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TWEED editing tailored to the academic
Dear <<FIRST NAME>>,

If you're putting together a manuscript for publication with an academic press, then you know your subject and can analyze the heck out of it. That's for sure. Your plan for placing it with a publisher may be less certain.

What do you want to know about soliciting—and working with—academic publishers?

I'm asking because I'd like to demystify the process for you. Tell me your questions, and I'll try to address them in upcoming blog posts, on social media, and through Tweed's online guides.

I'd love you to email me with your questions, tweet me, or message me on Facebook.

For your convenience (and anonymity), I've also set up a one-question survey that you can fill out with your deepest publishing questions:

I'll tackle your most resonant concerns as soon as I can. In the meantime, you do know about Tweed's dissertation-to-book guides, right? The fourth and fifth installments deal specifically with contacting press editors and proposing your book to publishers.

Thanks in advance for your feedback, which will help me release content that you can really use.

Write on!

P.S. So that you can focus on your research, I keep up with scholarly exchanges online and promise to share with you only the richest, most catalyzing links.

Tweed's online scrawlings

My Philosophy on Subheads: Don't rely on them to transition for you—and write them for skimmers, not readers.
Research Dreams Come TrueA personal post about a seed sown by academic work almost twenty years ago finally blossoming.
One-Question SurveyDid I mention that I want to hear your concerns about finding and working with publishers? Thanks in advance!

More links for scholarly writers

Advice on All Stages of Academic PublishingFrom identifying publishers and proposing to production and marketing, seasoned scholars share their perspectives.
Paragraph Breaks in Academic Writing: Wonderfully clear, detailed, and illustrated advice from a senior lecturer at the University of Toronto.
Productive, Efficient Collaborative ResearchIt can be done! See these pointers from a Texas A&M professor.
Academic Book FarmsI have fielded questions from scholars who have been solicited by these monograph mills. Think twice! And know how to spot publishers that make their money off authors, not readers.

If you want more links in real time, be sure to follow Tweed on Twitter.

"To see a book as a process is a very important insight."
Helen Tartar, a peerless scholarly editor we lost in March

I'm here to help move your project to the next level, whether that involves targeted brainstorming, optimizing an argument's structure, or polishing a complete manuscript. You can always contact me by email or phone to start a conversation. I can help you identify your project's needs, and I pride myself on being honest about whether editing is the right next step, given your particular situation.

And please do let me know your questions about finding and working with academic publishers. Here's the one-question survey:

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Katie Van Heest, PhD, Academic Editor
Katie Van Heest, PhD,

your editor at Tweed. An academic myself, I know the plight and promise of scholarly writers. I also earned a certificate in manuscript editing from the University of Chicago, where my instructors were the press editors most familiar with The Chicago Manual of Style.

I am a devoted resource for the writers with whom I work. My services are tailorable and my working style flexible in order to best meet the needs of your next academic writing project.

It's true what they say: every manuscript can benefit from being reviewed by another pair of eyes. Behind these spectacles, my eyes are sharply trained to help scholars like you fine-tune their compositions.

Drop me a line to discuss the possibilities.
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