking gasping, shallow breaths through your mouth can trigger an emergency response that produces adrenaline to save you from a potentially life threatening situation.

Allen David Reed's insight:
Breath is the single most important component to your coming into an enlightened state. Every master has said this, and the reasons are nicely stated in this article. Breath is core to cleansing the lymph and body, to activating receptors, and switching on your connection to your greater Self. Your body is a temple and an antenna to your higher knowing. Clogging the pipes only dims your reception to these exalted states.

Nasal breathing is a simple practice of calming the body’s imbalance from life’s stress, which as Bruce Lipton eloquently points out in his work, determines whether you are ultimately expanding your Being and feeding your cells with each inhalation or contracting and dying. Expansion is what allows your Terrain of Consciousness to shift to greater states of awareness, and ultimately to become one with your I AM.

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A Comprehensive Guide To The Ingredients In Vaccines

This guide on the website provides a comprehensive listing of the ingredients found in common vaccines and their implications to your health and well-being.

Allen David Reed's insight:
Buyer beware is the watchword with anything being offered up by the modern medical establishment. While there are good aspects to medicine, it generally doesn’t bode well for overall health maintenance given its focus on disease. Health has three levels, and this can be seen in the example of cutting the tip of a leaf off and taking a Kirlian photograph of it afterward. When the leaf has less than a third of it cut off, it shows the energetic imprint of what was previously there. What this means is it still has intact the information needed to heal itself. Similarly with humans, maintaining our health is how we hold our ‘Field’ including beliefs and visualization. At this level we can Self-correct any imbalance without any need for outside assistance or immune weakening measures brought on by the onslaught of highly toxic substances injected into us by vaccination.

When we are compromised, we can use supports such as herbs and nutrition and perhaps specialized cleansing, because the cell is self-healing if we simply clean and feed it properly. It is when we get to the bottom third that triage is needed and this is where medical science excels. This bottom third is emergency room stuff, and if you’ve let your Field fall to this level to draw injury to your Self, this is what first needs looking at.

Vaccines are considered by the medical model as a way to prepare the immune system as part of the ‘first third’ of the model of health described above. What vaccination does is then collapse your system toward the bottom third, which then needs medical intervention. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy so to speak. While this approach may have some merit under certain circumstances, it is largely an erroneous understanding of health. If you keep your immune system strong with proper cell maintenance including nutrients and cleansing and stress-free loving thoughts, you will not attract the ‘dis-eases’ that vaccines are claiming to guard against. Then why does a group of people get sick together (which is the medical argument for vaccines)? Simply because of their Fear-Based Terrains allowing their Fields to be compromised in the first place. Therefore, for those of these limited Terrains of Consciousness who ‘look to the other monkeys to see how to behave’ it is ‘Terrain appropriate’ behavior. You reading this are likely not of these Terrains, you’re vibrating at a completely different octave. When you take back your power and hold your Field in BEINGHOOD, and your environment supports this, these diseases can not affect you. But this is the stuff of highly aware Beings. It is up to you to decide which camp you choose.

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World Bank Whistleblower Drops A Bombshell On Global Conspiracy

This FutureMoneyTrends YouTube interview of former Senior Counselor at the World Bank Karen Hudes sheds light on what she calls a huge “global conspiracy.”  Karen has spent the last several years of her life working closely with whistle blowers from around the world to piece together these findings.

Allen David Reed's insight:
Wow, this is a very important interview to listen to for anyone who really is committed to piecing the puzzle of ‘The Matrix’ together. Karen doesn’t mince words and names names. What is fascinating to hear is her account of the Vatican and Jesuits. How much of this you were already aware of will provide a good indicator as to just how up to speed you are on what is really happening on this planet.

What is also curious is why she hasn’t been silenced. Like Edward Snowden, when you piece all the facts together, either she may be being used overtly or covertly as part of a bigger agenda by putting this information out, I can not say, the jury is still out. The way she talks up the World Bank as a good thing sans this ‘bad element’ she discusses raises a red flag. Always be wary, use her factoids to connect more dots, stay present.

As I’ve said before, we can not solve any problem until we see and understand it first. Getting to our Sovereign Self in our BEINGHOOD requires we snap out of the daze and mind control most of the world lives under. Getting free starts with getting clear of this haze of illusion. Once you see your Self as a Being - and more than just a cog in the wheel - you begin the journey to learning who YOU really are. You may have asked yourself the question “who am I”. I’ll give you a hint, it is way more than you may at this point be prepared to accept.

To view the original article, go to: and

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Don’t Trust To Tell You The Truth!

This blog post provides some startling background information on the veracity and people involved with the popular ‘fact finding’ website

Allen David Reed's insight:
Question Everything is a fundamental mantra of BEINGHOOD, even question those who claim to have already done so - like I’ve had so many people over the years come back with some response to this or that with “well Snopes said…” as if it was the all-knowing, all-seeing eye of God or something. Remember the movie ‘The Wizard Of OZ” and the all-knowing fiery head that turned out to be some little old guy behind a curtain bombastedly blasting into a megaphone? Well, this is what Snopes is too, and for that matter most of the media voices you listen to and may often rely upon.

Bottom line, question all of them. Everyone has an agenda, so you need to filter out the bias behind the reporting, whether main stream or alternative. Dig deeply, find counter-arguments, and in the end, feel your own truth in the matter. After all, you have built into you Creations best ‘BS’ detector called ‘your intuition’… only it may well be rusty and in need of some good exercise (like any muscle, use it or lose it as they say). Stop giving your power away to the opinions of others, and come to your own opinion on everything. This is the path to true freedom and Sovereignty and BEINGHOOD. So what is my agenda? Simply to support your coming into your I AM as a Self-responsible an enlightened Being.

To view the original article, go to:

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In collaboration,
Allen David Reed
Curator of The Beinghood Times
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